diff --git a/.gitlab/merge_request_templates/add_new_software_spotlight.md b/.gitlab/merge_request_templates/add_new_software_spotlight.md
deleted file mode 100644
index e90c13ea6de0ab62450b5e123f81531e9bb9c6ba..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/.gitlab/merge_request_templates/add_new_software_spotlight.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-This is the issue template for adding new Software Spotlights.
-* please do not alter the assignments and labels.
-* please add only one spotlight per merge request.
-If you are looking for instructions how to add a software spotlight, please
-visit https://hifis.net/CONTRIBUTING.html#adding-software-spotlights
-Note about the preview app
-Please provide us a direct link to the spotlight in the preview app. This
-reduces the effort for all reviewers. A template is found below. Please replace
-BRANCH_NAME with the name of the branch you are merging from, and <SLUG> with
-the slug of your spotlight. Alternatively, wait until the pipeline finished
-building the preview, and copy-paste the link here.
-Credentials for preview app
-The credentials for the preview app are (they are publicly available, so feel free to share them with your stakeholders):
-User: hifis
-Password: HIFISReview!
-<!-- Delete this line and tell us about the spotlight -->
-<!-- Replace <BRANCHE_NAME> and <SLUG> with the corresponding values of the spotlight, or copy-paste the link from the review app -->
-* :point_right: **[Review link](https://hifis-review-app.hzdr.de/review-apps/hifis-overall-hifis-net/<BRANCH_NAME>/spotlights/<SLUG>)**
-#### Checklist for authors
-* [ ] Add a link pointing to the review app
-#### Checklist for reviewers
-* [ ] Reference the corresponding issue in MR
-* [ ] File size of images is not too large
-* [ ] Update `date_added` attribute
-* [ ] Centres are referenced by official names
-* [ ] License is named by SPDX identifier if possible
-* [ ] All links are pointing to the right place
-* [ ] Code blocks and headlines surrounded by newlines
-/cc @frust45 @konrad @jandt-desy @christian.meessen
-/assign_reviewer @marco.de.lucia
-/milestone %Spotlights
-/label ~"Software Spotlight"
-/label ~"Progress::4_Can review"
diff --git a/_config.yml b/_config.yml
index aeb083d805eba53944bc974355316e6f36e7c448..d829867a8cf5dc7d21d6ec5f6eb86750adb27f8d 100644
--- a/_config.yml
+++ b/_config.yml
@@ -36,12 +36,6 @@ defaults:
       type:     "events"
       author:   "HIFIS"
-  -
-    scope:
-      path:     ""
-      type:     "spotlights"
-    values:
-      author:   "HIFIS"
       path:     ""
@@ -107,10 +101,6 @@ collections:
       output: true
       permalink: /:collection/:slug
-    spotlights:
-      output: true
-      permalink: /:collection/:slug
       output: true
       permalink: /:collection/:year/:month/:day/:title
diff --git a/_data/hifis_team.yml b/_data/hifis_team.yml
index e47be49ddb7e11c5213c7df0b6f1618c23210fc9..a5fa278ba3d079cfc463f3c23c8a8dd0b43b7ecc 100644
--- a/_data/hifis_team.yml
+++ b/_data/hifis_team.yml
@@ -194,7 +194,15 @@
   name: "Meeßen, Christian"
     campus: gfz
-  position: "Research Software Engineer and Trainer"
+  position: "Research Software Engineer"
+  rank: 0
+  associate: false
+  cluster: software
+- id: hetenyi
+  name: "Hetenyi, Beate"
+  location:
+    campus: gfz
+  position: "Community Manager"
   rank: 0
   associate: false
   cluster: software
diff --git a/_data/navigation.yml b/_data/navigation.yml
index 39ae68bdf575624094edea6dc4a45c3f91ad4047..15b5fdadfcc692d96ca89323987aaf767a5c9e8e 100644
--- a/_data/navigation.yml
+++ b/_data/navigation.yml
@@ -96,7 +96,8 @@ header:
       - title: "Community Use Cases"
         url: "usecases"
       - title: "Software Spotlights"
-        url: "spotlights"
+        url: "https://helmholtz.software/spotlights"
+        external: true
   - title: "Can we help you?"
       - title: "FAQ — Frequently Asked Questions"
@@ -112,6 +113,6 @@ footer:
          - title: Privacy
            url: "https://www.desy.de/data_privacy_policy"
          - title: Declaration of Accessibility
            url: "https://www.desy.de/declaration_of_accessibility/index_eng.html"
diff --git a/_posts/2021/11/2021-11-24-Software-Spotlights.md b/_posts/2021/11/2021-11-24-Software-Spotlights.md
index 16de118226642fd9d67a26c58e9694d19da2e550..dc52cfd2e8fb709716014a5e32f6738bcf2d541c 100644
--- a/_posts/2021/11/2021-11-24-Software-Spotlights.md
+++ b/_posts/2021/11/2021-11-24-Software-Spotlights.md
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ To this day, we received approx. **90 proposals** from all research fields.
 #### Presentation on HIFIS Software Community Pages
 In a continuous series, we are going to present an increasing number of these software projects on our
-[**HIFIS Software Community**]({% link spotlights.md %}) pages.
+[**HIFIS Software Community**](https://helmholtz.software/spotlights) pages.
 The first set of project presentations has just gone online.
 Have a look and feel free to give us feedback.
diff --git a/_posts/2022/2022-04-06-hifis-net-relaunch.md b/_posts/2022/2022-04-06-hifis-net-relaunch.md
index 8be68df0ebcddd85cdf45b8e1b83fed0feb77153..4d0ce538f7be77a4ef9f6026cd5e052cb8b76453 100644
--- a/_posts/2022/2022-04-06-hifis-net-relaunch.md
+++ b/_posts/2022/2022-04-06-hifis-net-relaunch.md
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ New look and new contents — [hifis.net]({% link index.md %}) got a makeover to
 The new navigation via the hamburger menu on the top right provides a faster overview about HIFIS: Get deeper insights to 1) our Helmholtz Services, 2) Learning & Training, 3) Use Cases, 4) HIFIS insights, 5) Media & Materials and 6) Our Support.
-#### Applied RSE and Use Cases 
-The new website focuses on the services available to all researchers within the Helmholtz community to facilitate their work. All of them are united in the [Helmholtz Cloud](https://helmholtz.cloud/services/). If you are curious about what can be done via research software engineering (RSE), browse the [Software Spotlights]({% link spotlights.md %}) or the new category of [use cases]({% link usecases.md %}) which demonstrate the usage of HIFIS services. If you want your project or use case highlighted there, please get in touch with us.
+#### Applied RSE and Use Cases
+The new website focuses on the services available to all researchers within the Helmholtz community to facilitate their work. All of them are united in the [Helmholtz Cloud](https://helmholtz.cloud/services/). If you are curious about what can be done via research software engineering (RSE), browse the [Software Spotlights](https://helmholtz.software/spotlights) or the new category of [use cases]({% link usecases.md %}) which demonstrate the usage of HIFIS services. If you want your project or use case highlighted there, please get in touch with us.
 #### Different interests, different access
 Another way to enter the world of HIFIS are the buttons on the front page that are oriented along several user roles: Via different access points on the homepage, other stakeholders like [researchers]({% link services/overall/scientists_benefit.md %}), [software engineers]({% link services/software/rse_benefit.md %}), (potential) [service providers]({% link services/cloud/provider.md %}) or [IT staff]({% link services/overall/itsupport_benefit.md %}) will find information relevant to them more easily than before. Each page puts together introductory texts and links to the HIFIS offers that will hopefully suit your needs. If information is missing for your query, your welcome to [get in contact with us]({% link contact.md %}).
diff --git a/_posts/2022/2022-08-17-Ocean-Data-Viewer.md b/_posts/2022/2022-08-17-Ocean-Data-Viewer.md
index edfdc0073bd8c887a5f879ee9bc24394805fd32b..761b7cff4bc734bda477dfc281f08f84b9fa3e03 100644
--- a/_posts/2022/2022-08-17-Ocean-Data-Viewer.md
+++ b/_posts/2022/2022-08-17-Ocean-Data-Viewer.md
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ which provide large datasets for fast
 and easy data extractions, visualizations and analyses online.
 <div class="text-box" markdown="1">
-In the framework of HIFIS, we already introduced the software amongst the ["Helmholtz Software Spotlights" series]({% link spotlights.md %}).
+In the framework of HIFIS, we already introduced the software amongst the ["Helmholtz Software Spotlights" series](https://helmholtz.software/spotlights).
 Now, we are planning to provide **private webODV
 instances as [Helmholtz Cloud service](https://helmholtz.cloud/services/)**, which can be easily accessed online: Users can login via the
 Helmholtz AAI and will have a workspace to upload private data.
diff --git a/_posts/2024/2024-02-05-rsd-update.md b/_posts/2024/2024-02-05-rsd-update.md
index a3e9499bff66c0bec1360d57208b03482d02d268..61c9f78161cbb2d1cf16229a732a851077d91de9 100644
--- a/_posts/2024/2024-02-05-rsd-update.md
+++ b/_posts/2024/2024-02-05-rsd-update.md
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ excerpt: >
 The [Helmholtz RSD](https://helmholtz.software) has received a major update to and now provides some new exciting features.
-### Citation scraping 
+### Citation scraping
 The latest update provides the long awaited feature that will help software maintainers to effortlessly manage the mentions of their software entry in the Helmholtz RSD. Based on **reference papers**, citations can now be efficiently added to a software entry. The user adds DOIs from publications that are relevant to the software (e.g. method papers) via the **Reference papers** pane in the software settings:
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Using these DOIs, the Helmholtz RSD regularly collects citations form [OpenAlex.
 ![HIFIS Software Spotlights in the RSD]({% link assets/img/posts/2024-02-05-RSD/spotlights.png %})
-The [HIFIS Software Spotlights](https://hifis.net/spotlights) were the first software entries to be visible in the RSD. The HIFIS Spotlights do now have their representation in the Helmholtz RSD and appear at the top of the Software grid.
+The [HIFIS Software Spotlights](https://helmholtz.software/spotlights) were the first software entries to be visible in the RSD. The HIFIS Spotlights do now have their representation in the Helmholtz RSD and appear at the top of the Software grid.
 ### ORCID coupling and public profile pages
diff --git a/_posts/2024/2024-06-21-spotlight-migration.md b/_posts/2024/2024-06-21-spotlight-migration.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..64f7ab1f3e4ee318539fc29ff38186b5414f9290
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/2024/2024-06-21-spotlight-migration.md
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+title: "Relaunch of the HIFIS Software Spotlights"
+title_image: pexels-cottonbro-5483071.jpg
+date: 2024-06-21
+ - meessen
+ - hetenyi
+layout: blogpost
+  - News
+  - Announcement
+  - Community
+  - Cloud Services
+  - Helmholtz RSD
+excerpt: >
+  The HIFIS Software Spotlights fully migrated to the RSD and relaunching soon.
+We are happy to announce some exciting developments around the RSD and the HIFIS Software Spotlights.
+### Migration finalised
+As part of our efforts to increase the visibility of Research Software, we have now fully migrated the HIFIS Software Spotlights from their previous home at hifis.net/spotlights to a new, dedicated place at the [Helmholtz RSD](https://helmholtz.software/spotlights).
+### Relaunch
+Moreover, we are also relaunching the HIFIS Software Spotlights with a new format. Starting soon, the developers of the Spotlights will present their software on a monthly basis during the HIFIS Software Community meetings.
+Stay tuned for invitations and more details on the upcoming HIFIS Software Spotlights.
diff --git a/_spotlights/_template.md b/_spotlights/_template.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 4aa8240be3e2962abc307179ba2ecd06a99f7c53..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_spotlights/_template.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-layout: spotlight
-# Template for Software spotlights
-# Templates starting with a _, e.g. "_template.md" will not be integrated into
-# the spotlights.
-# Optional settings can be left empty.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for spotlights list page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# The name of the software
-# The date when the software was added to the spotlights YYYY-MM-DD
-# Small preview image shown at the spotlights list page.
-# Note: the path is relative to /assets/img/spotlights/
-# One or two sentences describing the software
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for individual spotlights page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Entries here will be shown in the green box on the right of the screen.
-# Jumbotron (optional)
-# The path is relative to /assets/img/jumbotrons/
-# Title at the top, inside the title-content-container
-# Add at least one keyword
-    -
-# The Helmholtz research field
-# At least one responsible centre
-# Please use the full and official name of your centre
-    -
-# List of other contributing organisations (optional)
-    - name: # Name
-      link_as: # Link (optional)
-# List of scientific communities
-    -
-# Impact on community (optional, not implemented yet)
-# An e-mail address
-# Platforms (optional)
-# Provide platforms in this format
-#   - type: TYPE
-#     link_as: LINK
-# Valid TYPES are: webpage, telegram, mailing-list, twitter, gitlab, github
-# Mailing lists should be added as "mailto:mailinglist@url.de"
-# More types can be implemented by modifying /_layouts/spotlight.html
-    - type:
-      link_as:
-# The software license, please use an SPDX Identifier (https://spdx.org/licenses/) if possible (optional)
-# Is the software pricey or free? (optional)
-# What is this software used for in general (e.g. modelling)? (optional, not implemented yet)
-    -
-# The applicaiton type (Desktop, Mobile, Web) (optional, not implemented yet)
-    -
-# List of programming languages (optional)
-    -
-# DOI (without URL, just 10.1000/1.0000000 ) (optional)
-# If you have one doi, please provide it as a variable:
-# If you have multiple products, e.g. in a framework, and you want to reference each product with a DOI,
-# then please provide a dictionary. Uncomment the following lines:
-#     - name: # Product name for first DOI
-#       doi: # DOI
-# Funding of the software (optional)
-    - shortname: # Abbreviation
-      funding_text: # Short text or sentence, if required by your funding guidelines (optional)
-      link_as: # Link (optional)
-# Markdown
-Here is space for some custom markdown.
-Please provide images always with a footnote like this:
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img alt="Alt text must be specified, otherwise HTML proofer will complain" src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/PATH_TO_IMAGE">
-<span>Descriptive sentence.</span>
-## Another headline
-Please make sure to surround headlines and code blocks with newlines, e.g.
-print("Thank you")
-New paragaph.
diff --git a/_spotlights/cff.md b/_spotlights/cff.md
deleted file mode 100644
index ab7e29f458e4557c224ed3cd50dd3ec5c3756d70..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_spotlights/cff.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-layout: spotlight
-# Template for Software spotlights
-# Templates starting with a _, e.g. "_template.md" will not be integrated into
-# the spotlights.
-# Optional settings can be left empty.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for spotlights list page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# The name of the software
-name: Citation File Format
-# The date when the software was added to the spotlights YYYY-MM-DD
-date_added: 2022-06-23
-# Small preview image shown at the spotlights list page.
-# Note: the path is relative to /assets/img/spotlights/
-preview_image: cff/cff.png
-# One or two sentences describing the software
-excerpt: The Citation File Format (CFF) project provides a format and schema for plain text CITATION.cff files with human- and machine-readable citation information for software (and datasets). Developers/RSEs can include them in their repositories to let others know how to correctly cite their software. The project also provides tooling for working with CFF files.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for individual spotlights page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Entries here will be shown in the green box on the right of the screen.
-# Jumbotron (optional)
-# The path is relative to /assets/img/jumbotrons/
-# Title at the top, inside the title-content-container
-title: Citation File Format (CFF)
-# Add at least one keyword
-    - software citation
-    - Citation File Format
-    - metadata
-    - research software sustainability
-# The Helmholtz research field
-hgf_research_field: Information
-# At least one responsible centre
-    - German Aerospace Center (DLR)
-# List of other contributing organisations (optional)
-    - name: "Netherlands eScience Center"
-      link_as: https://www.esciencecenter.nl/
-    - name: "University of Manchester"
-      link_as: https://www.manchester.ac.uk/
-# List of scientific communities
-    - Research Software Engineering
-    - Library and Information Science
-    - Computer Science (Software Engineering)
-    - Scholarly Communications
-# Impact on community (optional, not implemented yet)
-impact_on_community: Over 9,000 CITATION.cff files on GitHub
-# An e-mail address
-contact: stephan.druskat@dlr.de
-# Platforms (optional)
-# Provide platforms in this format
-#   - type: TYPE
-#     link_as: LINK
-# Valid TYPES are: webpage, telegram, mailing-list, twitter, gitlab, github
-# Mailing lists should be added as "mailto:mailinglist@url.de"
-# More types can be implemented by modifying /_layouts/spotlight.html
-    - type: webpage
-      link_as: https://citation-file-format.github.io/
-    - type: github
-      link_as: https://github.com/citation-file-format/citation-file-format
-# The software license, please use an SPDX Identifier (https://spdx.org/licenses/) if possible (optional)
-license: CC-BY-4.0
-# Is the software pricey or free? (optional)
-costs: free
-# What is this software used for in general (e.g. modelling)? (optional, not implemented yet)
-    - software metadata
-# The applicaiton type (Desktop, Mobile, Web) (optional, not implemented yet)
-    - CLI
-# List of programming languages (optional)
-    - YAML
-    - JSON Schema
-    - Go
-    - Haskell
-    - Java
-    - JavaScript
-    - Julia
-    - PHP
-    - Python
-    - R
-    - Ruby
-    - TypeScript
-# DOI (without URL, just 10.1000/1.0000000 ) (optional)
-doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1003149
-# Funding of the software (optional)
-  - shortname: Software Sustainability Insitute (SSI), UK
-    funding_text: Fellowship (Stephan Druskat, since 2018), event fund
-    link_as: https://software.ac.uk/
-  - shortname: "Code for Science & Society, US"
-    funding_text: Digital Infrastructure Incubator
-    link_as: https://incubator.codeforscience.org/
-  - shortname: "CampusSource e.V., DE"
-    funding_text: CampusSource Award 2022
-    link_as: https://ev.campussource.de/publikationen/csa2022/
-# The Citation File Format - making software citation easi(er)
-The citation of software is important to enable attribution and credit for developers
-of research software and reproducibility.
-In comparison to more traditional research outputs such as papers,
-software does not inherently provide the necessary metadata to cite it correctly.
-Therefore it is necessary for software authors to provide these metadata,
-including software-specific metadata such as version identifiers,
-source code repositories and license information.
-The [Citation File Format](https://citation-file-format.github.io/) (CFF) is a community project that provides
-a human- and machine-readable format and schema for software citation metadata files (`CITATION.cff`),
-as well as tools for working with the format.
-This way, software authors can supply the relevant metadata for their software,
-and both human users and downstream services can use and reuse the respective metadata.
-  cff-version: 1.2.0
-  message: "If you use this software, please cite it as below."
-  authors:
-    - family-names: Druskat
-      given-names: Stephan
-      orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4925-7248
-  title: "My Research Software"
-  version: 2.0.4
-  doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1234
-  date-released: 2021-08-11
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<span>An example for a minimal <tt>CITATION.cff</tt> file.</span>
-The Citation File Format project provides tooling for creating, editing, updating, validating, and converting CFF files
-in a number of programming languages/technologies.
-All tools as well as the schema and documentation are published under open licenses.
-CFF is supported by several platforms in academia and software development;
-GitHub uses `CITATION.cff` files to render citation information for repositories;
-Zenodo - a universal open access repository for digital research artifacts - uses the information in
-CFF files to populate record metadata in automated workflows;
-Reference managers such as Zotero and JabRef support the import of software citation metadata from CFF files.
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/cff/cff_screen.png" alt="The GitHub citation widget displaying citation information based on CITATION.cff.">
-<span>The GitHub citation widget displaying citation information based on <tt>CITATION.cff</tt>.</span>
-The Citation File Format schema is written in JSON Schema.
-CFF files instances are implemented in YAML.
-As of June 2022, [more than 9,000 `CITATION.cff`](https://github.com/sdruskat/cfftracker) files have been created on GitHub alone.
diff --git a/_spotlights/chemotion_ELN.md b/_spotlights/chemotion_ELN.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 794f17912a3486f466a30c4013f93b442474ae68..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_spotlights/chemotion_ELN.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-layout: spotlight
-# Software spotlight Chemotion ELN
-# Templates starting with a _, e.g. "_template.md" will not be integrated into
-# the spotlights.
-# Optional settings can be left empty.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for spotlights list page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# The name of the software
-name: Chemotion ELN
-# The date when the software was added to the spotlights YYYY-MM-DD
-date_added: 2022-01-17
-# Small preview image shown at the spotlights list page.
-# Note: the path is relative to /assets/img/spotlights/
-preview_image: chemotion_ELN/chemotion_logo_full.svg
-# One or two sentences describing the software
-excerpt: Chemotion ELN is an Open Source electronic lab notebook (ELN) for scientists working in chemistry and colleagues from neighboring disciplines, developed and updated at KIT. The web-based application allows the acquisition, management, storage, processing, and sharing of research data.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for individual spotlights page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Entries here will be shown in the green box on the right of the screen.
-# Jumbotron (optional)
-# The path is relative to /assets/img/jumbotrons/
-# Title at the top, inside the title-content-container
-title: Chemotion ELN - an open source Electronic Lab Notebook for Chemistry
-# Add at least one keyword
-    - Electronic Lab Notebook
-    - Chemistry
-    - FAIR Data
-    - Experimental Sciences
-# The Helmholtz research field
-hgf_research_field: Information
-# At least one responsible centre
-    - "Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)"
-# Other contributing organisations (optional)
-# List of scientific communities
-    - Organic Chemistry
-# Impact on community (optional, not implemented yet)
-# An e-mail address
-contact: nicole.jung@kit.edu
-# Platforms (optional)
-# Provide platforms in this format
-#   - type: TYPE
-#     link_as: LINK
-# Valid TYPES are: webpage, telegram, mailing-list, twitter, gitlab, github
-# Mailing lists should be added as "mailto:mailinglist@url.de"
-# More types can be implemented by modifying /_layouts/spotlight.html
-    - type: github
-      link_as: https://github.com/ComPlat/chemotion_ELN
-    - type: webpage
-      link_as: https://www.chemotion.net/
-# The software license (optional)
-license: GPL-3.0
-# Is the software pricey or free? (optional)
-# What is this software used for in general (e.g. modelling)? (optional, not implemented yet)
-    - Research Data Management
-# The application type (Desktop, Mobile, Web) (optional, not implemented yet)
-    -
-# List of programming languages (optional)
-    - Ruby, JavaScript, ReactJS
-# DOI (without URL, just 10.1000/1.0000000 ) (optional)
-doi: 10.1186/s13321-017-0240-0
-# Funding of the software (optional)
-    - shortname: KIT
-    - shortname: DFG
-    - shortname: State of Baden-Württemberg
-# Chemotion ELN - Electronic Laboratory Notebook & Repository for Research Data
-[Chemotion ELN](https://www.chemotion.net) is an Open Source electronic lab notebook (ELN) for scientists working in chemistry and colleagues from neighboring disciplines, developed and updated at KIT. The web-based application allows the acquisition, management, storage, processing, and sharing of research data. The ELN provides access to various functions, helper tools, and external sources of information that facilitate the work with data and their analysis. In addition, chemotion allows one of the most important improvements regarding sustainable scientific work: It supports chemistry researchers in academia to build their digital information databases as a prerequisite for the detailed, systematic investigation and evaluation of chemical reactions, chemical compounds, and related data.
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/chemotion_ELN/chemotion_ELN.png" alt="The graphical user interface of Chemotion ELN">
-<span>The screenshot shows an exemplary graphical user interface of Chemotion ELN.</span>
-The software was built to offer a digitalization strategy for experimental sciences, contributing to the enhancement of FAIR and open data wherever possible. Therefore, the ELN includes concepts to transfer data and metadata from the instruments used for the experiments, and it offers interfaces to transfer information to repositories for research data. The interoperable transfer of research data is realized with the open access repository chemotion. Taken together, the chemotion systems offer a comprehensive research infrastructure for FAIR data management in chemistry, from the acquisition of data to their publication.
-## Watch Video
-<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZHaP6DW-Dw" target="_blank" alt="Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) & Repository for Research Data">Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) & Repository for Research Data <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></a> (*link to Youtube*)
diff --git a/_spotlights/crystfel.md b/_spotlights/crystfel.md
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-layout: spotlight
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for spotlights list page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# The name of the software
-name: CrystFEL
-date_added: 2022-08-22
-# Small preview image shown at the spotlights list page.
-# Note: the path is relative to /assets/img/spotlights/
-preview_image: crystfel/crystfel-logo.png
-# One or two sentences describing the software
-excerpt: > 
-    CrystFEL is a suite of programs to process 
-    data from "serial crystallography" experiments.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for individual spotlights page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Entries here will be shown in the green box on the right of the screen.
-# Jumbotron (optional)
-# The path is relative to /assets/img/jumbotrons/
-title_image: crystfel-image-1.jpg
-# Title at the top, inside the title-content-container
-title: CrystFEL
-# Add at least one keyword
-    - crystallography
-    - XFEL
-    - synchrotron
-    - structural biology
-# The Helmholtz research field
-hgf_research_field: Matter
-# At least one responsible centre
-    - Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
-# List of other contributing organisations (optional)
-# List of scientific communities
-    - Photon science, X-ray crystallography
-# Impact on community (optional, not implemented yet)
-# An e-mail address
-contact: thomas.white@desy.de
-# Platforms (optional)
-# Provide platforms in this format
-#   - type: TYPE
-#     link_as: LINK
-# Valid TYPES are: webpage, telegram, mailing-list, twitter, gitlab, github
-# Mailing lists should be added as "mailto:mailinglist@url.de"
-# More types can be implemented by modifying /_layouts/spotlight.html
-    - type: webpage
-      link_as: https://desy.de/~twhite/crystfel/
-    - type: gitlab
-      link_as: https://gitlab.desy.de/thomas.white/crystfel/
-    - type: github
-      link_as: https://github.com/taw10/crystfel
-# The software license, please use an SPDX Identifier (https://spdx.org/licenses/) if possible (optional)
-license: GPL-3.0-or-later
-# Is the software pricey or free? (optional)
-costs: Free
-# What is this software used for in general (e.g. modelling)? (optional, not implemented yet)
-    -
-# The applicaiton type (Desktop, Mobile, Web) (optional, not implemented yet)
-    - Web
-# List of programming languages (optional)
-    - C, Python
-# DOI (without URL, just 10.1000/1.0000000 ) (optional)
-doi: 10.1107/S0021889812002312
-# Funding of the software (optional)
-    - shortname: DESY
-# CrystFEL in a nutshell
-is a suite of programs to process data from "serial crystallography" experiments.
-Datasets from
-this type of experiment consist of many thousands of individual diffraction patterns, each one of which
-was produced by X-rays scattering from a tiny crystal.  This technique is most often used for investigating
-the structure of biological molecules such as proteins, but other types of matter have been investigated
-as well.  The X-rays can come from a synchrotron storage ring such as
-[PETRA III](https://photon-science.desy.de/facilities/petra_iii/index_eng.html), or from a free-electron
-laser such as the
-[European XFEL](https://www.xfel.eu/).
-Electron beams in a transmission electron microscope can also be
-used.  The "serial" mode of data acquisition is particularly relevant for time-resolved experiments -
-making so-called "molecular movies".
-To process the data, each diffraction pattern has to be analysed individually.
-The first step is to find the
-sharp "Bragg" peaks in the pattern, from which the orientation of the crystal as well as the geometrical
-parameters of the crystal lattice can be determined.
-The intensities of the Bragg peaks then need to be
-measured, including very weak peaks whose presence can be inferred from the crystal parameters
-despite not being found by the initial peak search.
-The intensities from all the patterns are then merged
-together to produce a final combined dataset which can be used to determine the structure of the
-CrystFEL contains programs to perform each of these steps, brought together with a graphical user
-interface.  High performance computing is often needed due to the sizes of the datasets, so the GUI can
-submit jobs directly via a batch system such as Slurm.
-Recently, streaming data interfaces (for example,
-based on ZeroMQ) have been implemented, enabling real-time data processing without any
-intermediate storage of data.
-The CrystFEL website contains further information including presentation slides, a screencast, citation
-lists, API reference and a detailed tutorial.
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/crystfel/Screenshot_crystfel.png" alt="Screenshot of the CrystFEL graphical user interface.">
-<span>Screenshot of the CrystFEL graphical user interface being used to examine a serial crystallography
-dataset acquired at <a href="https://www.psi.ch/en/swissfel">SwissFEL</a>.</span>
-See also a <a href="https://www.desy.de/~twhite/crystfel/presentations.html"><i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i> presentation video about CrystFEL</a>.
diff --git a/_spotlights/digitalearthviewer.md b/_spotlights/digitalearthviewer.md
deleted file mode 100644
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-layout: spotlight
-# Template for Software spotlights
-# Templates starting with a _, e.g. "_template.md" will not be integrated into
-# the spotlights.
-# Optional settings can be left empty.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for spotlights list page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# The name of the software
-name: Digital Earth Viewer
-# The date when the software was added to the spotlights YYYY-MM-DD
-date_added: 2022-04-05
-# Small preview image shown at the spotlights list page.
-# Note: the path is relative to /assets/img/spotlights/
-preview_image: digitalearthviewer/dev_logo.png
-# One or two sentences describing the software
-excerpt: The Digital Earth Viewer is a tool for the visualisation and exploration of geospatial data in true 3D over time. It runs on Windows, MacOS and Linux and only requires a modern webbrowser to use. Common file formats such as CSV, netCDF, GeoTIFF and many more are natively supported.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for individual spotlights page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Entries here will be shown in the green box on the right of the screen.
-# Jumbotron (optional)
-# The path is relative to /assets/img/jumbotrons/
-# Title at the top, inside the title-content-container
-title: Digital Earth Viewer
-# Add at least one keyword
-    - Data Visualization
-    - Environmental Data
-    - GIS
-# The Helmholtz research field
-hgf_research_field: Earth & Environment
-# At least one responsible centre
-    - Helmholtz Centre For Ocean Research Kiel (GEOMAR)
-# List of other contributing organisations (optional)
-# List of scientific communities
-    - Oceanography
-    - Meteorology
-    - Climate Research
-# Impact on community (optional, not implemented yet)
-# An e-mail address
-contact: digitalearthviewer@geomar.de
-# Platforms (optional)
-# Provide platforms in this format
-#   - type: TYPE
-#     link_as: LINK
-# Valid TYPES are: webpage, telegram, mailing-list, twitter, gitlab, github
-# Mailing lists should be added as "mailto:mailinglist@url.de"
-# More types can be implemented by modifying /_layouts/spotlight.html
-    - type: webpage
-      link_as: https://digitalearth-hgf.de/results/software-components/data-visualisation/
-    - type: gitlab
-      link_as: https://git.geomar.de/digital-earth/digital-earth-viewer
-# The software license (optional)
-license: EUPL-1.2
-# Is the software pricey or free? (optional)
-costs: Free
-# What is this software used for in general (e.g. modelling)? (optional, not implemented yet)
-    -
-# The applicaiton type (Desktop, Mobile, Web) (optional, not implemented yet)
-    -
-# List of programming languages (optional)
-    - Rust
-    - Typescript
-# DOI (without URL, just 10.1000/1.0000000 ) (optional)
-# Funding of the software (optional)
-    - shortname: Digital Earth (Helmholtz)
-# Digital Earth Viewer
-The Digital Earth Viewer is a web-based tool for the visualization and exploration of geospatial timeseries data. It can load data from files such as CSV, netCDF, GeoTIFF, shapefiles or SQLite databases, but also from online sources like OpenStreetMap or WMS servers. It provides a Google-Earth-style 3D globe visualization in which the user can simultaneosly view data from different sources. This contextualization can help with aiding understanding complex datasets. Users can scroll through timeseries, navigate on the globe and query or graph selected data. As the viewer is provided as a single 25MB executable with no dependencies besides a modern web browser, it can be quickly deployed and used both in the field as well as in the lab or even in hosted contexts. Scenes can be viewed either on a regular monitor, in anaglyph 3D or on projection domes. As data is extracted, reprojected and pyramidized at runtime, no lengthy preprocessing is needed. The application is licensed under the EUPL v1.2 and thus can be freely used and extended.
-Several online showcases are hosted:
-- [The GLODAP project](https://digitalearthviewer-glodap.geomar.de/) shows measurements over terrain from GEBCO.net. It also contains early gridded versions of the GLODAP data as part of a quality control study.
-- [The Mining Impact project](https://digitalearthviewer-plume.geomar.de/) shows a simulated dust cloud over a sonar scan of terrain. This data is fused with sensor measurements from a real dust cloud with similar parameters to the simulation.
-- [The Digital Earth Showcase B: Methane](https://digitalearthviewer-methane.geomar.de/) projects data of methane outflow and an animated wind-indicator. This includes location of methane-releasing wells.
-## Watch video
-A short introduction to the viewer was given at EUROVIS2021:
-<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=123&v=iIRBpXOWuPg&feature=youtu.be" target="_blank" alt="Digital Earth Viewer: a 4D visualisation platform for geoscience datasets">Digital Earth Viewer: a 4D visualisation platform for geoscience datasets <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></a> (*link to Youtube*)
-## Examples
-<div class="spotlights-text-image" style="display: block">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/digitalearthviewer/glodap.png"
-    onclick="window.open('{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/digitalearthviewer/glodap.png', '_blank')"
-    width="16.5%" alt="dev images missing" style="cursor:pointer;">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/digitalearthviewer/glodap-ctds-norway.png"
-    onclick="window.open('{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/digitalearthviewer/glodap-ctds-norway.png', '_blank')"
-    width="16.5%" alt="dev images missing" style="cursor:pointer;">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/digitalearthviewer/Pointcloud.png"
-    onclick="window.open('{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/digitalearthviewer/Pointcloud.png', '_blank')"
-    width="16.5%" alt="dev images missing" style="cursor:pointer;">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/digitalearthviewer/StereoAnaglyph.png"
-    onclick="window.open('{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/digitalearthviewer/StereoAnaglyph.png', '_blank')"
-    width="16.5%" alt="dev images missing" style="cursor:pointer;">
-<span><center>Examples of the Digital Earth Viewer.</center></span>
-<video src="{{ site.directory.videos | relative_url }}spotlights/digitalearthviewer/dev_quick.mp4" width="40%" controls>
diff --git a/_spotlights/enpt.md b/_spotlights/enpt.md
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@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-layout: spotlight
-# Template for Software spotlights
-# Templates starting with a _, e.g. "_template.md" will not be integrated into
-# the spotlights.
-# Optional settings can be left empty.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for spotlights list page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# The name of the software
-name: EnPT
-# The date when the software was added to the spotlights YYYY-MM-DD
-date_added: 2021-11-18
-# Small preview image shown at the spotlights list page.
-# Note: the path is relative to /assets/img/spotlights/
-preview_image: enpt/logo.svg
-# One or two sentences describing the software
-excerpt: The Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP) is a German hyperspectral satellite mission that aims at monitoring and characterising Earth’s environment on a global scale. EnMAP measures and models key dynamic processes of Earth’s ecosystems by extracting geochemical, biochemical and biophysical parameters that provide information on the status and evolution of various terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for individual spotlights page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Entries here will be shown in the green box on the right of the screen.
-# Jumbotron (optional)
-# The path is relative to /assets/img/jumbotrons/
-# Title at the top, inside the title-content-container
-title: EnPT - EnMAP Processing Tool
-# Add at least one keyword
-    - Remote sensing
-    - Hyperspectral
-    - Satellite data
-    - EnMAP
-# The Helmholtz research field
-hgf_research_field: Earth & Environment
-# At least one responsible centre
-    - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
-    - Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI)
-    - German Aerospace Center (DLR)
-# Other contributing organisations (optional)
-# List of scientific communities
-    - Remote sensing
-# Impact on community (optional, not implemented yet)
-# An e-mail address
-contact: daniel.scheffler@gfz-potsdam.de
-# Platforms (optional)
-# Provide platforms in this format
-#   - type: TYPE
-#     link_as: LINK
-# Valid TYPES are: webpage, telegram, mailing-list, twitter, gitlab, github
-# Mailing lists should be added as "mailto:mailinglist@url.de"
-# More types can be implemented by modifying /_layouts/spotlight.html
-    - type: gitlab
-      link_as: https://git.gfz-potsdam.de/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT
-    - type: github
-      link_as: https://github.com/GFZ/enpt
-    - type: webpage
-      link_as: https://helmholtz.software/software/enpt
-# The software license (optional)
-license: GPL-3.0-or-later
-# Is the software pricey or free? (optional)
-# What is this software used for in general (e.g. modelling)? (optional, not implemented yet)
-    -
-# The applicaiton type (Desktop, Mobile, Web) (optional, not implemented yet)
-    -
-# List of programming languages (optional)
-    - Python
-# DOI (without URL, just 10.1000/1.0000000 ) (optional)
-doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3742344
-# Funding of the software (optional)
-    - shortname: German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (50 EE 0850)
-# EnPT - EnMAP Processing Tool
-The Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program ([EnMAP](https://www.enmap.org/)) is a German hyperspectral satellite mission that aims at monitoring and characterising the Earth’s environment on a global scale. The EnPT Python package is an automated pre-processing pipeline for the new EnMAP hyperspectral satellite data. It provides free and open-source features to transform EnMAP Level-1B data to Level-2A. The package has been developed at the German Research Centre for Geosciences Potsdam (GFZ) as an alternative to the processing chain of the EnMAP Ground Segment.
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/enpt/screenshot.png" alt="The graphical user interface of EnPT">
-<span>The screenshot shows an exemplary EnMAP level 2A output image of EnPT (Arcachon test dataset), visualized within the EnMAP-Box.</span>
-This software was developed within the context of the EnMAP project supported by the DLR Space Administration with funds of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy and contributions from DLR, GFZ and OHB System AG.
-EnPT is especially designed for the needs of the hyperspectral data community who want to have extensive control about the processes and algorithms included in the EnMAP level 2 processing chain. The package is freely available from the [Python package index](https://pypi.org/project/enpt/) or [conda-forge](https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/enpt).
diff --git a/_spotlights/fairmq.md b/_spotlights/fairmq.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a6d8c585a379c178c4c66e6b327b5d762f6457c3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_spotlights/fairmq.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-layout: spotlight
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for spotlights list page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# The name of the software
-name: FairMQ
-# The date when the software was added to the spotlights YYYY-MM-DD
-date_added: 2022-04-01
-# Small preview image shown at the spotlights list page.
-# Note: the path is relative to /assets/img/spotlights/
-preview_image: fairmq/FAIR_Logo.svg
-# One or two sentences describing the software
-excerpt: FairMQ is designed to help implement large-scale data processing workflows needed in next-generation particle physics experiments.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for individual spotlights page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Entries here will be shown in the green box on the right of the screen.
-# Jumbotron (optional)
-# The path is relative to /assets/img/jumbotrons/
-# Title at the top, inside the title-content-container
-title: FairMQ - A message queuing library and framework
-# Add at least one keyword
-    - framework
-    - workflow library
-# The Helmholtz research field
-hgf_research_field: Matter
-# At least one responsible centre
-    - Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research (GSI)
-# List of other contributing organisations (optional)
-    - name: European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
-# List of scientific communities
-    - Particle physics
-# Impact on community (optional, not implemented yet)
-impact_on_community: ESCAPE 2020
-# An e-mail address
-contact: D.Klein@gsi.de
-# Platforms (optional)
-# Provide platforms in this format
-#   - type: TYPE
-#     link_as: LINK
-# Valid TYPES are: webpage, telegram, mailing-list, twitter, gitlab, github
-# Mailing lists should be added as "mailto:mailinglist@url.de"
-# More types can be implemented by modifying /_layouts/spotlight.html
-    - type: github
-      link_as: https://github.com/FairRootGroup/FairMQ
-# The software license (optional)
-license: LGPL-3.0-only
-# Is the software pricey or free? (optional)
-costs: free
-# What is this software used for in general (e.g. modelling)? (optional, not implemented yet)
-    - Data Analytics
-# The applicaiton type (Desktop, Mobile, Web) (optional, not implemented yet)
-    - Desktop
-# List of programming languages (optional)
-    - C++
-# DOI (without URL, just 10.1000/1.0000000 ) (optional)
-doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1689985
-# FairMQ in a nutshell
-Next-generation Particle Physics Experiments at [GSI](https://www.gsi.de)/[FAIR](https://www.gsi.de/forschungbeschleuniger/fair) and [CERN](https://home.web.cern.ch/) are facing [unprecedented data processing challenges](https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201921405010). Expected data rates require a non-trivial amount of high performance compute (HPC) resources in the order of thousands of CPU/GPU cores per experiment. Online (synchronous) data processing (compression) is crucial to stay within storage capacity limits. The complexity of tasks that need to be performed during the online data processing is significantly higher than ever before. Classically, complex tasks like calibration and track finding run in an offline (asynchronous) environment. Now they have to run online in a high performance and high throughput environment.
-The [FairMQ C++ library](https://github.com/FairRootGroup/FairMQ/) is designed to aid the implementation of such large-scale online data processing workflows by
-- providing an **asynchronous message passing abstraction** that integrates different existing data transport technologies (no need to re-invent the wheel),
-- providing a **reasonably efficient data transport service** (zero-copy, high throughput - [TCP](https://zeromq.org/), [SHMEM](https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201921405029) and [RDMA](https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201921405022) implementations available),
-- being **data format agnostic** (suitable data formats are usually experiment-specific), and
-- providing further **basic building blocks** such as a simple state machine-based execution framework and a plugin mechanism to integrate with external config/control systems.
-FairMQ is not an end-user application, but a library and framework used by software experts to implement higher-level experiment-specific applications.
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/fairmq/AliceO2DebugGUIScreenshotEPN.png" alt="Screenshot of AliceO2 Debug GUI showing the data processing workflow of a single event processing node">
-<span>Screenshot of AliceO2 Debug GUI showing the data processing workflow of a single event processing node.</span>
-The screenshot shows a visualization of the data processing workflow on a single [Alice](https://home.cern/science/experiments/alice) event processing node (The "O2 Framework debug GUI" tool in the screenshot is part of the [AliceO2 project](https://aliceo2group.github.io/AliceO2/)). Data logically flows along the yellow edges (in this case via the FairMQ shmem data transport) through the various processing stages of which some are implemented as GPU and others as CPU algorithms.
-Initially designed with the online data processing in mind, FairMQ has been successfully used to parallelize offline [simulation](https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201921402029) and [analysis](https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201921405045) workloads as well.
diff --git a/_spotlights/fesom_nk.md b/_spotlights/fesom_nk.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bdb17831f2e397742cb1ede59c4648c63c96154..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_spotlights/fesom_nk.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-layout: spotlight
-# Spotlight list attributes
-name: FESOM
-date_added: 2021-12-17
-preview_image: fesom/FESOM2_logo-RGB_72dpi_iceblue.png
-excerpt: FESOM (Finite-Element/volumE Sea ice-Ocean Model) is a multi-resolution sea ice-ocean model that solves the equations of motion on unstructured meshes.
-# Title for individual page
-title_image: FESOM-Eddies.jpg
-title: FESOM (Finite-Element/volumE Sea ice-Ocean Model)
-    - ocean modelling
-    - oceanography
-    - unstructured meshes
-    - variable resolution
-    - climate modelling
-    - High Performance Computing
-    - exascale
-hgf_research_field: Earth & Environment
-    - Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI)
-    - Earth System Modelling
-impact_on_community: used in AWI Climate Model AWI-CM which contributes to CMIP6
-contact: fesom@awi.de
-    - type: webpage
-      link_as: https://fesom.de/
-    - type: mailing-list
-      link_as: https://www.listserv.dfn.de/sympa/info/fesom
-    - type: github
-      link_as: https://github.com/FESOM/fesom2
-license: LGPL3
-costs: Free
-    - Modelling
-    - HPC
-    - Fortran, C++
-doi: 10.5194/gmd-10-765-2017
-    - shortname: AWI
-    - shortname: DFG
-    - shortname: EU
-FESOM is the first mature global sea-ice ocean model that employs unstructured-mesh methods. It was developed mainly for usage in large scale ocean circulation and climate research.
-Unstructured meshes allow to flexibly increase resolution in dynamically active regions, while keeping a relatively coarse-resolution setup elsewhere. FESOM allows global multi-resolution simulations without traditional nesting.
-FESOM is created for HPC machines, and with this increase in numerical efficiency, the performance of FESOM2.0 is very close to that of structured-mesh codes. This allows to efficiently run simulations on the kilometer scale.
-It is the ocean sea ice component of the coupled climate model AWI-CM, which contributes to CMIP6, as well as several other coupled systems.
-See our [key publications about FESOM2](https://fesom.de/models/fesom20/), as well as [related publications](https://fesom.de/publications/).
-## Background
-The latest version of FESOM places scalar degrees of freedom at triangle vertices (nodes), and the horizontal velocity is on elements (triangle centroids). In the vertical, most of the variables are stored at mid-layers.
-The code solves the standard set of equations derived under the standard set of approximations (Boussinesq, hydrostatic, and traditional approximations). These equations include the momentum equation for horizontal velocity, the hydrostatic equation, the Boussinesq form of the continuity equation and the equations for potential temperature and salinity.
-FESOM is equipped with the set of parameterisations that allows to run configurations from very low (for paleo applications) to very high (for Digital Twin applications) resolutions. It also includes sea ice model.
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-    <img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/fesom/FESOM-Grid.jpg" alt="Image of unstructured grid in FESOM2.">
-    <span>FESOM2 uses unstructured grids with increased resolution in dynamically active regions.</span>
diff --git a/_spotlights/fishinspector.md b/_spotlights/fishinspector.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 126fa2afe6e7230b3796ca951f71d250645edf9b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_spotlights/fishinspector.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-layout: spotlight
-name: FishInspector
-date_added: 2022-07-11
-preview_image: fishinspector/FishInspector_logo.png
-excerpt: >
-  The software FishInspector provides automatic feature detections in images of
-  zebrafish embryos (body size, eye size, pigmentation). It is Matlab-based and
-  provided as a Windows executable (no matlab installation needed).
-title_image: FishInspector.jpg
-title: FishInspector
-    - image feature detection
-    - pattern recognition
-    - phenotype screening
-hgf_research_field: Earth & Environment
-    - Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)
-    - name: TKS3 - Scientific Software Solutions
-      link_as: http://www.tks3.de/
-# List of scientific communities
-# Impact on community (optional, not implemented yet)
-contact: stefan.scholz@ufz.de
-    - type: webpage
-      link_as: https://www.ufz.de/index.php?de=44460
-    - type: github
-      link_as: https://github.com/sscholz-UFZ/FishInspector
-license: GPL-3.0-or-later
-costs: free
-    - image feature detection
-    - Desktop
-    - MATLAB
-doi: 10.1093/toxsci/kfy250
-    - shortname: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
-      link_as: https://www.bmbf.de/bmbf/shareddocs/bekanntmachungen/de/2015/12/1124_bekanntmachung
-# FishInspector
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/fishinspector/FishInspector.jpg" alt="FishInspector v1.03 screenshot">
-<span>Screenshot of FishInspector Software Version 1.03</span>
-The FishInspector software allows the user-friendly and easy annotation of
-features in zebrafish embryo 2-dimensional images. Features are detected
-automatically but may require correction by the user (implemented in the
-software). At present only lateral images can be analysed, but the software
-could be extended to analyse dorsoventral images as well. The software has been
-initially developed for images obtained with an automated capillary
-position system. However, images from other sources can be used as well after
-appropriate conversion (see [here](https://www.ufz.de/index.php?de=44460)). During the installation process an
-appropriate version of MATLAB runtime will be installed as well. No full
-MATLAB installation is required. FishInspector has been tested on Windows 7 but
-may run on other Windows versions as well.
-More details on the software and the subsequent data analysis can be found in
-the following publication:
-[*Teixido, E., Kießling, T.R., Krupp, E., Quevedo, C., Muriana, A., and Scholz, S. (2019): Automated morphological feature assessment for zebrafish embryo developmental toxicity screens. Tox. Sci. 167(2), 438–449*](https://academic.oup.com/toxsci/advance-article/doi/10.1093/toxsci/kfy250/5123521)
-## Plugins, future versions
-The software is intended to be modified and extended by the community. If you
-are interested or have a special interest please do not hesitate to contact
diff --git a/_spotlights/formatfuzzer.md b/_spotlights/formatfuzzer.md
deleted file mode 100644
index b9e62347fcdf3c637a6f0420c5a248f12fc805e7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_spotlights/formatfuzzer.md
+++ /dev/null
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-layout: spotlight
-# Template for Software spotlights
-# Templates starting with a _, e.g. "_template.md" will not be integrated into
-# the spotlights.
-# Optional settings can be left empty.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for spotlights list page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# The name of the software
-name: FormatFuzzer
-# The date when the software was added to the spotlights YYYY-MM-DD
-date_added: 2022-07-25
-# Small preview image shown at the spotlights list page.
-# Note: the path is relative to /assets/img/spotlights/
-preview_image: formatfuzzer/FormatFuzzer.png
-# One or two sentences describing the software
-excerpt: > 
-    FormatFuzzer is a framework for high-efficiency, high-quality generation  
-    and parsing of binary inputs. It takes a binary template that describes 
-    the format of a binary input and generates an executable that produces 
-    and parses the given binary format. From a binary template for GIF, for 
-    instance, FormatFuzzer produces a GIF generator - also known as GIF 
-    fuzzer.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for individual spotlights page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Entries here will be shown in the green box on the right of the screen.
-# Jumbotron (optional)
-# The path is relative to /assets/img/jumbotrons/
-# Title at the top, inside the title-content-container
-title: FormatFuzzer – Efficiently Generate High-Quality Binary Inputs
-# Add at least one keyword
-    - Software Engineering
-    - Software Testing
-    - Fuzzing
-    - Secure Software
-    - Automated Test Generation
-# The Helmholtz research field
-hgf_research_field: Information
-# At least one responsible centre
-# Please use the full and official name of your centre
-    - CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security
-# List of other contributing organisations (optional)
-#    - name: 
-#      link_as:
-# List of scientific communities
-    - Software Engineering
-    - Software Testing
-# Impact on community (optional, not implemented yet)
-# An e-mail address
-contact: zeller@cispa.de
-# Platforms (optional)
-# Provide platforms in this format
-#   - type: TYPE
-#     link_as: LINK
-# Valid TYPES are: webpage, telegram, mailing-list, twitter, gitlab, github
-# Mailing lists should be added as "mailto:mailinglist@url.de"
-# More types can be implemented by modifying /_layouts/spotlight.html
-    - type: webpage
-      link_as: https://uds-se.github.io/FormatFuzzer/
-    - type: github
-      link_as: https://github.com/uds-se/FormatFuzzer
-# The software license, please use an SPDX Identifier (https://spdx.org/licenses/) if possible (optional)
-license: GPL-3.0-only
-# Is the software pricey or free? (optional)
-costs: free
-# What is this software used for in general (e.g. modelling)? (optional, not implemented yet)
-# The applicaiton type (Desktop, Mobile, Web) (optional, not implemented yet)
-    - Desktop
-# List of programming languages (optional)
-    - Python
-    - C++
-# DOI (without URL, just 10.1000/1.0000000 ) (optional)
-# Funding of the software (optional)
-# funding:
-#    - shortname: # Abbreviation
-#    funding_text: # Short text or sentence, if required by your funding guidelines (optional)
-#      link_as: # Link (optional)
-# FormatFuzzer – Efficiently Generate High-Quality Binary Inputs
-Software has bugs, and catching bugs can involve lots of effort. Fuzzing addresses this problem by automating software testing, specifically by generating tests automatically. Effective fuzzing of programs that process structured binary inputs, such as multimedia files, is a challenging task, since those programs expect a very specific input format. Existing fuzzers, however, are mostly format-agnostic, which makes them versatile, but also ineffective when a specific format is required.
-FormatFuzzer is a framework for high-efficiency, high-quality generation and parsing of binary inputs. It takes a binary template that describes the format of a binary input and generates an executable that produces and parses the given binary format. From a binary template for GIF, for instance, FormatFuzzer produces a GIF generator - also known as GIF fuzzer.
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/formatfuzzer/gif-fuzzer.gif" alt="Invoking FormatFuzzer">
-<span>FormatFuzzer is a framework for high-efficiency, high-quality generation and parsing of binary inputs.</span>
-Generators produced by FormatFuzzer are highly efficient, producing thousands of valid test inputs per second - in sharp contrast to mutation-based fuzzers, where the large majority of inputs is invalid. By default, FormatFuzzer operates in black-box settings, but can also integrate with AFL++ to produce valid inputs that also aim for maximum coverage.
diff --git a/_spotlights/geostat.md b/_spotlights/geostat.md
deleted file mode 100644
index bca1d704dd97005fe4d402c999baeef253f042cd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_spotlights/geostat.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-layout: spotlight
-# Spotlight list attributes
-name: GeoStat-Framework
-date_added: 2022-07-05
-preview_image: geostat/GeoStat.png
-excerpt: >
-    The GeoStat Framework is a coherent ecosystem of Python packages for
-    geostatistical applications and subsurface simulations. It provides an
-    easily usable open source collection of software packages. They are well
-    documented, including exhaustive hands-on guides and examples for
-    helping non-programmers and non-domain-experts getting started.
-# Title for individual page
-title_image: GeoStat.png
-title: GeoStat-Framework
-    - python
-    - geostatistics
-    - kriging
-    - covariance-model
-    - srf
-hgf_research_field: Earth & Environment
-    - Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)
-    - Geostatistics
-    - tools for geostatistic modelling in Python
-contact: info@geostat-framework.org
-    - type: webpage
-      link_as: https://geostat-framework.org
-    - type: github
-      link_as: https://github.com/GeoStat-Framework
-    - LGPL-3.0-or-later
-    - MIT
-costs: Free
-    - modelling packages
-    - Desktop
-    - Python
-    - name: GSTools
-      doi: 10.5194/gmd-15-3161-2022
-    - name: ogs5py
-      doi: 10.1111/gwat.13017
-    - name: welltestpy
-      doi: 10.1111/gwat.13121
-    - name: AnaFlow
-      doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2021.104027
-    - name: pentapy
-      doi: 10.21105/joss.01759
-    - shortname: UFZ
-      link_as: https://www.ufz.de/
-    - shortname: DBU
-      link_as: https://www.dbu.de/promotionsstipendium/20016-432/
-# GeoStat-Framework
-<p align="center">
-<a href="https://geostat-framework.org/">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/geostat/GeoStat.png" alt="GSFrame-LOGO" width="251px"/>
-<p align="center"><b>Create your geo-statistical model with Python!</b></p>
-<p align="center">
-<a href="https://github.com/GeoStat-Framework/GSTools/discussions"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/GitHub-Discussions-f6f8fa?logo=github&style=flat" alt="GH-Discussions"/></a>
-<a href="https://swung.slack.com/messages/gstools"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Swung-Slack-4A154B?style=flat&logo=data%3Aimage%2Fpng%3Bbase64%2CiVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABoAAAAaCAYAAACpSkzOAAAABmJLR0QA%2FwD%2FAP%2BgvaeTAAAACXBIWXMAAA7DAAAOwwHHb6hkAAAAB3RJTUUH5AYaFSENGSa5qgAABmZJREFUSMeFlltsVNcVhr%2B1z5m7Zzy%2BxaBwcQrGQOpgCAkKtSBQIqJepKhPBULpQ6sKBVWVKqXtSy%2BR0qYXqa2qRmlDCzjBEZGKUCK1TWqlNiGIEKDQBtf4Fki4OIxnxrex53LOXn2YwbjEtOvlHG3tvX%2Btf%2B21%2Fl%2BYJ1QVEbn1vwLYBWwCVgG1lW0ZoA%2FoAQ6LSP%2BdZ%2BeGzAMiIqK%2Bem0GpxNYVeBj3j2b4NCfM2QnfAAaa11al4fZuCZK24owQJ9v%2BbLryIVbd9wVSNUaEWNVtQPYfXHmAD0T32ZJeBM1Q8d0zzMDUpMwAFgLJU%2BxClURw9NfqedLWxMAHSKyR1WNiNhPAM0B6c%2FbdPORTLuOeUMSNkmMBHgyeo32bwwRDMh8bDM%2BZVl0j6uvPrdYknFnSESWzwUzt%2BkyVlUHx7zh5j%2BmPkXBjosjLkWdominiMQ%2BoiEZxuq8OFRXGXJ5K5%2Fde5nha8VlqjooIlZVBcBUiqeqemjGppd1ptfhSpS8pmmN7GVf4whPNY4Di9m%2BMcR03nK3sBbCQeFbv7gBsExVOyp3l6nz1VtjcM4fTK3Uok5IXtPsrHuPevcBXk8d4dWPX6I%2BsIB9wf1s%2B2Y%2FVbFynUIBIeDeplIECiXl5Iv3kbLogogRgbWukfNumT%2FnlYszBxj3hwXg0cQvqXcfYNu5tVyYPE%2B1G8dXn%2BfW72fH49U8sSlOPGr4SccoF4cKs3WzFrY%2BFCMUNmz%2Ba0aeWR1l15JwJ7DaVPpk1YnJ7xIxtQRNjDXRvTx%2F9ef0Tl0g6SYQhAlvmkH%2Fgv74qUaiTSG8ewJ0%2FGgRK5aG8Cts5ouWDa1RxoDRovK9i9MAq1S12QA7b5ROUdBxBIeQ1ACG49m%2FEXPis7Qk3ChHbx6Qw1dgXVeWB7uyDOctP%2Fx6w2zdrIVIyFCyiq8wXlJOZzyAXQbY%2FGGhC8EAilJ%2BVg7ufxU6IAHeSvewfQEadiDuCr%2B6NE1LU4hwUFAF1xFGRkvEjVDlgiPwVqoEsNkAq0ZKp3EIYrFM2xGm7Uc8u%2FzXjHkTmHIHoCiDM73E3IIsDCtRV3gn7QHQ0hTCt0ooKLw%2FWCAM1AcNISOcHSsBrDRAbc7eQMQBFFciHM18kaZIMz3r%2F0HO5mazytsiw%2FmTtCYiGGCkQlltwkEVjMDVmyUA6oIGR%2BDGjAWoM3f2giHAhH%2BFI5nPsDrWxqWNE9S4tUz5k1S7cQ5df4k9S6qY9JRipXtr4w5WQYH0eHkWrqxy8FTn3AvpmFmIqj%2B76EiQjNfHH1JNWFKc3vABj9V9npw%2FRXfmBNsaoTRnRAQDAgqqMJr1KBWUtUmHaR8WRgzAqAH6FgYexqd4R2Yuns5wcLSFK4U36bj%2FdbbUbGdoZoCi3uS%2Bqtt73TlNWygpqXGfZTGXnKesrwkA9BmgZ0noMZT5R0tQ4hzLfo4rhS46W%2F%2BCAn3T7%2BhDySiWMl2RkHArP8dAesKjPixYVbbUBwB6DHB4QWADIamuHPtkhE0t3ZP7ANhe9zgvXP2dfK0pymRJmQLiEYNW6mEVljYGuDzlkwwaHq51AQ4bERkAetvjP2XCT6H480AJeZsB4N7QYt7OnuSROtRXJV2wNNS4qIJvlbUtERJxhxcv5%2FlNWwygV0QGyzKBv%2FP%2ByFfZXf%2ButoR3UuXcS95mKNgxSjpN3qZZFHwUgFPjx5n2c9wo9ktrtcOZtMeWB2NEw4b2thivPLuIS1M%2BAzmrTy4O4ys7Zv1B5fsnVdWCr7PxYf7vej73ex2YeU1VVY9nu7ShG63vRo%2Fe%2FK1%2B518FbXkjo3OjO1XU2LFRzRZ9VdWDczFQ1VsCOHgpd1G%2FcG6jHrj2vPbn%2BjVdHNfr%2BRH92eXva2MPuvxEQpe%2BHdEnzm%2FQf4%2BrRo%2BldMUbGd393oS2dWU0cDSlw1OequrALVG9Q8rLsquqg2OlzLL2Myu1N5eShgB4CjEnSMSJYrX8Oj0t8UH7NMnX0iSDwmhBWRl3tKs9IcmgGRSRZqtqzFwpL4uWWKvWiMjyZKC24%2F1HbsrLn95Pwk3gCpS0yIw%2Fg6clPC2RLc3QmzvJupoARQsvrItxZmtSkkFz6E6Q%2F2m3PFta44jbCaw%2BO3GK7uybnJs8xfXC1fLYCdTz9NIfsCS0mYVhAHp9ZYdr5J%2F%2F127dxUA2AzuBzRUDWVfZlq4YyG6gs9ImdzWQ%2FwFNRlgCFdG5bAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg%3D%3D" alt="Slack-Swung"/></a>
-<a href="https://gitter.im/GeoStat-Framework/community"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Gitter-GeoStat--Framework-ed1965?logo=gitter&style=flat" alt="Gitter-GSTools"/></a>
-<a href="mailto:info@geostat-framework.org"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Email-GeoStat--Framework-468a88?style=flat&logo=" alt="Email"/></a>
-<a href="https://twitter.com/GSFramework"><img alt="Twitter Follow" src="https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/GSFramework?style=social"></a>
-<p align="center"><b>Get in Touch!</b></p>
-The [**GeoStat Framework**](https://geostat-framework.org) is a coherent ecosystem of Python packages for geostatistical applications and subsurface simulations.
-It provides an easily usable open source collection of software packages. They are well documented, including exhaustive hands-on guides and examples for helping non-programmers and non-domain-experts getting started. The main applications of the packages are:
-1. [GSTools](https://github.com/GeoStat-Framework/GSTools) & [PyKrige](https://github.com/GeoStat-Framework/PyKrige) - spatial random field generation, kriging, and geostatistical analyses based on variogram methods
-2. [ogs5py](https://github.com/GeoStat-Framework/ogs5py) - pre-processing, operating, and post-processing of subsurface flow and transport simulations by providing a Python API for the FEM solver OpenGeoSys 5
-3. [AnaFlow](https://github.com/GeoStat-Framework/AnaFlow) & [pentapy](https://github.com/GeoStat-Framework/pentapy) - (semi-)analytical solutions for specific groundwater-flow scenarios
-4. [welltestpy](https://github.com/GeoStat-Framework/welltestpy) - store, manipulate, and analyze well-based field testing campaigns with a focus on estimating parameters of subsurface heterogeneity from pumping test data.
-With this collection of flexible toolboxes we aim to close the gap of missing software for real-world applications in the field of geostatistics.
-Especially **GSTools** is the first comprehensive Python-toolbox for covariance models, field generation, kriging, variogram estimation, data normalization and transformation.
-The combination of the easy to use and widely adopted programming language Python, together with the extensive documentation and the community building has already come to fruition, as scientists from unrelated fields have successfully contributed novel functionality to the GeoStat Framework.
-Not only do the different major versions of the software packages have their own DOIs for reproducibility, but also the larger stand-alone examples.
-All packages can be installed via pip and conda on all platforms:
-pip install gstools pykrige ogs5py welltestpy anaflow pentapy
-conda install gstools pykrige ogs5py welltestpy anaflow pentapy
-## GeoStat-Examples
-In order to make workflows created with the GeoStat-Framework accessible and reproducible, we have created a companion organization called [**GeoStat-Examples**](https://github.com/GeoStat-Examples), where we provide complex workflows and supplements for publications using packages from the GeoStat-Framework.
-## Contact
-- [Sebastian Müller](mailto:sebastian.mueller@ufz.de) or [info@geostat-framework.org](mailto:info@geostat-framework.org)
-### Co-Authors
-- [Dr. Lennart Schüler](mailto:lennart.schueler@ufz.de)
-- [Dr. Falk Heße](mailto:falk.hesse@ufz.de)
-- [Prof. Alraune Zech](mailto:a.zech@uu.nl)
-# GSTools
-[![PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/gstools.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/py/gstools)
-[![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/gstools/badge/?version=latest)](https://geostat-framework.readthedocs.io/projects/gstools/en/stable/?badge=stable)
-<p align="center">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/geostat/gstools.png" alt="GSTools-LOGO" width="251px"/>
-## Purpose
-<img align="right" width="450" src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/geostat/demonstrator.png" alt="demonstrator.png">
-GeoStatTools provides geostatistical tools for various purposes:
-- random field generation
-- simple, ordinary, universal and external drift kriging
-- conditioned field generation
-- incompressible random vector field generation
-- (automated) variogram estimation and fitting
-- directional variogram estimation and modelling
-- data normalization and transformation
-- many readily provided and even user-defined covariance models
-- metric spatio-temporal modelling
-- plotting and exporting routines
-See the [documentation](https://gstools.readthedocs.io/).
-## Abstract
-Geostatistics as a subfield of statistics accounts for the spatial correlations encountered in many applications of, for example, earth sciences. Valuable information can be extracted from these correlations, also helping to address the often encountered burden of data scarcity. Despite the value of additional data, the use of geostatistics still falls short of its potential. This problem is often connected to the lack of user-friendly software hampering the use and application of geostatistics. We therefore present GSTools, a Python-based software suite for solving a wide range of geostatistical problems. We chose Python due to its unique balance between usability, flexibility, and efficiency and due to its adoption in the scientific community. GSTools provides methods for generating random fields; it can perform kriging, variogram estimation and much more. We demonstrate its abilities by virtue of a series of example applications detailing their use.
-# PyKrige
-[![PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/PyKrige.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/py/PyKrige)
-[![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/pykrige/badge/?version=stable)](http://pykrige.readthedocs.io/en/stable/?badge=stable)
-<p align="center">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/geostat/PyKrige_250.png" alt="PyKrige-LOGO" width="251px"/>
-## Purpose
-Kriging Toolkit for Python that was formerly developed independently by [Benjamin S. Murphy](https://github.com/bsmurphy).
-See the [documentation](https://pykrige.readthedocs.io/).
-## Abstract
-The code supports 2D and 3D ordinary and universal kriging. Standard
-variogram models (linear, power, spherical, gaussian, exponential) are
-built in, but custom variogram models can also be used. The 2D universal
-kriging code currently supports regional-linear, point-logarithmic, and
-external drift terms, while the 3D universal kriging code supports a
-regional-linear drift term in all three spatial dimensions. Both
-universal kriging classes also support generic 'specified' and
-'functional' drift capabilities. With the 'specified' drift capability,
-the user may manually specify the values of the drift(s) at each data
-point and all grid points. With the 'functional' drift capability, the
-user may provide callable function(s) of the spatial coordinates that
-define the drift(s). The package includes a module that contains
-functions that should be useful in working with ASCII grid files (`\*.asc`).
-# ogs5py
-[![PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/ogs5py.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/py/ogs5py)
-[![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/ogs5py/badge/?version=stable)](https://geostat-framework.readthedocs.io/projects/ogs5py/en/stable/?badge=stable)
-<p align="center">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/geostat/OGS.png" alt="ogs5py-LOGO" width="251px"/>
-## Purpose
-ogs5py is A python-API for the [OpenGeoSys 5][ogs5_link] scientific modeling package.
-See the [documentation](https://ogs5py.readthedocs.io/).
-## Abstract
-High-performance numerical codes are an indispensable tool for hydrogeologists when modeling subsurface flow and transport systems. But as they are written in compiled languages, like C/C++ or Fortran, established software packages are rarely user-friendly, limiting a wider adoption of such tools. OpenGeoSys (OGS), an open-source, finite-element solver for thermo-hydro-mechanical–chemical processes in porous and fractured media, is no exception. Graphical user interfaces may increase usability, but do so at a dramatic reduction of flexibility and are difficult or impossible to integrate into a larger workflow. Python offers an optimal trade-off between these goals by providing a highly flexible, yet comparatively user-friendly environment for software applications. Hence, we introduce ogs5py, a Python-API for the OpenGeoSys 5 scientific modeling package. It provides a fully Python-based representation of an OGS project, a large array of convenience functions for users to interact with OGS and connects OGS to the scientific and computational environment of Python.
-# welltestpy
-[![PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/welltestpy.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/py/welltestpy)
-[![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/welltestpy/badge/?version=latest)](https://geostat-framework.readthedocs.io/projects/welltestpy/en/latest/?badge=latest)
-<p align="center">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/geostat/WTP.png" alt="welltestpy-LOGO" width="251px"/>
-## Purpose
-welltestpy provides a framework to handle, process, plot and analyse data from well based field campaigns.
-See the [documentation](https://welltestpy.readthedocs.io/).
-## Abstract
-The Python package welltestpy provides a workflow to infer parameters of subsurface heterogeneity from pumping test data. It contains routines to handle, visualize, process and interpret field exploration campaigns based on well observations.
-# AnaFlow
-[![PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/anaflow.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/py/anaflow)
-[![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/docs/badge/?version=latest)](https://anaflow.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)
-<p align="center">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/geostat/Anaflow.png" alt="AnaFlow-LOGO" width="251px"/>
-## Purpose
-AnaFlow provides several analytical and semi-analytical solutions for the groundwater-flow equation.
-See the [documentation](https://anaflow.readthedocs.io/).
-## Abstract
-Pumping tests are established for characterizing spatial average properties of aquifers. At the same time, they are promising tools to identify heterogeneity characteristics such as log-conductivity variance and correlation scales. We present the extended Generalized Radial Flow Model (eGRF) which combines the characterization of well flow in fractal geometry with an upscaled conductivity for pumping tests in heterogeneous media. The eGRF model is the core part of AnaFlow to calculate type curves for different pumping test scenarios under transient conditions.
-# pentapy
-[![PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/pentapy.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/py/pentapy)
-[![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/pentapy/badge/?version=latest)](https://geostat-framework.readthedocs.io/projects/pentapy/en/latest/?badge=latest)
-<p align="center">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/geostat/pentapy.png" alt="pentapy-LOGO" width="251px"/>
-## Purpose
-pentapy is a toolbox to deal with pentadiagonal matrices in Python.
-See the [documentation](https://pentapy.readthedocs.io/).
-## Abstract
-Pentadiagonal linear equation systems arise in many areas of science and engineering:
-e.g. when solving differential equations, in interpolation problems, or in numerical schemes like finite difference.
-A specific example is the radial symmetric groundwater flow equation with
-consecutive rings of different constant transmissivity and radial boundary conditions, which
-can be expressed as a pentadiagonal equation system.
diff --git a/_spotlights/golem.md b/_spotlights/golem.md
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index 4a882c208b1aeb178f2b7a7a0fc90f3773533869..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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-layout: spotlight
-# The name of the software
-name: Golem - a MOOSE based application
-# Small preview image shown at the spotlights list page.
-preview_image: golem/golem_preview.png
-excerpt: Golem is a modelling platform for thermal-hydraulic-mechanical and non-reactive chemical processes in fractured and faulted porous media.
-# The path is relative to /assets/img/jumbotrons/
-title_image: golem_title.png
-title: Golem - a MOOSE based application
-date_added: 2022-06-30
-    - Multiphysics of porous fractured rocks
-    - THMC coupled processes
-    - reservoir behaviour and induced seismicity
-# The Helmholtz research field
-hgf_research_field: Earth & Environment
-# At least one responsible centre
-    - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
-# List of other contributing organisations (optional)
-# List of scientific communities
-    - computational hydrologeology
-    - computational rock physics and mechanics
-# Impact on community (optional, not implemented yet)
-# An e-mail address
-contact: "mauro.cacace@gfz-potsdam.de"
-# Platforms (optional)
-# Provide platforms in this format
-#   - type: TYPE
-#     link_as: LINK
-# Valid TYPES are: webpage, telegram, mailing-list, twitter, gitlab, github
-# Mailing lists should be added as "mailto:mailinglist@url.de"
-# More types can be implemented by modifying /_layouts/spotlight.html
-    - type: webpage
-      link_as: https://helmholtz.software/software/golem-a-moose-based-application
-    - type: gitub
-      link_as: https://github.com/ajacquey/golem
-    - type: gitlab
-      link_as: https://git.gfz-potsdam.de/moose/golem
-# The software license, please use an SPDX Identifier (https://spdx.org/licenses/) if possible (optional)
-license: GPL-3.0-or-later
-# Is the software pricey or free? (optional)
-costs: Free and Open
-# What is this software used for in general (e.g. modelling)? (optional, not implemented yet)
-    - Modelling
-# The applicaiton type (Desktop, Mobile, Web) (optional, not implemented yet)
-    - Desktop
-# List of programming languages (optional)
-    - C++
-# DOI (without URL, just 10.1000/1.0000000 ) (optional)
-doi: 10.5281/zenodo.999401
-# Funding of the software (optional)
-    - shortname: Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
-      link_as: https://www.gfz-potsdam.de
-# Golem in a nutshell
-GOLEM is a modelling platform for thermal-hydraulic-mechanical and
-non-reactive chemical processes in fractured and faulted porous media.
-GOLEM makes use of the flexible, object-oriented numerical framework
-[MOOSE](https://mooseframework.inl.gov/), which provides a high-level
-interface to state of the art nonlinear solver technology. In GOLEM,
-the governing equations of groundwater flow, heat and mass transport,
-and rock deformation are solved in a weak sense (by classical
-Newton–Raphson or by free Jacobian inexact Newton-Krylow schemes) on
-an underlying unstructured mesh. Non-linear feedback among the active
-processes are enforced by considering evolving fluid and rock
-properties depending on the thermo-hydro-mechanical state of the
-system and the local structure, i.e. degree of connectivity, of the
-fracture system. More information on the governing equations, their
-derivation and implementation together with a list of synthetic and
-real case applications can be found in [Cacace and Jacquey](
-https://doi.org/10.5194/se-8-921-2017) - also available from a
-dedicated github repository.
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img alt="Proof of concept for EGS analysis" src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/golem/golem_title.png">
-<span>Proof of concept for EGS analysis - sustainability of induced fracture and exploitability of geothermal reservoirs.</span>
-Golem is base on the concept of Object-orientation and provides a
-flexible modular structure within easy to be extended modules by the
-user. It also features geometric agnosticism and hybrid parallelism,
-with proved scalability on HPC architectures. The physics targeted in
-Golem includes saturated single phase fluid flow in fractured Porous
-Media (FPM), heat transfer (conduction and advection with or without
-internal buoyant flow) in FPM, non reactive chemical transport
-(diffusion and dispersion), coupled to rock mechanics for the porous
-matrix (linear and non-linear elastic, plastic, visco-elastic,
-isotropic and anisotropic damage rheology) and fracture mechanics
-(elasto-plastic, frictional). Ongoing activities are towards
-integration of reactive chemistry via a dedicated interface to
-existing open source software.
diff --git a/_spotlights/igmas.md b/_spotlights/igmas.md
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--- a/_spotlights/igmas.md
+++ /dev/null
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-layout: spotlight
-# Spotlight list attributes
-name: IGMAS+
-date_added: 2021-11-18
-preview_image: igmas_logo.png
-excerpt: Modern geophysical interpretation requires an interdisciplinary approach and software capable of handling multiple inhomogeneous data like seismic, FTG gravity, magnetic and magnetotelluric in complex geological environments.
-# Title for individual page
-title_image: igmas_timeline.png
-title: IGMAS+ Interactive Gravity and Magnetic Application System
-    - Gravity
-    - Magnetic
-    - Modelling
-hgf_research_field: Earth & Environment
-    - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
-    - Structural Modelling
-contact: igmas@gfz-potsdam.de
-    - type: webpage
-      link_as: https://www.gfz-potsdam.de/igmas
-    - type: telegram
-      link_as: https://t.me/igmas
-    - type: mailing-list
-      link_as: mailto:igmas-users-subscribe@gfz-potsdam.de?subject=Subscribe&body=Please%20subscribe%20me%20to%20the%20IGMAS+%20Users%20mailing%20list.
-license: Proprietary
-costs: Free
-    - Modelling
-    - Desktop
-    - Java
-doi: 10.1190/1.1442546
-    - shortname: GFZ
-      link_as: https://www.gfz-potsdam.de
-# IGMAS+ in a nutshell
-Modern geophysical interpretation requires an interdisciplinary approach and software capable of handling multiple inhomogeneous data like seismic, FTG gravity, magnetic and magnetotelluric in complex geological environments.
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/igmas/western_south_american_margin.png" alt="3D flat model of the central Western South American margin, modelled gravity, and modelling constraings">
-<span>3D flat model of the central Western South American margin, modelled gravity, and modelling constraings.</span>
-IGMAS+ (Interactive Gravity and Magnetic Application System) is a geo-modelling software for three-dimensional joint inversion of potential fields and its derivatives under the condition of constraining data and independent information.
-Three-dimensional gravity and magnetic modelling appreciably improves the results of distinct depth imaging projects. This regards especially to areas of strong lateral seismic velocity and density contrasts and corresponding imaging problems. Typical areas where grav/mag modelling has been successfully used are sub-salt and sub-basalt settings.
-What makes IGMAS+ highly efficient and user-friendly is that it allows adjusting the geometries and physical properties of modelled subsurface bodies interactively, i.e. while the corresponding calculated and measured potential field components are visualized together with independent observations.
-See our [main publication list](https://igmas.git-pages.gfz-potsdam.de/igmas-pages/about/#main), as well as [related publications](https://igmas.git-pages.gfz-potsdam.de/igmas-pages/about/#related) and [citing instructions](https://igmas.git-pages.gfz-potsdam.de/igmas-pages/citing).
-## Functionality
-A brief summary of recent functionality
-* Fully featured graphical user interface
-* Algorithm kernel
-  * Polyhedron formula for triangulation, mass points and FFT for voxel cubes
-  * Borehole gravity
-  * Gravity field components Gx, Gy and Gz
-  * Full tensor gravity gradient
-  * Geoid
-  * Invariants
-  * Magnetic field components Bx, By and Bz
-  * Remanent and induced rock magnetisation
-  * Full tensor of magnetic gradients
-* Model input
-  * Import regular or irregular horizon data
-  * Voxel cubes / Voxet
-  * Simultaneous use of triangulated and gridded (voxel) data
-* Geometry and parameter editor
-  * Interactive modification of vertices and physical parameters with instant field updates
-  * Optimisation (inversion) of physical parameters, including grouped voxel cell effects
-  * Interactive geometry changes automatically affect the voxel cube
-* Visualisation
-  * Multiple undockable views (cross sections, maps)
-  * Object browser including property editor for all model elements
-* Multicore processing
-* Multi language support
-* Extensive User Manual
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-layout: spotlight
-# Template for Software spotlights
-# Templates starting with a _, e.g. "_template.md" will not be integrated into
-# the spotlights.
-# Optional settings can be left empty.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for spotlights list page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# The name of the software
-name: Kadi4Mat
-# The date when the software was added to the spotlights YYYY-MM-DD
-date_added: 2023-03-10
-# Small preview image shown at the spotlights list page.
-# Note: the path is relative to /assets/img/spotlights/
-preview_image: kadi4mat/kadi4mat_logo.png
-# One or two sentences describing the software
-excerpt: Kadi4Mat is an open source software for managing research data, which support a close cooperation between experimenters, theorists an simulators, especially in the field of materials science.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for individual spotlights page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Entries here will be shown in the green box on the right of the screen.
-# Jumbotron (optional)
-# The path is relative to /assets/img/jumbotrons/
-# Title at the top, inside the title-content-container
-title: Kadi4Mat - A Virtual Research Environment for Managing Research Data.
-# Add at least one keyword
-    - Electronic Lab Notebook
-    - Reproducible Workflows
-    - Structured Data Storage
-    - Web based data exchange
-    - Materials Science
-    - FAIR Data
-# The Helmholtz research field
-hgf_research_field: Information
-# At least one responsible centre
-    - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
-# List of scientific communities
-    - Materials Science
-# Impact on community (optional, not implemented yet)
-# An e-mail address
-contact: michael.selzer@kit.edu
-# Platforms (optional)
-# Provide platforms in this format
-#   - type: TYPE
-#     link_as: LINK
-# Valid TYPES are: webpage, telegram, mailing-list, twitter, gitlab, github
-# Mailing lists should be added as "mailto:mailinglist@url.de"
-# More types can be implemented by modifying /_layouts/spotlight.html
-    - type: gitlab
-      link_as: https://gitlab.com/iam-cms/kadi
-    - type: webpage
-      link_as: https://kadi.iam-cms.kit.edu
-# The software license, please use an SPDX Identifier (https://spdx.org/licenses/) if possible (optional)
-license: Apache-2.0
-# Is the software pricey or free? (optional)
-# What is this software used for in general (e.g. modelling)? (optional, not implemented yet)
-    - Research Data Management
-# The applicaiton type (Desktop, Mobile, Web) (optional, not implemented yet)
-    -
-# List of programming languages (optional)
-    - Python
-    - Vue
-    - JavaScript
-# DOI (without URL, just 10.1000/1.0000000 ) (optional)
-doi: 10.5334/dsj-2021-008
-# Funding of the software (optional)
-    - shortname: BMBF
-    - shortname: DFG
-    - shortname: EU
-    - shortname: KIT 
-    - shortname: MWK
-# Kadi4Mat: A Research Data Infrastructure for Materials Science
-[Kadi4Mat](https://kadi.iam-cms.kit.edu) is **Karlsruhe Data Infrastructure for Materials Science**, an open source software for managing research data. It is being developed as part of several research projects at **Institute for Applied Materials (IAM)** and **Institute of Nano Technology (INT)** of the **Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)**. 
-The web based application combines the possibility of structured storage of research data and corresponding metadata and data exchange, the <em>repository</em>, with the possibility to analyze, visualize and transform said data, the <em>electronic lab notebook (ELN)</em>. The ELN component is focused on the automated and documented execution of heterogeneous workflows, while the repository component focuses on unpublished data that is yet to be analysed further. The ELN can be described as **ELN 2.0**, which offers automation by providing API. This improved automation provides a more direct way to capture data provenance of the resources in Kadi4Mat. In this way, a virtual research environment is created which facilitates collaboration between researchers.
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/kadi4mat/Homepage.png" alt="Web interface of Kadi4Mat">
-<span>The screenshot shows an example of the Kadi4Mat web interface.</span>
-The software was developed to support a close cooperation between experimenters, theorists and simulators especially in materials science but it has been kept as generic as possible. It also offers facility to directly publish data on external systems like **Zenodo**. Research data management with Kadi4Mat increases cooperation between researchers, taking into account the **FAIR data philosophy**.
-The Kadi4Mat ecosystem offers its users multiple functionalites, illustrated in the figure below:
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/kadi4mat/Kadi4MatScheme.png" alt="Conceptual Overview of Kadi4Mat.">
-<span>The screenshot shows the functionalities offered by Kadi4Mat. <cite><a href="https://datascience.codata.org/articles/10.5334/dsj-2022-016/" target="_blank"> (KadiStudio: FAIR Modelling of Scientific Research Processes) </a></cite></span>
-* **KadiWeb**, a generally accessible web-based version of Kadi4Mat incorporating a classical ELN and a repository.
-* **KadiStudio**, a desktop-based software version that allows the formulation and execution of workflows which can also be used offline.
-* **KadiFS**, an open source software for mounting resources from Kadi4Mat into the file system.
-* **KadiAI** and **CIDS**, are Kadi4Mat's interface and solution for integrated Machine learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
-## KadiWeb
-**KadiWeb** is a general accessible web-based version of Kadi4Mat which offers a corresponding web interface, thus even an inexperienced user can utilise all functions of Kadi4Mat. The most important type of resource that can be created in Kadi4Mat are the so-called ***records***, which can link data with descriptive metadata (includes both basic metadata and domain-specific metadata).
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/kadi4mat/Generic_Metadata_editor.png" alt="Screenshot of generic metadata editor.">
-<span>The screenshot shows the currently possible different types of metadata entries can be created using generic metadata editor.</span>
-## KadiStudio
-**KadiStudio** is a desktop-based software version that allows to design and execute ***Workflows*** which can also be used offline, by running as an ordinary application on a local workstation. Different steps of a workflow can be defined using a graphical node editor to create reporducible workflows.
-## KadiFS
-**KadiFS** is an integration of Kadi4Mat into a desktop environment to combine the advantages of Kadi4Mat and the usual work in the filesystem.
-## KadiAI
-**KadiAI**, is to integrate and implement Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms into Kadi4Mat using common interfaces and workflows. Leverage interactive dashboards to design, train, and tune data-driven models or enhance custom AI scripts with next-level research data management. ***CIDS (Computational Intelligence and Data Science)*** framework implements a wide range of AI models for statistical, active and deep learning. Through ***KadiAI***, ***CIDS*** integrates seamlessly with the Kadi4Mat platform. 
-## Watch Video:
-<a href="https://tu-darmstadt.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=e6eed9d2-fcd8-4c25-a306-aebd0146a59b" target="_blank" alt="A Research Data Infrastructure for Materials Science">A Research Data Infrastructure for Materials Science <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></a>
diff --git a/_spotlights/lynx.md b/_spotlights/lynx.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 27e72ee023755151364a83d047e1482dec2edc4b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_spotlights/lynx.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-layout: spotlight
-# The name of the software
-name: LYNX - modelling lithosperic dynamics
-# Small preview image shown at the spotlights list page.
-# Note: the path is relative to /assets/img/spotlights/
-preview_image: lynx/lynx_logo.png
-# One or two sentences describing the software
-excerpt: LYNX (Lithosphere dYnamics Numerical toolboX) is a novel numerical simulator for modelling thermo-poromechanical coupled processes driving the deformation dynamics of the lithosphere.
-date_added: 2022-06-30
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for individual spotlights page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Entries here will be shown in the green box on the right of the screen.
-# Jumbotron (optional)
-# The path is relative to /assets/img/jumbotrons/
-title_image: lynx_preview.png
-# Title at the top, inside the title-content-container
-title: LYNX - modelling lithosperic dynamics
-# Add at least one keyword
-    - Explicit visco-elasto-plastic rheology
-    - semi-brittle/semi-ductile deformation of porous rocks
-    - damage rheology and porosity feedback
-# The Helmholtz research field
-hgf_research_field: Earth & Environment
-# At least one responsible centre
-    - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
-# List of other contributing organisations (optional)
-# List of scientific communities
-    - Computational geodynamic modelling
-# Impact on community (optional, not implemented yet)
-# An e-mail address
-contact: mauro.cacace@gfz-potsdam.de
-# Platforms (optional)
-# Provide platforms in this format
-#   - type: TYPE
-#     link_as: LINK
-# Valid TYPES are: webpage, telegram, mailing-list, twitter, gitlab, github
-# Mailing lists should be added as "mailto:mailinglist@url.de"
-# More types can be implemented by modifying /_layouts/spotlight.html
-    - type: webpage
-      link_as: https://helmholtz.software/software/lynx-modelling-lithosperic-dynamics
-    - type: github
-      link_as: https://github.com/ajacquey/lynx
-    - type: gitlab
-      link_as: https://git.gfz-potsdam.de/moose/lynx
-# The software license, please use an SPDX Identifier (https://spdx.org/licenses/) if possible (optional)
-license: GPL-3.0-or-later
-# Is the software pricey or free? (optional)
-costs: Free and Open
-# What is this software used for in general (e.g. modelling)? (optional, not implemented yet)
-    - Modelling
-# The application type (Desktop, Mobile, Web) (optional, not implemented yet)
-    - Desktop
-# List of programming languages (optional)
-    - C++
-# DOI (without URL, just 10.1000/1.0000000 ) (optional)
-doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3355376
-# Funding of the software (optional)
-    - shortname: Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
-      link_as: https://www.gfz-potsdam.de
-# LYNX in a nutshell
-LYNX (Lithosphere dYnamics Numerical toolboX) is a multiphysics modelling
-solution developed within the group of Basin Modelling at GFZ. LYNX is
-based on the flexible, object-oriented numerical framework
-[MOOSE](https://mooseframework.inl.gov/), which provides a high-level
-interface to state of the art nonlinear solver technology. LYNX is a
-novel numerical simulator for modelling thermo-poromechanical coupled
-processes driving the deformation dynamics of the lithosphere. The
-formulation adopted in LYNX relies on an efficient implementation of a
-thermodynamically consistent visco-elasto-plastic rheology with
-anisotropic porous-visco-plastic damage feedback. The main target is
-to capture the multiphysics coupling responsible for semi-brittle and
-semi-ductile behaviour of porous rocks as also relevant to strain
-localization and faulting processes. More information on the governing
-equations, their derivation and their implementation together with a
-list of synthetic and real case applications can be found in two
-publications [here](http://doi.org/10.1029/2019jb018474) and
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img alt="Modelling of the seismic cycle with a realistic elasto-visco-plastic off-fault rheology" src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/lynx/lynx_preview.png">
-<span>Modelling of the seismic cycle with a realistic elasto-visco-plastic off-fault rheology.</span>
-LYNX has been coded following the concept of Object-orientation thus
-providing a flexible modular structure within easy to be extended
-modules by the user. It also features geometric agnosticism and hybrid
-parallelism with proven scalability on HPC architectures. LYNX is
-based on a realistic physics-based rheological description of
-lithosphere deformation dynamics based on an explicit incorporation of
-the lithosphere visco-elasto-plastic rheology including nonlinear
-feedback effects from the energetics of the system and its extension
-to account for time-dependent brittle behavior via an overstress
-(viscoplastic) formulation. It also includes a thermodynamically
-consistent formulation of semi-brittle semi-ductile deformation
-including brittle rock behaviour via damage mechanics and ductile
-deformation via a rate-dependent viscoplastic formulation. Poro-damage
-feedback is included via a dynamic porosity to simulate the full
-volumetric mechanical response of the rock. In LYNX we adopt an
-implicit and efficient numerical implementation of the material
-consticutive behaviour within a limited amount of internal iterations
-and we make use of the concept of Automatic Differentation (AD)
-techniques to compute the full Jacobian contribution of the system
diff --git a/_spotlights/mHM.md b/_spotlights/mHM.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 965387872d0d3ee262a79dd08d21197f910f82ea..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_spotlights/mHM.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-layout: spotlight
-# Spotlight list attributes
-name: mHM
-date_added: 2022-02-21
-preview_image: mHM/mHM_textlogo.png
-excerpt: The mesoscale Hydrologic Model (mHM) is a well established hydrological model used by the scientific community. It is under active development with dozens of contributors and has an open community always interested in discussions.
-# Title for individual page
-title_image: mHM5_logo.png
-title: The mesoscale Hydrologic Model - mHM
-    - mesoscale hydrologic model
-    - multiscale parameter regionalization
-    - seamless predicitions
-    - mHM
-hgf_research_field: Earth & Environment
-    - Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)
-    - Hydrologic Modelling
-contact: mhm-admin@ufz.de
-    - type: webpage
-      link_as: https://mhm-ufz.org/
-    - type: gitlab
-      link_as: https://git.ufz.de/mhm/mhm
-    - type: github
-      link_as: https://github.com/mhm-ufz/mhm
-license: GPL-3.0-or-later
-costs: Free
-    - Modelling
-    - Desktop
-    - Fortran
-doi: 10.5281/zenodo.5119952
-    - shortname: UFZ
-      link_as: https://www.ufz.de/
-# mHM - mesoscale Hydrologic Model
-The [mesoscale Hydrologic Model (mHM)](https://mhm-ufz.org/) developed by the Dept. Computational Hydrosystems at UFZ is a spatially explicit distributed hydrologic model.
-It is implemented in the Fortran programming language and can be easily installed as software using the conda package manager.
-Detailed installation guide can be found [here](https://mhm-ufz.org/guides/).
-The model concept uses grid cells as a primary hydrologic unit, and accounts for the following processes: canopy interception, snow accumulation and melting, soil moisture dynamics, infiltration and surface runoff, evapotranspiration, subsurface storage and discharge generation, deep percolation and baseflow and discharge attenuation and flood routing.
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/mHM/mHM5_logo.png" alt="Schematic of resolution levels, data, processes and states in mHM.">
-<span>Schematic of resolution levels, data, processes and states in mHM.</span>
-The model is driven by hourly or daily meteorological forcings (e.g., precipitation, temperature), and it utilizes observable basin physical characteristics (e.g., soil textural, vegetation, and geological properties) to infer the spatial variability of the required parameters.
-The main feature of mHM is the approach to estimate parameters at the target resolution based on high resolution physiographic land surface descriptors (e.g., DEM, slope, aspect, root depth based on land cover class or plant functional types, leaf area index, soil texture, geological formation type).
-The technique was proposed in [Samaniego et al., WRR 2010](https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2008WR007327) and is called [multiscale parameter regionalization](https://gmd.copernicus.org/articles/15/859/2022/) (MPR).
-The MPR technique is crucial to reach flux-matching across scales and to derive seamless parameter fields ([Samaniego et al., HESS 2017](https://www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci.net/21/4323/2017/)).
diff --git a/_spotlights/massbank.md b/_spotlights/massbank.md
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index 339fdd3b2dfb85281a4d8c4f416cf458015b4ab8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_spotlights/massbank.md
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-layout: spotlight
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for spotlights list page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-name: MassBank
-date_added: 2022-07-14
-preview_image: massbank/logo.png
-excerpt: >
-   MassBank is an open source mass spectral library for the identification 
-   of small chemical molecules of metabolomics, exposomics and environmental 
-   relevance. 
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for individual spotlights page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-title_image: massbank_logo.png
-title: MassBank - High Quality Mass Spectral Database
-    - database
-    - mass spectrometry
-hgf_research_field: Earth & Environment
-    - Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)
-    - name: Leibniz-Institut für Pflanzenbiochemie (IPB)
-      link_as: https://www.ipb-halle.de/
-    - name: Eawag - Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology
-      link_as: https://www.eawag.ch/en/
-    - name: Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine - University of Luxembourg
-      link_as: https://wwwen.uni.lu/
-contact: massbank@massbank.eu
-    - type: github
-      link_as: https://github.com/MassBank
-    - type: webpage
-      link_as: https://massbank.eu/
-license: GPL-2.0-or-later
-costs: free
-application_type: Web
-    - Java
-    - JavaScript
-    - Perl
-doi: 10.5281/zenodo.5775684
-    - shortname: UFZ
-      link_as: https://www.ufz.de/
-    - shortname: NFDI4Chem
-      link_as: https://www.nfdi4chem.de/
-    - shortname: NORMAN Association
-      link_as: https://www.norman-network.net/
-# MassBank in a nutshell
-MassBank is an open source mass spectral library for the identification of
-small chemical molecules of metabolomics, exposomics and environmental
-relevance. The vast majority of MassBank
-[contents](https://massbank.eu/MassBank/Contents) now features high-resolution
-mass spectrometry data, although all kinds of mass spectral data are accepted.
-A range of [search](https://massbank.eu/MassBank/Search) options are available
-for browsing the data. The MassBank library is based on text file records
-containing the record metadata and the mass spectral information in the
-[MassBank record format](https://github.com/MassBank/MassBank-web/blob/main/Documentation/MassBankRecordFormat.md).
-All data is archived on [GitHub](https://github.com/MassBank/MassBank-data) and
-[Zenodo](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3378723); the code is also on
-[GitHub](https://github.com/MassBank/MassBank-web). The MassBank library can be
-[downloaded in different formats such as text records, database files (sql) and MSP files](https://github.com/MassBank/MassBank-data/releases).
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/massbank/Atrazine_Mass_Spectrum.png" alt="Atrazine Mass Spectrum.png">
-MassBank is maintained and developed by the [MassBank consortium](https://github.com/MassBank)
-and is hosted at the UFZ
-([Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, UFZ, Leipzig, Germany](https://www.ufz.de/index.php?en=40500)).
diff --git a/_spotlights/matRad.md b/_spotlights/matRad.md
deleted file mode 100644
index bfd2d1272b1ba53f3c6402802397747228ea370f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_spotlights/matRad.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-layout: spotlight
-# Template for Software spotlights
-# Templates starting with a _, e.g. "_template.md" will not be integrated into
-# the spotlights.
-# Optional settings can be left empty.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for spotlights list page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# The name of the software
-name: matRad
-# The date when the software was added to the spotlights YYYY-MM-DD
-date_added: 2022-11-08
-# Small preview image shown at the spotlights list page.
-# Note: the path is relative to /assets/img/spotlights/
-preview_image: matRad/matrad.svg
-# One or two sentences describing the software
-excerpt: > 
-    matRad is a dose calculation and inverse treatment planning toolkit for 
-    radiotherapy research and education written in Matlab.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for individual spotlights page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Entries here will be shown in the green box on the right of the screen.
-# Jumbotron (optional)
-# The path is relative to /assets/img/jumbotrons/
-title_image: spotlight_matRad_compliation.png
-# Title at the top, inside the title-content-container
-title: matRad
-# Add at least one keyword
-    - Medical Physics
-    - Radiotherapy
-    - Particle Therapy
-    - Treatment Planning
-# The Helmholtz research field
-hgf_research_field: Health
-# At least one responsible centre
-# Please use the full and official name of your centre
-    - German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
-# List of other contributing organisations (optional)
-    - name: Heidelberg Ion Beam Therapy Center (HIT)
-      link_as: https://www.klinikum.uni-heidelberg.de/interdisziplinaere-zentren/heidelberger-ionenstrahl-therapiezentrum-hit
-    - name: Heidelberg Institute for Radiation Oncology (HIRO)
-      link_as: https://www.dkfz.de/en/hiro/index.html
-# List of scientific communities
-    - Medical Physics
-# Impact on community (optional, not implemented yet)
-    - more than 130 forks and more than 160 citations
-# An e-mail address
-contact: n.wahl@dkfz.de
-# Platforms (optional)
-# Provide platforms in this format
-#   - type: TYPE
-#     link_as: LINK
-# Valid TYPES are: webpage, telegram, mailing-list, twitter, gitlab, github
-# Mailing lists should be added as "mailto:mailinglist@url.de"
-# More types can be implemented by modifying /_layouts/spotlight.html
-    - type: github
-      link_as: https://github.com/e0404/matRad
-    - type: webpage
-      link_as: http://www.matRad.org
-# The software license, please use an SPDX Identifier (https://spdx.org/licenses/) if possible (optional)
-license: GPL-3.0-or-later
-# Is the software pricey or free? (optional)
-costs: free
-# What is this software used for in general (e.g. modelling)? (optional, not implemented yet)
-    - numerical simulation
-# The applicaiton type (Desktop, Mobile, Web) (optional, not implemented yet)
-    - Desktop
-# List of programming languages (optional)
-    - Matlab
-    - C/C++
-# DOI (without URL, just 10.1000/1.0000000 ) (optional)
-# If you have one doi, please provide it as a variable:
-doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3879615
-# If you have multiple products, e.g. in a framework, and you want to reference each product with a DOI,
-# then please provide a dictionary. Uncomment the following lines:
-#     - name: # Product name for first DOI
-#       doi: # DOI
-# Funding of the software (optional)
-    - shortname: DFG (Grant No. WA 4707/1-1)
-      link_as: https://www.dfg.de/
-# matRad: An open source dose calculation and treatment planning toolkit for research and education
-matRad is an open source software for radiation treatment planning of intensity-modulated photon, proton, and carbon ion therapy started in 2015 in the research group "Radiotherapy Optimization" within the Department of Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology at the German Cancer Research Center - DKFZ. 
-matRad targets education and research in radiotherapy treatment planning, where the software landscape is dominated by proprietary medical software. As of August 2022, matRad had more than 130 forks on GitHub and its [development paper](https://doi.org/10.1002/mp.12251) was cited more than 160 times (according to Google Scholar). matRad is entirely written in MATLAB and mostly compatible to GNU Octave.
-matRad comprises
-- MATLAB functions to model the entire treatment planning workflow
-- Example patient data from the CORT dataset
-- Physical and biological base data for all required computations
-In particular we provide functionalities for
-- Pencil-beam dose calculation for photon IMRT and proton/carbon IMPT
-- Monte Carlo dose calculation for photon IMRT (with ompMC) and proton IMPT (with [MCsquare](http://www.openmcsquare.org))
-- Non-linear constrained treatment plan optimization (based on physical dose, RBE-weighted dose and biological effect) using [IPOPT](https://coin-or.github.io/Ipopt/) or Matlab's fmincon
-- Multileaf collimator sequencing
-- Basic treatment plan visualization and evaluation
-- Graphical User Interface
-- Standalone Executable (using the Matlab Runtime)
-matRad is constantly evolving. If you are interested in working with us or are looking for a special feature do not hesitate and get in touch.
-## Philosophy
-matRad provides a graphical user interface for educational purposes and basic treatment plan prameterization and visualization.
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img alt="matRad's graphical user interface (GUI)" src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/matRad/matRad_prostate_carbon.png">
-<span>Screenshot of matRad's graphical user interface visualizing the biologically effective dose of a carbon ion treatment plan using opposing lateral beams for a prostate patient.</span>
-matRad uses Matlab's dual scripting & visualization environment to allow a parallel workflow, alternating between scripting / command line input and triggering workflow steps in the graphical user interface.
-A script to recreate the above treatment plan within matRad 2.10.1 is shown below:
-% load patient data, i.e. ct, voi, cst
-load PROSTATE.mat
-% meta information for treatment plan
-pln.radiationMode   = 'carbon';     % either photons / protons / carbon
-pln.machine         = 'Generic';
-pln.numOfFractions  = 30;
-% beam geometry settings
-pln.propStf.bixelWidth      = 5; % [mm] / lateral spot spacing for particles
-pln.propStf.gantryAngles    = [90 270]; % [?]
-pln.propStf.couchAngles     = [0 0]; % [?]
-pln.propStf.numOfBeams      = numel(pln.propStf.gantryAngles);
-pln.propStf.isoCenter       = ones(pln.propStf.numOfBeams,1) * matRad_getIsoCenter(cst,ct,0);
-% dose calculation settings
-pln.propDoseCalc.doseGrid.resolution.x = 5; % [mm]
-pln.propDoseCalc.doseGrid.resolution.y = 5; % [mm]
-pln.propDoseCalc.doseGrid.resolution.z = 5; % [mm]
-% optimization settings
-pln.propOpt.optimizer       = 'IPOPT';
-pln.propOpt.bioOptimization = 'LEMIV_effect';   
-%% generate steering file
-stf = matRad_generateStf(ct,cst,pln);
-%% dose calculation
-dij = matRad_calcParticleDose(ct,stf,pln,cst);
-%% inverse planning for imrt
-resultGUI = matRad_fluenceOptimization(dij,cst,pln);
-%% start gui for visualization of result
-For educational purposes, matRad is also available as a standalone application.
diff --git a/_spotlights/meshit.md b/_spotlights/meshit.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 9976e077a32d6fd5dc5c5de7d4293bfdfc2b4311..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_spotlights/meshit.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-layout: spotlight
-# The name of the software
-name: MeshIt
-# Small preview image shown at the spotlights list page.
-# Note: the path is relative to /assets/img/spotlights/
-preview_image: meshit/meshit_logo.png
-# One or two sentences describing the software
-excerpt: The tool MeshIT generates quality tetrahedral meshes based on structural geological information. It has been developed at the GFZ Potsdam and some extensions were later added by PERFACCT. All procedures are fully automatized and require at least scattered data points as input.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for individual spotlights page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Entries here will be shown in the green box on the right of the screen.
-# Jumbotron (optional)
-# The path is relative to /assets/img/jumbotrons/
-title_image: meshit_Pohang.png
-# Title at the top, inside the title-content-container
-title: MeshIt - Three dimensional volumetric meshing of complex faulted reservoirs
-date_added: 2022-06-30
-# Add at least one keyword
-    - Delaunay triangulation
-    - Delaunay tetrahedralization
-    - 3D meshing
-    - Faulted and fractured reservoirs
-# The Helmholtz research field
-hgf_research_field: Earth & Environment
-# At least one responsible centre
-    - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
-# List of other contributing organisations (optional)
-    - name: PERFACCT GmbH
-      link_as: https://www.perfacct.eu/en/home/
-# List of scientific communities
-    - Thermal-Hydraulic-Mechanical-Chemical reservoir modelling
-# Impact on community (optional, not implemented yet)
-# An e-mail address
-contact: guido.bloecher@gfz-potsdam.de
-# Platforms (optional)
-# Provide platforms in this format
-#   - type: TYPE
-#     link_as: LINK
-# Valid TYPES are: webpage, telegram, mailing-list, twitter, gitlab, github
-# Mailing lists should be added as "mailto:mailinglist@url.de"
-# More types can be implemented by modifying /_layouts/spotlight.html
-    - type: webpage
-      link_as: https://helmholtz.software/software/meshit
-    - type: github
-      link_as: https://github.com/bloech/MeshIt
-    - type: gitlab
-      link_as: https://git.gfz-potsdam.de/bloech/MeshIt
-# The software license, please use an SPDX Identifier (https://spdx.org/licenses/) if possible (optional)
-license: AGPL-3.0-or-later
-# Is the software pricey or free? (optional)
-costs: Free and Open
-# What is this software used for in general (e.g. modelling)? (optional, not implemented yet)
-    - Modelling
-# The applicaiton type (Desktop, Mobile, Web) (optional, not implemented yet)
-    - Desktop
-# List of programming languages (optional)
-    - C++
-# DOI (without URL, just 10.1000/1.0000000 ) (optional)
-doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4327281
-# Funding of the software (optional)
-    - shortname: Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
-      link_as: https://www.gfz-potsdam.de
-    - shortname: Chair of Hydrogeology, Technical University of Munich
-      link_as: https://www.tum.de
-# MeshIt in a nutshell
-MeshIt is a software for generating high quality, boundary conforming
-Delaunay tetrahedral meshes for Finite Element (FE) or Finite Volume
-(FV) Thermo-Hydraulic-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) dynamic simulations
-of complex faulted and fractured reservoir applications. The main goal
-of MeshIt is to provide an open source, time efficient, robust and
-“easy to handle” software tool to bridge the gap between geological
-and dynamic forward models of flow and transport processes in
-reservoir domains comprising fault zones, wells and induced and/or
-natural fractures.
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img alt="Example of a complex structured reservoir from the Pohang reservoir site in South Korea." src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/meshit/meshit_Pohang.png">
-<span>Example of a complex structured reservoir from the Pohang reservoir site in South Korea.</span>
-MeshIt comes with an integrated graphical user interface (GUI) that
-facilitates the user during the different stages of the meshing
-workflows. All instructions from the user are provided either via the
-GUI or in text files, which can be input to the software. Beside third
-party C libraries, the complete code has been written in the object
-oriented C++ programming language. In order to provide cross-platform
-support (Windows, Mac OS X and Unix operating systems under 32 and 64
-bit) the open source project [Qt](https://www.qt.io/?hsLang=en) has
-been integrated in the supported library environment. The interactive
-3D graphics Application Programming Interface (API) has been developed
-by relying on the [OpenGL](https://www.opengl.org/) library. All
-graphical processing stages have been interfaced to the open-source,
-multiplatform visualization software
-[Paraview](https://www.paraview.org/), the latter being based on the
-Visualization ToolKit ([VTK](https://vtk.org/)). MeshIt consists of
-different geometric and meshing routines, which have been combined in
-an automated software framework. The core meshing libraries are
-[Tetgen](http://tetgen.org/), a quality tetrahedral mesh generator
-developed at the [WIAS](https://www.wias-berlin.de/) Institute in
-Berlin and [Triangle](https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~quake/triangle.html), a
-two-dimensional quality mesh generator. Both libraries are Delaunay
-based. A nice feature of methods based on the Delaunay property is
-that they guarantee high-quality meshes showing at the same time a
-large flexibility when applied to generic geometries comprising
-internal boundaries. Therefore, Delaunay-based meshes are particularly
-suitable for the numerical solution of partial differential equations
-on highly irregular domains. With the single exception of the final
-constrained Delaunay tetrahedralization, all routines have been
-written for parallel computation on symmetric multiprocessing computer
-(SMP) architecture, as based on the Qt thread support environment via
-platform independent threading classes. More information can be found
-in the [relevant
diff --git a/_spotlights/millepede2.md b/_spotlights/millepede2.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 338b4ad11d7c8e04cf6f911623e1ece9702aa183..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_spotlights/millepede2.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-layout: spotlight
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for spotlights list page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# The name of the software
-name: Millepede II
-date_added: 2022-11-02
-# Small preview image shown at the spotlights list page.
-# Note: the path is relative to /assets/img/spotlights/
-preview_image: millepede2/mp2-logo.png
-# One or two sentences describing the software
-excerpt: > 
-    Millepede II has been developed to solve the linear least squares problem with a simultaneous fit of all global and local parameters,
-    irrespectively of the number of local parameters.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for individual spotlights page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Entries here will be shown in the green box on the right of the screen.
-# Jumbotron (optional)
-# The path is relative to /assets/img/jumbotrons/
-title_image: default
-# Title at the top, inside the title-content-container
-title: Millepede II
-# Add at least one keyword
-    - Alignment
-    - Tracker
-    - Large linear equation system
-# The Helmholtz research field
-hgf_research_field: Matter
-# At least one responsible centre
-    - Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
-# List of other contributing organisations (optional)
-    - name: Universität Hamburg
-      link_as: https://www.uni-hamburg.de/
-# List of scientific communities
-    - High energy physics
-# Impact on community (optional, not implemented yet)
-# An e-mail address
-contact: claus.kleinwort@desy.de
-# Platforms (optional)
-# Provide platforms in this format
-#   - type: TYPE
-#     link_as: LINK
-# Valid TYPES are: webpage, telegram, mailing-list, twitter, gitlab, github
-# Mailing lists should be added as "mailto:mailinglist@url.de"
-# More types can be implemented by modifying /_layouts/spotlight.html
-    - type: gitlab
-      link_as: https://gitlab.desy.de/claus.kleinwort/millepede-ii
-# The software license, please use an SPDX Identifier (https://spdx.org/licenses/) if possible (optional)
-license: LGPL-2.0-only
-# Is the software pricey or free? (optional)
-costs: Free
-# What is this software used for in general (e.g. modelling)? (optional, not implemented yet)
-    -
-# The application type (Desktop, Mobile, Web) (optional, not implemented yet)
-    -
-# List of programming languages (optional)
-    - Fortran
-    - C++
-# DOI (without URL, just 10.1000/1.0000000 ) (optional)
-# Funding of the software (optional)
-    - shortname: DESY
-# Millepede II
-In certain least squares fit problems with a very large number of parameters, the set of parameters can be divided into two classes: Global and local parameters.
-Local parameters are only relevant in subsets of the data.
-Contrary, detector alignment and calibration based on track fits are amongst the problems
-where the interest is in optimal values of the global parameters,
-the alignment parameters.
-The method, called Millepede, to solve the linear least squares problem with a simultaneous fit of all global and local parameters, irrespectively of the number of local parameters, has been developed as experiment-independent programs by Prof. V. Blobel (Univ. Hamburg).
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/millepede2/mp2-eqn-sys.png" alt="The complete linear equation system with a (huge) bordered band matrix.">
-<span>The complete linear equation system with a (huge) bordered band matrix.</span>
-The current Millepede II version consists of two parts: "mille" and "pede".
-The mille step has to be integrated in the experiment specific tracking software to produce dedicated binary files containing all the information needed to build the linear equation system described the (linearised) alignment problem.
-The standalone "pede" executable is then used to build and solve that equation system.
-It has been highly optimised by exploring multiple threading with OpenMP and dedicated linear algebra libraries (LAPACK).
diff --git a/_spotlights/nest.md b/_spotlights/nest.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e35cf7fa70d88fba9de2a63847b4a86f70542eb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_spotlights/nest.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-layout: spotlight
-# Template for Software spotlights
-# Templates starting with a _, e.g. "_template.md" will not be integrated into
-# the spotlights.
-# Optional settings can be left empty.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for spotlights list page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# The name of the software
-name: NEST
-# The date when the software was added to the spotlights YYYY-MM-DD
-date_added: 2022-08-08
-# Small preview image shown at the spotlights list page.
-# Note: the path is relative to /assets/img/spotlights/
-preview_image: nest/nest_logo.png
-# One or two sentences describing the software
-excerpt: >
-    NEST is a simulator for spiking neuronal networks. A well tested and
-    efficient tool, NEST works on your laptop and also on the world’s largest
-    supercomputers to study behaviour of large networks of neurons.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for individual spotlights page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Entries here will be shown in the green box on the right of the screen.
-# Jumbotron (optional)
-# The path is relative to /assets/img/jumbotrons/
-# Title at the top, inside the title-content-container
-title: NEST simulator
-# Add at least one keyword
-    - modeling
-    - simulation
-    - spiking neural networks
-# The Helmholtz research field
-hgf_research_field: Information
-# At least one responsible centre
-# Please use the full and official name of your centre
-hgf_centers: Forschungszentrum Jülich
-# List of other contributing organisations (optional)
-    - name: NEST-initiative
-    - name: Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
-# List of scientific communities
-    - computational neuroscience
-    - neurorobotics
-    - theoretical neuroscience
-    - advanced compute architectures / neuromorphic computing
-# Impact on community (optional, not implemented yet)
-# An e-mail address
-contact: info@nest-initiative.org
-# Platforms (optional)
-# Provide platforms in this format
-#   - type: TYPE
-#     link_as: LINK
-# Valid TYPES are: webpage, telegram, mailing-list, twitter, gitlab, github
-# Mailing lists should be added as "mailto:mailinglist@url.de"
-# More types can be implemented by modifying /_layouts/spotlight.html
-    - type: github
-      link_as: https://github.com/nest/nest-simulator
-    - type: webpage
-      link_as: https://nest-simulator.org
-    - type: mailing-list
-      link_as: mailto:users@nest-simulator.org
-# The software license, please use an SPDX Identifier (https://spdx.org/licenses/) if possible (optional)
-license: GPL-2.0-or-later
-# Is the software pricey or free? (optional)
-costs: free and open
-# What is this software used for in general (e.g. modelling)? (optional, not implemented yet)
-    - simulation
-# The applicaiton type (Desktop, Mobile, Web) (optional, not implemented yet)
-    - Desktop
-    - HPC
-# List of programming languages (optional)
-    - Python
-    - C++
-# DOI (without URL, just 10.1000/1.0000000 ) (optional)
-doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6368024
-# Funding of the software (optional)
-    - shortname: Horizon 2020
-    - shortname: ICEI
-    - shortname: ACA
-    - shortname: ARA-CSD
-# NEST: A scalable spiking neural network simulator
-NEST is used in computational neuroscience to model and study behavior of large networks of neurons. The models describe
-single neuron and synapse behavior and their connections. Different mechanisms of plasticity can be used to investigate
-artificial learning and help to shed light on the fundamental principles of how the brain works.
-NEST offers convenient and efficient commands to define and connect large networks, ranging from algorithmically determined
-connections to data-driven connectivity. Create connections between neurons using numerous synapse models from STDP to gap junctions.
-## Features
-* Extensive model catalog: NEST offers numerous state-of-the art neuron and synapse models. Textbook standards like integrate-and-fire
-  and Hodgkin-Huxley type models are available alongside high quality implementations of models published by the neuroscience community.
-  We also offer many examples that showcase how to use them!
-* Fast-prototyping:  NESTML provides a framework to create models without the use of C++, with a flexible processing toolchain, written in Python.
-* Scalable: NEST works on your laptop and also on the world’s largest supercomputers.
-* Efficient: NEST makes the best use of your multi-core computer or compute cluster. NEST can seamlessly scale to your needs.
-* Well-tested: The simulator is developed and continuously improved by the NEST community. NEST developers are using
-  continuous-integration based workflows in order to maintain high code quality standards for correct and reproducible simulations.
-* Community-driven: NEST has fostered a large community of experienced developers and amazing users, who actively contribute
-  to the project. Our community extends to related projects, like the teaching tool NEST Desktop, cross-simulator languages
-  like PyNN and neural activity analysis tools like Elephant.
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/nest/NEST-HeaderGrafik.jpg" alt="Visualization of NEST.">
-<span>NEST simulator</span>
diff --git a/_spotlights/odv_plus.md b/_spotlights/odv_plus.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5983144a059b008f5d85f64d20dcd04fa3d5845a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_spotlights/odv_plus.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-layout: spotlight
-# Spotlight list attributes
-name: ODV
-date_added: 2021-12-01
-preview_image: odv_plus/odv5-logo.jpg
-excerpt: Ocean Data View (ODV) is a software package for the interactive exploration, analysis and visualization of oceanographic and other geo-referenced environmental data. ODV runs on Windows, MacOS, and Linux. ODV data and view files are platform-independent and can be exchanged between different systems.
-# Title for individual page
-title: Ocean Data View ODV
-    - Data Analysis
-    - Data Visualization
-    - Environmental Data
-hgf_research_field: Earth & Environment
-    - Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI)
-scientific_community: Oceanography / Meteorology / Climate Research
-contact: reiner.schlitzer@awi.de
-    - type: Native application (Windows, MacOS, Linux)
-      link_as: https://odv.awi.de/
-    - type: Webpage
-      link_as: https://odv.awi.de/
-    - type: mailing-list
-      link_as: mailto:odv@awi.de
-license: Proprietary
-costs: Free
-    - Native application
-    - Executable
-    - C++
-    - shortname: AWI
-      link_as: https://awi.de  # Optional
-    - shortname: EU Horizon2020
-# ODV in a nutshell
-ODV displays original data points or gridded fields based on the original data. ODV has two fast weighted-averaging gridding algorithms as well as the advanced DIVA gridding software built-in. Gridded fields can be color-shaded and/or contoured. ODV supports five different map projections and can be used to produce high quality cruise maps. ODV graphics output (see example below) can be sent directly to printers or may be exported to PostScript, gif, png, or jpg files. The resolution of exported graphics files is specified by the user and not limited by the pixel resolution of the screen.
-The ODV data format allows dense storage and very fast data access. Large data collections with millions of stations can easily be maintained and explored on inexpensive desktop and notebook computers. Data from Argo, GTSPP, CCHDO, CORA, World Ocean Database, World Ocean Atlas, World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE), SeaDataNet, and Medar/Medatlas can be directly imported into ODV. Ready-to-use versions of the WOCE data, the gridded World Ocean Atlas as well as many other important geoscience datasets are available for download.
-ODV also supports the netCDF format and lets you explore and visualize CF compliant netCDF datasets. This works with netCDF files on your local machine as well as with remote netCDF files served by an OPeNDAP server.
-## webODV - ODV going online
-webODV is the online version of ODV running in the browser without the need to install any additional software. webODV is perfectly suited to provide community datasets to serve always the newest versions and releases. In addition to the ODV-online, the nearly 1:1 ODV implementation, an intuitive data extraction service is available. Productive webODV instances are running at [geotraces.webodv.awi.de](https://geotraces.webodv.awi.de), [emodnet-chemistry.webodv.awi.de](https://emodnet-chemistry.webodv.awi.de/) and [explore.webodv.awi.de](https://explore.webodv.awi.de/).
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/odv_plus/odv_section.jpg" alt="Example ODV section plot">
-<span>An example of an ODV section plot.</span>
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-layout: spotlight
-# Template for Software spotlights
-# Templates starting with a _, e.g. "_template.md" will not be integrated into
-# the spotlights.
-# Optional settings can be left empty.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for spotlights list page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# The name of the software
-name: openCARP
-# The date when the software was added to the spotlights YYYY-MM-DD
-date_added: 2022-06-01
-# Small preview image shown at the spotlights list page.
-# Note: the path is relative to /assets/img/spotlights/
-preview_image: openCARP/openCARP_logo.png
-# One or two sentences describing the software
-excerpt: >
-    openCARP is a multiscale cardiac electrophysiology
-    simulator for in silico experiments ranging from single
-    heart cells and cardiac tissue to organ models up to the body surface ECG.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for individual spotlights page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Entries here will be shown in the green box on the right of the screen.
-# Jumbotron (optional)
-# The path is relative to /assets/img/jumbotrons/
-title_image: openCARP.jpg
-# Title at the top, inside the title-content-container
-title: openCARP
-# Add at least one keyword
-    - modeling & simulation
-    - computational cardiology
-    - electrophysiology
-    - in silico trials
-# The Helmholtz research field
-hgf_research_field: Health
-# At least one responsible centre
-    - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
-# List of other contributing organisations (optional)
-    - name: Medical University of Graz
-      link_as: https://ccl.medunigraz.at
-    - name: Liryc Bordeaux
-      link_as: https://www.ihu-liryc.fr/en/research/p/le-pole-modelisation-130750-23-07-2019/
-    - name: Numericor
-      link_as: https://www.numericor.at
-# List of scientific communities
-    - Computational Cardiology
-# Impact on community (optional, not implemented yet)
-# An e-mail address
-contact: info@opencarp.org
-# Platforms (optional)
-# Provide platforms in this format
-#   - type: TYPE
-#     link_as: LINK
-# Valid TYPES are: webpage, telegram, mailing-list, twitter, gitlab, github
-# Mailing lists should be added as "mailto:mailinglist@url.de"
-# More types can be implemented by modifying /_layouts/spotlight.html
-    - type: webpage
-      link_as: https://www.openCARP.org
-    - type: mailing-list
-      link_as: https://www.openCARP.org/q2a/
-    - type: twitter
-      link_as: https://twitter.com/OpenCarp
-    - type: gitlab
-      link_as: https://git.opencarp.org/openCARP
-# The software license, please use an SPDX Identifier (https://spdx.org/licenses/) if possible (optional)
-license: Academic Public License
-# Is the software pricey or free? (optional)
-# What is this software used for in general (e.g. modelling)? (optional, not implemented yet)
-    - Modeling & Simulation
-# The applicaiton type (Desktop, Mobile, Web) (optional, not implemented yet)
-    - Desktop
-    - HPC
-# List of programming languages (optional)
-    - C++
-    - Python
-# DOI (without URL, just 10.1000/1.0000000 ) (optional)
-doi: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2021.106223
-# Funding of the software (optional)
-    - shortname: DFG
-      funding_text: German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) -
-        project 391128822
-      link_as: https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/391128822?language=en
-    - shortname: EuroHPC
-      funding_text: European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking EuroHPC (JU) under grant agreement No 955495. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Norway, Switzerland.
-      link_as: http://microcard.eu/index-en.html
-# openCARP - The open cardiac electrophysiology simulator
-openCARP is an open cardiac electrophysiology simulator for in-silico experiments. Its source code is public and the software is freely available for academic purposes. openCARP is easy to use and offers single cell as well as multiscale simulations from ion channel to organ level. Additionally, openCARP includes a wide variety of functions for pre- and post-processing of data as well as visualization. The python-based CARPutils framework enables the user to develop and share simulation pipelines, i.e. automating in-silico experiments including all modeling/simulation steps.
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/openCARP/openCARP_workflow.png" alt="openCARP workflow">
-<span>Overview of typical steps in an advanced cardiac electrophysiology simulation study.</span>
-openCARP offers a wide range of functionality which enables you to create your own in-silico experiments of cardiac electrophysiology. The openCARP ecosystem comprises several components that are visualized below and [briefly introduced here](https://www.openCARP.org/about/opencarp-ecosystem). [This video](https://www.openCARP.org/documentation/video-tutorials#a-tour-through-the-opencarp-org-community-platform) provides a tour through the [openCARP.org](https://opencarp.org/) community platform.
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/openCARP/openCARP_ecosystem.png" alt="openCARP ecosystem">
-<span>The openCARP ecosystem.</span>
diff --git a/_spotlights/openfoam.md b/_spotlights/openfoam.md
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-layout: spotlight
-name: HZDR Multiphase Addon for OpenFOAM
-date_added: 2022-08-01
-preview_image: openfoam/openfoam_preview.png
-excerpt: >
-    The HZDR Multiphase Addon is a software publication released by Helmholtz-Zentrum
-    Dresden-Rossendorf according to the FAIR principles (Findability, Accessibility,
-    Interoperability, and Reuseability). It contains experimental research work for
-    the open-source CFD software OpenFOAM, released by The OpenFOAM Foundation.
-    The developments are dedicated to the numerical simulation of multiphase flows,
-    in particular to the multi-field two-fluid model (Euler-Euler method).
-title_image: openfoam_title.png
-title: HZDR Multiphase Addon for OpenFOAM
-    - Multiphase Flow
-    - Numerical Simulations
-    - OpenFOAM
-    - Computational Fluid Dynamics
-    - Finite volume method
-    - Multi-field two-fluid model
-    - Euler-Euler method
-hgf_research_field: Energy
-    - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
-    - name: The OpenFOAM Foundation
-      link_as: https://openfoam.org/
-    - name: CFD Direct
-      link_as: https://cfd.direct
-    - Energy / MTET
-    - Computational Fluid Dynamics
-contact: f.schlegel@hzdr.de
-   - type: webpage
-     link_as: https://hzdr.de/openfoam
-   - type: gitlab
-     link_as: https://codebase.helmholtz.cloud/openfoam
-license: GPL-3.0-or-later
-costs: free and open
-    - numerical simulation
-    - multiphase flows
-    - Desktop
-    - C++
-    - C
-    - CUDA
-    - Shell
-    - Python
-    - Gnuplot
-     - name: HZDR Multiphase Addon for OpenFOAM
-       doi: 10.14278/rodare.767
-     - name: HZDR Multiphase Case Collection for OpenFOAM
-       doi: 10.14278/rodare.811
-     - shortname: HZDR
-# HZDR Multiphase Addon for OpenFOAM
-The majority of the developments for numerical simulation of multiphase flows at
-HZDR are implemented in the open source library OpenFOAM. OpenFOAM is the leading
-open source software package for numerical simulations of fluid flows
-(Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD) in engineering applications. By signing the
-Contributors Agreement with the OpenFOAM Foundation in 2017, HZDR has the unique
-opportunity to actively participate in the development of OpenFOAM. An example
-is the contribution of the population balance modelling framework in 2017
-together with VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, which is
-continuously developed and improved since.
-Besides, HZDR develops an extension for multiphase flows, the [HZDR Multiphase
-Addon for OpenFOAM](https://doi.org/10.14278/rodare.767), and a validation
-database, the [HZDR Multiphase Case Collection for OpenFOAM](https://doi.org/10.14278/rodare.811),
-both published via Rossendorfer Data Repository. Since 2019, HZDR coordinates
-the development work for [OpenFOAM_RCS](https://hzdr.de/openfoam-rcs) (RCS - Reactor Coolant System),
-which is an extension for OpenFOAM to simulate the primary cooling circuit in a
-nuclear power plant. As a member of the [OpenFOAM Process Engineering Consortium](https://openfoam.org/chemical-process-engineering/),
-HZDR has established a strong cooperation with the chemical and process
-engineering industry to ensure that the research done on multiphase flows fits
-industrial needs.
-## Highlights
-- [OpenFOAM-Hybrid](https://hzdr.de/openfoam-hybrid): A morphology adaptive two-fluid model
-- [OpenFOAM_RCS](https://hzdr.de/openfoam-rcs): Sustainable development of simulation software for modeling of reactor coolant systems
-- Scientific workflow based on [Snakemake](https://snakemake.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) workflow management
-- [more](https://hzdr.de/openfoam)
-<!-- <center>
-<video src="{{ site.directory.videos | relative_url }}spotlights/openfoam/Simulation-of-a-distillation-column.webm" autoplay controls loop />
- -->
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<video src="{{ site.directory.videos | relative_url }}spotlights/openfoam/Simulation-of-a-distillation-column.webm" alt="Distillation column" autoplay controls loop>
-<span>Example of a simulation of a distillation column.</span>
-## Contributor with an Addon
-The open source library OpenFOAM is written in state-of-the-art, object-oriented
-C++ and licensed under GNU GPL v3 license. Excellent code quality and robustness
-of the OpenFOAM library is ensured by the maintenance work of the OpenFOAM Foundation,
-which is a major requirement for CFD software in industrial design processes.
-The OpenFOAM Foundation follows a continuous integration strategy to reduce
-the amount of bugs in the source code. This development strategy has higher
-demands on downstream developers, like HZDR. Contributions to the release are a
-key prerequisite for industrial application of our developments. However, the
-demands on software quality are high and cannot always be ensured in research.
-Hence, HZDR develops the [HZDR Multiphase
-Addon for OpenFOAM](https://doi.org/10.14278/rodare.767), which primarily
-includes prototype functionality. The flexible interfaces of OpenFOAM and a
-early communication with the core developers of OpenFOAM makes sure the
-maintenance generated by the add-on is minimised. A support contract with
-CFD Direct ensures that the long-term maintenance and the integration costs
-of HZDR's release contributions are covered.
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img alt="Illustration of the linkage between OpenFOAM release and HZDR Multiphase Addon for OpenFOAM."
-src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/openfoam/contributor_with_addon.png">
-<span>Illustration of the linkage between OpenFOAM release and HZDR Multiphase Addon for OpenFOAM.</span>
diff --git a/_spotlights/opengeosys.md b/_spotlights/opengeosys.md
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-layout: spotlight
-# Spotlight list attributes
-name: OpenGeoSys
-preview_image: ogs/ogs_textlogo.png
-excerpt: OpenGeoSys (OGS) is a scientific open source project for the development of numerical methods for the simulation of thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical (THMC) processes in porous and fractured media.
-# Title for individual page
-title_image: ogs_image.jpg
-title: OpenGeoSys
-date_added: 2022-06-13
-    - multi-physics
-    - thmc
-    - hydrological modeling
-    - geothermal modeling
-    - geotechnics
-    - hpc
-    - ogs
-hgf_research_field: Earth & Environment
-    - Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)
-    - name: TU Bergakademie Freiberg
-    - name: Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe
-    - name: TU Dresden
-    - Hydrology
-    - Geothermal energy
-    - Geotechnics
-contact: info@opengeosys.org
-    - type: webpage
-      link_as: https://www.opengeosys.org/
-    - type: gitlab
-      link_as: https://gitlab.opengeosys.org/ogs/ogs
-    - type: github
-      link_as: https://github.com/ufz/ogs
-license: BSD-3-clause
-costs: Free
-    - Modelling
-    - Simulation
-    - Desktop
-    - HPC
-    - C++
-    - Python
-doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6405711
-    - shortname: UFZ
-      link_as: https://www.ufz.de/
-# OpenGeoSys - Open-source multi-physics
-OpenGeoSys (OGS) is a scientific open source project for the development of numerical methods for the simulation of thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical (THMC) coupled processes in porous and fractured media. OGS has been successfully applied in the fields of regional, contaminant and coastal hydrology, fundamental and geothermal energy systems, geotechnical engineering, energy storage, CO2 sequestration/storage and nuclear waste management and disposal.
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/ogs/ogs_image.jpg" alt="Schematic of resolution levels, data, processes and states in mHM.">
-<span>Scientists discuss the OpenGeoSys simulation results of a geothermal model in the <a href="https://www.ufz.de/vislab">Visualization Centre of the UFZ</a>.</span>
-OpenGeoSys provides a flexible simulation framework, a wide array of pre- and postprocessing tools to implement comprehensive simulation workflows as well as the possibility to utilize HPC environments for very large simulations runs. It is developed as an [open-source community project](https://gitlab.opengeosys.org/ogs/ogs). Limited support is available at the [community forum](https://discourse.opengeosys.org).
diff --git a/_spotlights/palladio.md b/_spotlights/palladio.md
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-layout: spotlight
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for spotlights list page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-name: Palladio
-# The date when the software was added to the spotlights YYYY-MM-DD
-date_added: 2022-06-27
-preview_image: palladio/palladio_preview.png
-excerpt: >
-    Palladio is a software architecture simulation approach which analyses
-    software at the model level for performance bottlenecks, scalability issues,
-    reliability threats, and allows for subsequent optimisation.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for individual spotlights page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Entries here will be shown in the green box on the right of the screen.
-# Jumbotron (optional)
-# The path is relative to /assets/img/jumbotrons/
-# Title at the top, inside the title-content-container
-title: Palladio
-# Add at least one keyword
-    - Modeling
-    - Simulation
-    - Software Architecture
-    - Performance Prediction
-    - Component-Based Software Engineering
-# The Helmholtz research field
-hgf_research_field: Information
-# At least one responsible centre
-    - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
-# List of other contributing organisations (optional)
-    - name: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
-      link_as: https://www.kit.edu/
-    - name: FZI Research Center for Information Technology
-      link_as: https://www.fzi.de/
-    - name: University of Stuttgart
-      link_as: https://www.uni-stuttgart.de/
-# List of scientific communities
-# Impact on community (optional, not implemented yet)
-# An e-mail address
-contact: palladio-dev@ira.uni-karlsruhe.de
-# Platforms (optional)
-# Provide platforms in this format
-#   - type: TYPE
-#     link_as: LINK
-# Valid TYPES are: webpage, telegram, mailing-list, twitter, gitlab, github
-# Mailing lists should be added as "mailto:mailinglist@url.de"
-# More types can be implemented by modifying /_layouts/spotlight.html
-    - type: github
-      link_as: https://github.com/PalladioSimulator
-    - type: webpage
-      link_as: https://www.palladio-simulator.com/
-# The software license, please use an SPDX Identifier (https://spdx.org/licenses/) if possible (optional)
-license: EPL-2.0
-# Is the software pricey or free? (optional)
-costs: free
-# What is this software used for in general (e.g. modelling)? (optional, not implemented yet)
-    - modeling
-    - simulation
-    - performance prediction
-    - quality prediction
-# The applicaiton type (Desktop, Mobile, Web) (optional, not implemented yet)
-    - Desktop
-# List of programming languages (optional)
-    - Java
-# DOI (without URL, just 10.1000/1.0000000 ) (optional)
-# Funding of the software (optional)
-    - shortname: KIT
-    - shortname: DFG
-    - shortname: State of Baden-Württemberg
-# Palladio  - Modeling and Simulating Software Architectures
-Palladio is a software architecture simulation approach which analyses
-your software at the model level for performance bottlenecks,
-scalability issues, reliability threats, and allows for a subsequent
-optimisation. Palladio requires neither buying expensive executions
-environments nor fully implementing a software product.
-Palladio comprises:
-* The Palladio Component Model (PCM), a detailed meta-model of
-  component-based software architectures.
-* A component-based software development process. Palladio is aligned
-  with this process and enables distributed modeling for
-  component-based software development scenarios.
-* A software architecture simulator: Multiple performance,
-  reliability, maintainability, and cost prediction approaches are
-  combined. The approaches, by means of analysis or simulation,
-  calculate metrics (e.g. response time) from Palladio models
-  (instance of the PCM).
-* Tool support, the Palladio-Bench implements all aspects of Palladio.
-  The Palladio-Bench is extendable such that it can serve as
-  implementation base for new scientific directions.
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/palladio/palladio_bench_screenshot1.png" alt="Palladio-Bench Overview">
-<span>Palladio-Bench Overview (system view, behaviour view, simulation run, performance results).</span>
-## Analysis
-Palladio supports a broad range of analysis scenarios. Each scenario
-can be analysed with respect to performance, reliability,
-maintainability, and costs. Palladio reduces the risks and implied
-costs of picking the wrong design decisions by a model-based
-engineering approach.
-Typical software architecture analysis scenarios are:
-* Sizing
-* Scalability
-* Load Balancing
-* Configuration Optimization
-* Design Alternatives
-* Extension of Legacy Software
-## Tools
-We have implemented an integrated modelling environment (called
-Palladio-Bench) based on the Eclipse IDE. It enables developers to
-create Palladio Component Model (PCM) instances with graphical editors
-and derive performance, reliability, maintainabilty, and cost metrics
-from the models using analytical techniques and simulation. The
-Palladio Component Model (PCM) is implemented using the Eclipse
-Modeling Framework (EMF). Using the Palladio-Bench, you model PCM
-instances, simulate models, view simulation results, and derive
-software design optimisations.
-The best way for getting started with the Palladio-Bench is looking
-through the screencasts and tutorials provided on our [official
-## Research
-Palladio is a well-validated approach for the prediction of Quality of
-Service (QoS) properties of component-based software architectures. It
-enables the creation of high quality software architectures with
-dependable quality properties.
-Numerous publications demonstrate the applicability of Palladio for
-scientific and real-world industrial scenarios of different domains.
-The book ["Modeling and Simulating Software Architectures -- The
-Palladio Approach"](https://www.palladio-simulator.com/the_book/)
-presents the underlying methodology and background. Ongoing
-development effort and the continuous integration of latest scientific
-trends provides cutting-edge features to researchers and
-practictioners. More information on the scientific background of
-Palladio and developer information can be found in the [Palladio
diff --git a/_spotlights/picongpu.md b/_spotlights/picongpu.md
deleted file mode 100644
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-layout: spotlight
-# Spotlight list attributes
-name: PIConGPU
-date_added: 2022-02-03
-preview_image: picongpu/picongpu-logo.png
-excerpt: PIConGPU is a relativistic Particle-in-Cell code running on graphic processing units as well as regular multi-core processors. It is Open Source und is freely available for download. PIConGPU is developed and maintained by the Computational Radiation Physics Group at the Institute for Radiation Physics at HZDR in close collaboration with the Center for Advanced Systems Understanding (CASUS).
-# Title for individual page
-title: PIConGPU - A Heteregeneous Particle-in-Cell Code
-date_added: 2022-02-03
-    - GPU
-    - CPU
-    - Particle-in-Cell
-    - Simulation
-hgf_research_field: Matter
-    - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
-    - name: Center for Advanced Systems Understanding
-    - name: University of Delaware
-    - name: Oak Ridge National Laboratory
-    - Matter / Photon Science
-contact: m.bussmann@hzdr.de
-    - type: github
-      link_as: https://github.com/ComputationalRadiationPhysics/picongpu
-    - type: webpage
-      link_as: https://picongpu.readthedocs.io/
-license: GPL-3.0-only
-costs: free and open
-    - Simulation
-    - Desktop
-    - C++
-doi: 10.1109/TPS.2010.2064310
-     - shortname: HZDR, CASUS, ORNL CAAR project
-[PIConGPU](https://github.com/ComputationalRadiationPhysics/picongpu) is an extremely scalable and platform portable application for particle-in-cell simulations. While we mainly use it for studying laser-plasma interactions, it has also been used for astrophysics studies of the Kelvin-Helmholtz-instability.
-PIConGPU has been a finalist for the prestigious Gordon-Bell-Award in 2013 and has been one of the flagship applications for a number of leading edge high performance computing (HPC) systems since then ([Titan](https://www.olcf.ornl.gov/2018/07/17/titan-helps-scientists-fine-tune-laser-interactions-to-advance-cancer-treatments/), [JUWELS Booster](https://www.fz-juelich.de/portal/EN/Research/ITBrain/Supercomputer/early_access_app/tb_picongpu.html?nn=2692138), [Frontier1](https://www.amd.com/system/files/documents/ornl-picongpu-team-aims-amd-instinct-gpus-at-laser-particle-accelerator-development.pdf), [Frontier2](https://www.olcf.ornl.gov/2021/01/12/university-of-delaware-team-tightens-up-code-for-exascale-computing-on-frontier/), [Frontier3](https://ascr-discovery.org/2021/12/shrinking-big-physics/)).
-Through this work, PIConGPU has established strong ties with a lot of national and international partners, especially the underlying hardware agnostic libraries like [Alpaka](https://github.com/alpaka-group/alpaka) and [Llama](https://github.com/alpaka-group/llama) are now adopted in the CERN LHC software stack as well. Another collaborative effort also driven by PIConGPU is a standardization in data formats for plasma physics via [openPMD](https://github.com/openPMD/), which is becoming one of the leading data standards in the community.
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/picongpu/LWFAVectorFieldVisTest.jpg" alt="A snapshot from a test simulation of an ultrashort, high-intensity laser pulse.">
-<span>A snapshot from a simulation of an ultrashort, high-intensity laser pulse (orange-striped sphere) driving a plasma wave in ionized helium gas on the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility’s (OLCF) Summit supercomputer. Purple areas highlight the electron density. Streams depict the stronger (red) and weaker (green and blue) electric fields. See also
-<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPq22Lz_kb8"><i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i> video on this</a>
-(<i>Link to Youtube</i>).
-<i>This image was generated using ISAAC, a tool for visualizing simulations in real time on the  Frontier supercomputer being built at OLCF. Image Courtesy of Felix Meyer/Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf.</i></span>
-## Features
-* Open source, fully relativistic, 3D3V, many-core, performance portable Particle-in-cell code with a single code base.
-* A variable, Yee-like grid, on which electric and magnetic fields are approximated.
-* Particle-pushers following the works of Boris, Vay, and Higuera
-* Maxwell-solvers as proposed by Yee and Lehe, as well as an arbitrary-order FDTD field solver
-* Current-deposition schemes according to Esirkepov, Villasenor-Buneman, EZ and ZigZag
-* Macro particle shape orders: NGP (0th) to PCS (4th)
-* In-situ computation of coherent and incoherent classical far-field radiation due to charged-particle motion
-* Self-consistent additions to the PIC cycle, e.g.:
-	- QED synchrotron radiation and Bremsstrahlung (photon emission)
-	- Binary particle collisions
-	- Thomas-Fermi collisional ionization
-	- ADK and BSI field ionization
-	- Classical radiation reaction
-* Scalable, parallel I/O for restarts and full output via [openPMD](https://github.com/openPMD/) to HDF5 and ADIOS2
-* Hardware abstraction for compute target platforms through [Alpaka](https://github.com/alpaka-group/alpaka)
-* Online-Visualization (2D/3D) via [ISAAC](https://github.com/ComputationalRadiationPhysics/isaac)
-* Extensible selection of plugins for online analysis of particle and field data
-## How does the Particle-in-Cell Algorithm work?
-The PIC algorithm approximates the solution of the so-called Maxwell-Vlasov equation. In this approach electric and magnetic fields are interpolated on a physical grid dividing the simulated volume into cells.
-Charged particles like electrons and ions are modeled by macro-particles. Each of these describe the motion of up to several hundred real particles with same momentum by the motion of a single spatially spread-out particle distribution. The macro-particles' motion is influenced by the electric and magnetic fields on the grid.
-The particle motion in turn creates currents. Following Ampère's law these currents create magnetic fields, which then are used to compute the electric fields as described by Faraday's law.
-These new fields then act back on the particles, starting the next iteration cycle.
-## What is so new about PIConGPU?
-GPUs (Graphics processing units) show very high computational performance, because many processors work in parallel. In order to make the most out of this performance, the processors should work independently of each other. In case of the PIC-Algorithm this is hard to achieve, since in the electrical current deposition step, currents which are fixed to the cells have to be computed from the velocity of particles moving freely between grid cells. This motion leads to memory access patterns in which electrical current data and particle data are located at different places in the memory and parallel processes can disturb each others execution when accessing the same part of the memory.
-This problem was solved in our group using a novel data model for particle and grid-based data and asynchronous data transfer.
-This enables to compute 100s of billions of macro-particles on a GPU compute cluster.
-Furthermore, PIConGPU is written in a hardware agnostic way using an hierarchical system model, that is mapped to the available compute resources by the zero-overhead compile time library [Alpaka](https://github.com/alpaka-group/alpaka). As a result, PIConGPU shows similarly great performance on all supported platforms (CPUs from all vendors, as well as AMD and NVIDIA GPUs and FPGAs).
-## All that with a single GPU?
-No, because GPUs do not have enough memory to simulate large physical systems. This makes it necessary to use more than one GPU and distribute the simulated volume between the GPUs.
-The problem with this approach is the data transfer between GPUs. For this, data has to be transferred from the GPU to the main memory of the computer housing the GPU. The data has then to be sent via network to the other computers housing the other GPUs
-This process normally takes a long time and GPUs have to wait for the end of the data transfer before continuing their computations.
-We were able to solve this problem by interleaving the data transfer between GPUs and the computation on a single GPU, so that the GPUs can execute the algorithmic steps continuously without interruption.
-## What does this mean for simulations?
-We want to speed up the time of the simulation to reduce the time between the start of the simulation and the reception of the final result. With GPUs this speed up can mean that a simulation that normally takes a week to finish can finish within a few hours.
-This enables creating digital twins of lab experiments for day-to-day simulation feedback within an experimental campaign instead of weeks between experiments and simulation results.
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index 2b149155817739fdc0ea7140187fe435c9642283..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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-layout: spotlight
-# Template for Software spotlights
-# Templates starting with a _, e.g. "_template.md" will not be integrated into
-# the spotlights.
-# Optional settings can be left empty.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for spotlights list page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# The name of the software
-name: RAFCON
-# The date when the software was added to the spotlights YYYY-MM-DD
-date_added: 2022-06-27
-# Small preview image shown at the spotlights list page.
-# Note: the path is relative to /assets/img/spotlights/
-preview_image: rafcon/RAFCON_Logo.png
-# One or two sentences describing the software
-excerpt: RAFCON uses hierarchical state machines, featuring concurrent state execution, to represent robot programs. It ships with a graphical user interface supporting the creation of state machines and contains IDE like debugging mechanisms.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for individual spotlights page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Entries here will be shown in the green box on the right of the screen.
-# Jumbotron (optional)
-# The path is relative to /assets/img/jumbotrons/
-title_image: RAFCON_statemachine.png
-# Title at the top, inside the title-content-container
-title: RAFCON
-# Add at least one keyword
-    - visual programming
-    - robotics
-    - state machines
-    - collaboration
-# The Helmholtz research field
-hgf_research_field: Aeronautics, Space and Transport
-# At least one responsible centre
-    - German Aerospace Center (DLR)
-# List of other contributing organisations (optional)
-    - Agile Robots AG
-# List of scientific communities
-    - Robotics
-# Impact on community (optional, not implemented yet)
-# An e-mail address
-contact: rafcon@dlr.de
-# Platforms (optional)
-# Provide platforms in this format
-#   - type: TYPE
-#     link_as: LINK
-# Valid TYPES are: webpage, telegram, mailing-list, twitter, gitlab, github
-# Mailing lists should be added as "mailto:mailinglist@url.de"
-# More types can be implemented by modifying /_layouts/spotlight.html
-    - type: webpage
-      link_as: https://dlr-rm.github.io/RAFCON
-    - type: github
-      link_as: https://github.com/DLR-RM/RAFCON
-# The software license, please use an SPDX Identifier (https://spdx.org/licenses/) if possible (optional)
-license: EPL-1.0
-# Is the software pricey or free? (optional)
-costs: Free
-# What is this software used for in general (e.g. modelling)? (optional, not implemented yet)
-    - Integrated development environment
-# The applicaiton type (Desktop, Mobile, Web) (optional, not implemented yet)
-    - Desktop
-# List of programming languages (optional)
-    - Python
-# DOI (without URL, just 10.1000/1.0000000 ) (optional)
-doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6561404
-# Funding of the software (optional)
-    - shortname: Helmholtz
-    - shortname: EU
-# RAFCON: visual state machine programming
-RAFCON (RMC advanced flow control) is a software tool that allows for visual programming of hierarchical state machines, using a feature-rich graphical user interface (GUI). It is programmed in Python, which is an interpreted language that relieves one from compiling and makes it possible to alter a state machine, even while it is running. Python eases the integration of heterogeneous components of a robotic system written in different languages. The novel visualization of hierarchical state machines together with sophisticated debugging mechanisms permit fast prototyping and intuitive task development with closed loop system tests, without the need of deep programming skills. The architecture enables the collaboration in a team on a single state machine. We proved all this during the SpaceBotCamp competition.
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img alt="RAFCONs intuitive visual interface" src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/rafcon/RAFCON-sm-creation-preview.gif">
-<span>With RAFCON, state machines can be created using an intuitive visual interface</span>
-## Main features
-**Universal application**
-: RAFCON is written in Python, can be extended with plugins and is hard- and middleware independent.
-**Visual programming**
-: The sophisticated graphical editor can be used for the creation, execution and debugging of state machines.
-**Collaborative working**
-: Share and reuse your state machines in form of libraries, stored as JSON strings in text files.
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img alt="RAFCON state machine creation" src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/rafcon/complex_state_machine.png">
-<span>With RAFCON, state machines can be created using an intuitive visual interface</span>
-## Core
-The core of RAFCON, its state machine concept, is separated from the GUI. Its API can be used for the programmatic creation of state machines. These state machines can be hierarchically organized and allow for concurrency. With libraries, state machines can be reused in other task flows. The data flow is explicitly defined using data ports and their interconnections. Also, the execution is flexible: (back-)stepping, pausing, jumping and more is possible.
-## GUI
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img alt="RAFCON Graphical User Interface" src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/rafcon/GUI.png">
-<span>With RAFCON, state machines can be created using an intuitive visual interface</span>
-The RAFCON GUI allows to fully create and modify state machines. This is a big advantage to SMACH, for example. The modification history enables you to go back in time if errors were made. Furthermore, the user interface can be used to debug a state machine e.g. by using the execution history and the logging view. The graphical editor shows nested states smaller than their parents. Thus, unimportant details are hidden but can be accessed anytime by intuitive navigation mechanisms like zooming and panning.
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-layout: spotlight
-# Spotlight list attributes
-name: RCE
-date_added: 2021-11-18
-preview_image: rce/rce-logo.png
-excerpt: RCE is a distributed integration environment for scientists and engineers to analyze, optimize, and design complex systems like aircraft, ships, or satellites.
-# Title for individual page
-title: RCE
-    - Multidisciplinary Analysis
-    - Tool Integration
-    - Workflow Execution
-    - Collaboration
-    - Distributed Execution
-hgf_research_field: Aeronautics, Space and Transport
-    - German Aerospace Center (DLR)
-    - Engineering
-contact: rce@dlr.de
-    - type: webpage
-      link_as: https://rcenvironment.de
-    - type: github
-      link_as: https://github.com/rcenvironment
-    - type: twitter
-      link_as: https://twitter.com/RCEnvironment
-license: EPL-1.0
-costs: Free
-    - Distributed Integration Environment
-    - Desktop
-    - Server
-    - Java
-doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3691674
-    - shortname: Several DLR, BMBF, BMWi, and EU projects
-# RCE in a nutshell
-Handling complex systems, such as aircraft, ships, or satellites, requires many experts and several tools for analysis, design, optimization, and simulation. RCE is a scientific integration framework that facilitates the design and distributed execution of multidisciplinary toolchains and workflows. It is especially suited for multidisciplinary collaboration, since tools for analyzing complex systems can be shared between team members. RCE is extensible and supports different scientific applications with a wide range of requirements.
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/rce/rce-ui.jpg" alt="The RCE User Interface">
-<span>The RCE User Interface.</span>
diff --git a/_spotlights/saqc.md b/_spotlights/saqc.md
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@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-layout: spotlight
-# Spotlight list attributes
-name: SaQC
-date_added: 2022-01-17
-preview_image: saqc/SaQC_logo.png
-excerpt: >
-    A consistent, extensible, easy-to-use tool/framework for reproducible 
-    quality control of time series data.
-# Title for individual page
-title_image: default
-title: System for automated Quality Control - SaQC
-    - Time series
-    - Quality control
-    - Data analysis
-hgf_research_field: Earth & Environment
-    - Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)
-    - david.schaefer@ufz.de
-    - type: webpage
-      link_as: https://rdm-software.pages.ufz.de/saqc/index.html
-    - type: gitlab
-      link_as: https://git.ufz.de/rdm-software/saqc
-    - type: github
-      link_as: https://github.com/Helmholtz-UFZ/saqc
-license: GPL-3.0-or-later
-costs: free
-    - Data analysis
-    - Command line application
-    - Python Module
-    - Python
-doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6809871
-    - shortname: UFZ
-      link_as: https://www.ufz.de
-# SaQC in a nutshell
-Anomalies and errors are the rule, not the exception when working with
-time series data. This is especially true if such data originates
-from <i>in situ</i> measurements of environmental properties.
-Almost all applications, however, implicitly rely on data that complies
-with some definition of 'correct'.
-In order to infer reliable data products and tools, there is no alternative
-to quality control. [SaQC](https://rdm-software.pages.ufz.de/saqc/index.html) provides all the building blocks to comfortably
-bridge the gap between 'usually faulty' and 'expected to be corrected' in
-an accessible, consistent, objective and reproducible way.
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/saqc/SaQC-Image.png" alt="SaQC">
-<span>Exemplary screenshot of a time series analysis using SaQC.</span>
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-layout: spotlight
-# Template for Software spotlights
-# Templates starting with a _, e.g. "_template.md" will not be integrated into
-# the spotlights.
-# Optional settings can be left empty.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for spotlights list page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# The name of the software
-name: Tamarin Prover
-# The date when the software was added to the spotlights YYYY-MM-DD
-date_added: 2022-10-07
-# Small preview image shown at the spotlights list page.
-# Note: the path is relative to /assets/img/spotlights/
-preview_image: tamarin/tamarin.png
-# One or two sentences describing the software
-excerpt: > 
-    The Tamarin Prover is a state-of-the-art tool for the
-    analysis of security protocols, which underpin the security of
-    modern distributed computing; Tamarin has been used in analyses of
-    TLS 1.3, 5G, and the EMV (Chip-and-pin) standards, in each case
-    finding attacks and proving strong assurance properties for fixed
-    variants of the protocols. Tamarin's formal analysis supports both
-    falsification and unbounded verification in the symbolic model of
-    cryptography.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for individual spotlights page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Entries here will be shown in the green box on the right of the screen.
-# Jumbotron (optional)
-# The path is relative to /assets/img/jumbotrons/
-# Title at the top, inside the title-content-container
-title: Tamarin Prover – A Security Protocol Verification Tool
-# Add at least one keyword
-    - Formal Verification
-    - Cryptographic Protocols
-# The Helmholtz research field
-hgf_research_field: Information
-# At least one responsible centre
-# Please use the full and official name of your centre
-    - CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security
-# List of other contributing organisations (optional)
-    - name: "ETH Zurich"
-      link_as: https://inf.ethz.ch/
-    - name: "Université de Lorraine"
-      link_as: https://www.loria.fr/en/
-    - name: "University of Oxford"
-      link_as: https://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/
-# List of scientific communities
-    - Computer Aided Verification
-    - Computer Security
-    - Communication Security
-    - Privacy
-    - Logic and Computation
-    - Formal methods
-# Impact on community (optional, not implemented yet)
-# An e-mail address
-contact: cremers@cispa.de
-# Platforms (optional)
-# Provide platforms in this format
-#   - type: TYPE
-#     link_as: LINK
-# Valid TYPES are: webpage, telegram, mailing-list, twitter, gitlab, github
-# Mailing lists should be added as "mailto:mailinglist@url.de"
-# More types can be implemented by modifying /_layouts/spotlight.html
-    - type: webpage
-      link_as: https://tamarin-prover.github.io/
-    - type: github
-      link_as: https://github.com/tamarin-prover/tamarin-prover
-# The software license, please use an SPDX Identifier (https://spdx.org/licenses/) if possible (optional)
-license: GPL-3.0-only
-# Is the software pricey or free? (optional)
-costs: free
-# What is this software used for in general (e.g. modelling)? (optional, not implemented yet)
-    -
-# The applicaiton type (Desktop, Mobile, Web) (optional, not implemented yet)
-    - Web
-# List of programming languages (optional)
-    - Haskell
-    - Javascript
-# DOI (without URL, just 10.1000/1.0000000 ) (optional)
-doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-39799-8_48
-# Funding of the software (optional)
-    - shortname: # Abbreviation
-      funding_text: # Short text or sentence, if required by your funding guidelines (optional)
-      link_as: # Link (optional)
-# Tamarin prover in a nutshell
-The Tamarin prover is a tool for the symbolic modelling and analysis of security protocols. It takes as input a security protocol model, specifying the actions taken by agents running the protocol in different roles (e.g., the protocol initiator, the responder, and the trusted key server), a specification of the adversary, and a specification of the protocol’s desired properties. Tamarin can then be used to automatically construct a proof that, even when arbitrarily many instances of the protocol’s roles are interleaved in parallel, together with the actions of the adversary, the protocol fulfils its specified properties; or produce a counterexample that represents an attack on the property.
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-<img src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/tamarin/attack.png" alt="Visual representation of an attack found on the current protocol model.">
-<span>Visual representation of an attack found on the current protocol model.</span>
-In practice, the Tamarin tool has proven to be highly successful. It features support for trace and observational equivalence properties, automatic and interactive modes. Tamarin has built-in support for fine-grained models of cryptographic primitives through so-called equational theories, such as the one modelling Diffie-Hellman key exchanges. Tamarin has been applied to numerous protocols from different domains including:
-* Advanced key agreement protocols based on Diffie-Hellman exponentiation, such as verifying Naxos with respect to the eCK (extended Canetti Krawczyk) model; see (Schmidt et al. 2012).
-* The Attack Resilient Public Key Infrastructure (ARPKI) (Basin et al. 2014).
-* Transport Layer Security (TLS) (Cremers et al. 2016)
-* and many others
diff --git a/_spotlights/trideccloud.md b/_spotlights/trideccloud.md
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-layout: spotlight
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for spotlights list page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# The name of the software
-name: TRIDEC Cloud
-date_added: 2022-06-13
-# Small preview image shown at the spotlights list page.
-# Note: the path is relative to /assets/img/spotlights/
-preview_image: trideccloud/TRIDEC-Cloud-Logo-250x125.png
-# One or two sentences describing the software
-excerpt: TRIDEC Cloud merges several complementary external and in-house cloud-based services into one platform for automated background computation, for web-mapping of hazard specific geospatial data, and for serving relevant functionality to handle, share, and communicate threat specific information in a collaborative and distributed environment.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Properties for individual spotlights page
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Entries here will be shown in the green box on the right of the screen.
-# Jumbotron (optional)
-# The path is relative to /assets/img/jumbotrons/
-title_image: spotlight_tridec.jpg
-# Title at the top, inside the title-content-container
-title: TRIDEC Cloud & GeoPeril
-# Add at least one keyword
-    - tsunami
-    - early warning
-    - simulation system
-    - scenario computation
-    - impact analysis
-    - GPU
-    - SaaS
-    - virtual scenario training
-# The Helmholtz research field
-hgf_research_field: Earth & Environment
-# At least one responsible centre
-    - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
-# List of other contributing organisations (optional)
-# List of scientific communities
-    - Simulation and Modelling
-# Impact on community (optional, not implemented yet)
-# An e-mail address
-contact: tridec-cloud-support@gfz-potsdam.de
-# Platforms (optional)
-# Provide platforms in this format
-#   - type: TYPE
-#     link_as: LINK
-# Valid TYPES are: webpage, telegram, mailing-list, twitter, gitlab, github
-# Mailing lists should be added as "mailto:mailinglist@url.de"
-# More types can be implemented by modifying /_layouts/spotlight.html
-    - type: webpage
-      link_as: https://helmholtz.software/software/tridec-cloud
-    - type: github
-      link_as: https://github.com/locationtech/geoperil
-    - type: webpage
-      link_as: https://trideccloud.gfz-potsdam.de
-# The software license, please use an SPDX Identifier (https://spdx.org/licenses/) if possible (optional)
-license: Apache-2.0
-# Is the software pricey or free? (optional)
-costs: Access available on request
-# What is this software used for in general (e.g. modelling)? (optional, not implemented yet)
-    -
-# The applicaiton type (Desktop, Mobile, Web) (optional, not implemented yet)
-    - Web
-# List of programming languages (optional)
-    - Python, JavaScript/TypeScript
-# DOI (without URL, just 10.1000/1.0000000 ) (optional)
-# Funding of the software (optional)
-    - shortname: GFZ in-house
-    - shortname: Helmholtz Enterprise
-# TRIDEC Cloud & GeoPeril
-In times of cloud computing and ubiquitous computing the use of state of the art technology concepts and paradigms have to be considered even for early warning and fast response systems. Based on the experiences and the knowledge gained in three research projects new technologies are exploited to implement a cloudbased and web-based platform to open up new prospects for tsunami early warning and mitigation systems (TEWS).
-**TRIDEC Cloud** merges several complementary external and in-house cloud-based services into one platform for automated background computation with graphics processing units (GPU), for web-mapping of hazard specific geospatial data, and for serving relevant functionality to handle, share, and communicate threat specific information in a collaborative and distributed environment.
-**GeoPeril** is the framework of TRIDEC Cloud. This implementation of an early warning system for tsunamis includes, among other things, the harvesting of earthquake events from catalogs or APIs, the automatic execution of simulations for events with given thresholds, remote execution of simulations with [EasyWave](https://git.gfz-potsdam.de/id2/geoperil/easyWave) or HySEA and the modifying of earthquake parameters or creating fictional earthquakes to simulate a scenario.
-## User group
-The platform is meant for researchers and authorities around the world to make use of cloud-based GPU computation, to analyze tsunamigenic events, and react upon the computed situation picture with a web-based GUI in a web browser at remote sites.
-- Global coverage, and applicable for any region in the world
-- Workflow implemented following operators’ or users’ needs, even in stressful situation
-- Integrated threat management & tracing of information, activities, and sequences related to an event
-- Integration of different observational networks and services
-- Integration of different computation engines, i.e. simulation software and hardware (CPU, GPU)
-- Provision of different input data for computations, e.g. different resolutions
-- Generation of pre-defined, internationally agreed messages with dynamic content provided by observations and computations
-- Dissemination via E-mail, Fax, FTP/GTS, SMS, Cloud Messages, Shared Maps
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-    <img width="500" alt="Screenshot of the TRIDEC Cloud website" src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/trideccloud/TRIDEC-1.jpg">
-    <span>Using TRIDEC Cloud to monitor possible tsunamis (early warning).</span>
-In monitoring mode a list displays earthquake events with information on magnitude, location, time, and depth, as well as dip, strike, and rake. An earthquake classification is provided based on a simplified decision matrix and a tsunami prediction is available for critically classified earthquakes based on an attached simulation either computed automatically or manually in the background. Information on earthquakes is complemented by historic and real-time sea level data. The map displays the position of the sea level stations and small diagrams below the map display the measurements for each sea level station.
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-    <img width="500" alt="Screenshot about sending information about a tsunami with TRIDEC Cloud" src="{{ site.directory.images | relative_url}}spotlights/trideccloud/TRIDEC-2.jpg">
-    <span>Sending information about a tsunami with TRIDEC Cloud.</span>
-Interactive diagrams allow a detailed analysis and picking of values that are available for automated integration in warning messages. The generation of warning messages is based on internationally agreed message structures and includes static and dynamic information based on earthquake information, instant computations of tsunami simulations, and actual measurements. Generated messages are served for review, modification, and addressing in one simple form for dissemination.
-The exercise and training mode enables training and exercises with virtual scenarios. This mode disconnects real world systems and connects with a virtual environment that receives virtual earthquake information and virtual sea level data re-played by a scenario player. The exercise and training mode has been used in an opportunity provided by the international NEAMWave14 tsunami exercise to test the TRIDEC Cloud as a collaborative activity based on previous partnerships and commitments at the European scale (Hammitzsch et al. 2014). For the NEAMWave21 exercise the modelling of the KOERI-NOA scenario had been done by KOERI through the easyWave tsunami modelling tool embedded in the TRIDEC Cloud. During the conduct of the NEAMWave21 exercise, TRIDEC Cloud was also utilized by KOERI for the real-time simulation of the sea-level readings.
-<div class="spotlights-text-image">
-    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/CaRXYR4PE8s" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
diff --git a/deeplinkcheck.md b/deeplinkcheck.md
index c5ec446ea30755baad226221a76ff11a10e6fd31..22e2571eee32f49718c8e779dec95ae6bbbf158b 100644
--- a/deeplinkcheck.md
+++ b/deeplinkcheck.md
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ excerpt:
 * <https://hifis.net/media/HIFIS_overview_en.pdf>
 * <https://hifis.net/media/HIFIS_overview_de.pdf>
 * <https://hifis.net/sab>
-* <https://hifis.net/spotlights>
 * <https://hifis.net/survey2021>
 * <https://hifis.net/documentation>
 * <https://hifis.net/services/hifis-spotlight-2021>
diff --git a/newsletter/2022-07/2022-07-HIFIS-Newsletter.md b/newsletter/2022-07/2022-07-HIFIS-Newsletter.md
index e4dfaec6421bbe1ebd6e56781852e3ab788f3c4a..e9116b5b83fc8887b6a6568e5272b71a07b69a18 100644
--- a/newsletter/2022-07/2022-07-HIFIS-Newsletter.md
+++ b/newsletter/2022-07/2022-07-HIFIS-Newsletter.md
@@ -215,13 +215,13 @@ Discover the Helmholtz IT Services for Science!
 Dear HIFIS Community and Friends,<br>
-here it is, the <strong>first newsletter of HIFIS</strong>&nbsp;— 
-Helmholtz Federated IT Services! Some may ask, why so late, HIFIS has 
+here it is, the <strong>first newsletter of HIFIS</strong>&nbsp;—
+Helmholtz Federated IT Services! Some may ask, why so late, HIFIS has
 been around for quite a while? Well, the HIFIS team initially focused on
  building great services for science.<br>
 Now we have reached a milestone that makes us proud: we have registered an incredible <a style="text-decoration: none; color: #005aa0;" href="https://hifis.net/news/2022/07/13/10k-aai-users">10,000 users of our services</a> in the Helmholtz AAI<span style="color:#0a2d6e"> </span>by July 2022, including over 1,000 partners from other institutes and universities!<br>
-We will now report regularly on news from the HIFIS world and Sam, a 
-young scientist somewhere in Helmholtz, will join us and hopefully give 
+We will now report regularly on news from the HIFIS world and Sam, a
+young scientist somewhere in Helmholtz, will join us and hopefully give
 us interesting insights into practical use cases.<br>
 Enjoy reading and using HIFIS, the HIFIS Team!</div>
@@ -362,9 +362,9 @@ Enjoy reading and using HIFIS, the HIFIS Team!</div>
 <td class="fallback-innerfont" style="border-collapse:collapse;color:#000000;font-family:'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:14px;line-height:20px;" align="left">
 <div style="line-height:27px"><span style="font-size:18px"><span style="color:#005aa0"><strong>Sam's Story</strong></span></span></div>
-Hey, I am <strong>Sam Scientist</strong>. I'll be appearing time and 
+Hey, I am <strong>Sam Scientist</strong>. I'll be appearing time and
 again in the coming newsletters and I'll take you with me into the world
- of HIFIS. You will hear about the offers that I have had the pleasure 
+ of HIFIS. You will hear about the offers that I have had the pleasure
 of getting to know and use.
@@ -547,8 +547,8 @@ In August 2021, HIFIS started to support <strong>PUNCH4NFDI</strong> by adapting
 <td class="fallback-innerfont" style="border-collapse:collapse;color:#000000;font-family:'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:14px;line-height:20px;" align="left">
 <div style="line-height:24px"><span style="color:#005aa0"><span style="font-size:16px"><strong>We want your Use Case!</strong></span></span></div>
-You are using some of our HIFIS services in your work and want to tell 
-our community about it? Great, we highly appreciate it, because we want 
+You are using some of our HIFIS services in your work and want to tell
+our community about it? Great, we highly appreciate it, because we want
 to broaden our <a style="text-decoration: none; color: #005aa0;" href="https://hifis.net/usecases">use case section</a>! Get in contact with us via <a style="text-decoration: none; color: #005aa0;" href="mailto:support@hifis.net?subject=Use Case HIFIS">support@hifis.net</a>. You can send us either a draft or information from which we can write up a text. In both cases, this should include<br>
 1) a brief description of your project<br>
@@ -808,7 +808,7 @@ ser_token=3D1_b75f3HQ1mU6_1pM-T5jP76uhecQMM_btSZG7TV4SOhw"><span style="color:#0
 <table style="width:100%;" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
 <td class="fallback-innerfont" style="border-collapse:collapse;color:#000000;font-family:'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:14px;line-height:20px;" align="left">
-During the summer, the team concentrates on improving the workshop 
+During the summer, the team concentrates on improving the workshop
 material to implement planned improvements. At the same time, work is in
  progress to make the materials available in a central location at <a style="text-decoration: none; color: #005aa0;" href="https://hifis.net/">hifis.net</a>. In order to implement these changes, there will be no workshops during the summer break. Fortunately, the<span style="color:#005aa0"><strong> </strong></span><strong>Incubator Summer Academy</strong> (see below) is taking place and the team is preparing for it.<br>
@@ -874,9 +874,9 @@ But you should already safe the date for the first course in autumn:<br>
 <td class="fallback-innerfont" style="border-collapse:collapse;color:#000000;font-family:'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:14px;line-height:20px;" align="left">
 <div style="line-height:27px"><span style="font-size:18px"><span style="color:#005aa0"><strong>News from Software</strong></span></span></div>
-Did you know that Helmholtz is an excellent software forge? Together 
-with the Open Science working group, we conducted a survey in the 
-community and found almost 100 great products from all research areas 
+Did you know that Helmholtz is an excellent software forge? Together
+with the Open Science working group, we conducted a survey in the
+community and found almost 100 great products from all research areas
 (see graphic).
@@ -906,9 +906,9 @@ community and found almost 100 great products from all research areas
 <table style="width:100%;" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
 <td class="fallback-innerfont" style="border-collapse:collapse;color:#000000;font-family:'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:14px;line-height:20px;" align="left">
-More than 20 of these solutions are already featured as <a style="text-decoration: none; color: #005aa0;" href="https://hifis.net/spotlights">Software Spotlights</a>
- on the HIFIS website with user stories, pictures and videos. They form 
-the basis for the new Helmholtz Software Directory, which is currently 
+More than 20 of these solutions are already featured as <a style="text-decoration: none; color: #005aa0;" href="https://helmholtz.software/spotlights">Software Spotlights</a>
+ on the HIFIS website with user stories, pictures and videos. They form
+the basis for the new Helmholtz Software Directory, which is currently
 being created.<br>
 Curious? You have also developed a nice peace of software? Become part of the Helmholtz Software Forum, <a style="text-decoration: none; color: #005aa0;" href="mailto:support@hifis.net?subject=Software Spotlights">send us</a> your ideas and join the <a style="text-decoration: none; color: #005aa0;" href="https://mattermost.hzdr.de/signup_user_complete/?id=huu15rxw5jgsbdq8gifr771obh">Software Chat</a>.
@@ -996,8 +996,8 @@ Curious? You have also developed a nice peace of software? Become part of the He
 <table style="width:100%;" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
 <td class="fallback-innerfont" style="border-collapse:collapse;color:#000000;font-family:'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:14px;line-height:20px;" align="left">
-<strong>Ansible</strong> is an open source IT automation engine. With 
-this, you can automate processes like provisioning, configuration 
+<strong>Ansible</strong> is an open source IT automation engine. With
+this, you can automate processes like provisioning, configuration
 management, deployment or orchestration of software programs.
diff --git a/newsletter/2022-12-xmas/editorial.md b/newsletter/2022-12-xmas/editorial.md
index bd95e9672756b6d465119f0dd9a4c510dc2e15c6..19a7893870cd7170ee598ccb8253a95ed9388353 100644
--- a/newsletter/2022-12-xmas/editorial.md
+++ b/newsletter/2022-12-xmas/editorial.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Dear HIFIS community and friends, 
+Dear HIFIS community and friends,
 As the year comes to an end, we want to use this opportunity to take a look back and say thank you!
 It has been a challenging year in many ways, but we have overcome a lot of obstacles by focusing on our strengths and joining forces wherever possible.
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ While we had about 6,000 users authorized in our Helmholtz Login at the end of 2
 Once logged in, they can benefit from our support offerings and [Helmholtz Cloud](https://helmholtz.cloud/) services.
 The latter have been increased from 20 to 25 software services during the last 12 months.
 Our website got a [makeover]({% post_url 2022/2022-04-06-hifis-net-relaunch %}) as well as the [Helmholtz Cloud]({% post_url 2022/2022-08-01-update-cloudportal %}).
-We expanded our collections of [use cases]({% link usecases.md %}) and [software spotlights]({% link spotlights.md %}) from the HIFIS community.
+We expanded our collections of [use cases]({% link usecases.md %}) and [software spotlights](https://helmholtz.software/spotlights) from the HIFIS community.
 Plony, the service database, became the [central interface for service providers]({% post_url 2022/2022-11-04-cloud-plony-central-interface %}) to automate and facilitate processes.
 HIFIS Education did not only teach a lot of people but also started publishing their [workshop materials]({% link services/software/training.md %}).
 HIFIS Consulting did likewise with the publication of the [Consulting Handbook]({% post_url 2022/2022-10-28-consulting-handbook %}) and an [Awesome list of useful links]({% post_url 2022/2022-09-19-awesome-lists %}) for software development.
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ And last but not least, we created the HIFIS newsletter to keep you informed abo
 The [very positive evaluation]({% post_url 2022/2022-12-12-evaluation-update %}) in the fall also showed that we have taken the right path together.
 HIFIS is a visible landmark of sustainable, federated services in science.
-We would like to thank all our users, partners and friends for a great cooperation over the last year. 
+We would like to thank all our users, partners and friends for a great cooperation over the last year.
 We are looking forward to set new milestones and master new challenges together.
 But for now, we wish you all happy holidays and all the best to you in the year to come!
diff --git a/search.json b/search.json
index caec4219b3c7c46ba696bd0760c402d5a85c4a26..42c4d5d736802139e9e57d407e1383b96dd1355e 100644
--- a/search.json
+++ b/search.json
@@ -31,23 +31,4 @@
      {% endif %}
    } {% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}
   {% endfor %}
-  ,
-  {% for page in site.spotlights %}
-   {
-     {% if page.title != nil %}
-        "title"    : "{{ page.title | escape }}",
-        "url"      : "{{ base_url }}{{ page.url }}",
-        "date_added"     : "{{ page.date_added }}",
-        "software_type"                 : "{{ page.software_type }}",
-        "application_type"              : "{{ page.application_type }}",
-        "programming_languages"         : "{{ page.programming_languages }}",
-        "scientific_community"          : "{{ page.scientific_community }}",
-        "impact_on_community"           : "{{ page.impact_on_community }}",
-        "hgf_centers"                   : "{{ page.hgf_centers }}",
-        "hgf_research_field"            : "{{ page.hgf_research_field }}",
-        "keywords"                      : "{{ page.keywords }}",
-        "content"  : "{{ page.content | strip_html | strip_newlines | remove_chars | escape }}"
-     {% endif %}
-   } {% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}
-  {% endfor %}
diff --git a/services/cloud/Helmholtz_cloud.md b/services/cloud/Helmholtz_cloud.md
index 87d874fa0376c0eeb27464c0f832db5ad5a9e617..48e42980fa2616c05f8058c558e389617705123c 100644
--- a/services/cloud/Helmholtz_cloud.md
+++ b/services/cloud/Helmholtz_cloud.md
@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ excerpt: >-
         The Service Portfolio covers the whole scientific process and offers Helmholtz employees and their project partners a federated community cloud with uniform access for them to conduct and support excellent science. 
         The connection to international developments (e.g. EOSC at European level) is regarded as essential and the "FAIR" principles in particular are taken into account.
+        <center>
+        <a alt="Link to the Helmholtz Cloud Services" href="https://helmholtz.cloud/services" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg m-1" target="_blank">Browse Helmholtz Cloud Services</a>
+        </center>
diff --git a/services/software/communities.html b/services/software/communities.html
index 9551735b2eb867af20bffe0c3dd267a55a431d30..b4b508ac746a7191ae7cf5da1e9d7517faca589d 100644
--- a/services/software/communities.html
+++ b/services/software/communities.html
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ excerpt:
         <h3>Helmholtz Software Spotlights</h3>
-            The <a href="{{ '/spotlights' | absolute_url }}">Helmholtz Software Spotlights</a> is the public face of the Helmholtz Network for Research Software Engineering and shall become a unique place across all research fields presenting best in class software in different categories from all Helmholtz centres to the public and interested stakeholders in one place.
+            The <a href="https://helmholtz.software/spotlights" target="_blank">Helmholtz Software Spotlights</a> is the public face of the Helmholtz Network for Research Software Engineering and shall become a unique place across all research fields presenting best in class software in different categories from all Helmholtz centres to the public and interested stakeholders in one place.
             Opening research software as a product of the scientific work and a backbone of modern science helps acquiring cooperation internationally, for future scientific endeavors with new partners, for the transfer of knowledge into society and industry, and for adoption of research result by the industry.
             The collection is intended to become a "flagship" of the Helmholtz Association for research software that appeals equally to research, citizens, industry and politics.
diff --git a/services/software/rse_benefit.md b/services/software/rse_benefit.md
index a2b49984f456ba72b55fb071b088afd88c2d729a..101c800609b89d2991add3ad0b60a230d8663c0e 100644
--- a/services/software/rse_benefit.md
+++ b/services/software/rse_benefit.md
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ excerpt: >-
         The Helmholtz RSD is accessible under <a href="https://helmholtz.software" target="_blank">helmholtz.software</a>.
         <p markdown=1>
-        In addition, we implement the [Helmholtz Software Spotlights]({% link spotlights.md %})
+        In addition, we implement the [Helmholtz Software Spotlights](https://helmholtz.software/spotlights)
         as the public face of the Helmholtz Network for Research Software Engineering.
         The collection is intended to become a "flagship" of the Helmholtz Association
         for research software that appeals equally to research, citizens, industry and politics.
diff --git a/services/software/spotlights.html b/services/software/spotlights.html
index 33767c56b2faf00494f8505e967758dc7cb96e2d..6e8c5feb52f2fc0d083f0db8bf29c6d5c7dc54c5 100644
--- a/services/software/spotlights.html
+++ b/services/software/spotlights.html
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-title: "Software Spotlights"
+title: Software<br>Spotlights <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i>
 title_image: blue_curtains.jpg
 layout: services/default
 author: none
 excerpt: >-
     The Helmholtz Software Spotlights represent top success stories of Reseach Software Engineering in Helmholtz.
-redirect_to: spotlights
+redirect_to: "https://helmholtz.software/spotlights"
diff --git a/spotlights.md b/spotlights.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 888822991f17ef4989644135b9db4b852cec2337..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/spotlights.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-title: Helmholtz Software Spotlights
-title_image: default
-layout: spotlight-list
-    - services/services-page-images.css
-    - spotlights.css
-    - ../vendor/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js
-    - spotlights_filter.js
-  "Outstanding software products by the Helmholtz Centres."
-{% comment %}
-  This markdown file triggers the generation of the spotlights page.
-  Only the frontmatter is required by Jekyll.
-  The contents section does not get rendered into HTML on purpose.
-{% endcomment %}
diff --git a/spotlights/cff.md b/spotlights/cff.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1fa60d667cb48736ea66949c3c6b96d6a82e2d2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spotlights/cff.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+permalink: /spotlights/cff
+  - https://helmholtz.software/software/citation-file-format
diff --git a/spotlights/chemotion_ELN.md b/spotlights/chemotion_ELN.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e13137a0b3610561ceae082c500e422526e9426e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spotlights/chemotion_ELN.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+permalink: /spotlights/chemotion-eln
+  - https://helmholtz.software/software/chemotion-eln
diff --git a/spotlights/crystfel.md b/spotlights/crystfel.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e2431c683a3e99e0d1eab8c7a6fe30fa3c0e0707
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spotlights/crystfel.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+permalink: /spotlights/crystfel
+  - https://helmholtz.software/software/crystfel
diff --git a/spotlights/digitalearthviewer.md b/spotlights/digitalearthviewer.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..422b5b87296d1d298d74cc0d1af36d655508a95a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spotlights/digitalearthviewer.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+permalink: /spotlights/digitalearthviewer
+  - https://helmholtz.software/software/digital-earth-viewer
diff --git a/spotlights/enpt.md b/spotlights/enpt.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5ed81396e8c50ddf492a3481ee68754a049292a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spotlights/enpt.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+permalink: /spotlights/enpt
+  - https://helmholtz.software/software/enpt
diff --git a/spotlights/fairmq.md b/spotlights/fairmq.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..871b7d9227a5f0aa6d3592f1a5461b1074bfff97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spotlights/fairmq.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+permalink: /spotlights/fairmq
+  - https://helmholtz.software/software/fairmq
diff --git a/spotlights/fesom_nk.md b/spotlights/fesom_nk.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dfcd72c04990695d1d9851f5c1721476ebe68b24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spotlights/fesom_nk.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+permalink: /spotlights/fesom-nk
+  - https://helmholtz.software/software/fesom
diff --git a/spotlights/fishinspector.md b/spotlights/fishinspector.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d24187a76f10b2a6ec74c1adcfba8341c3e7fe4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spotlights/fishinspector.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+permalink: /spotlights/fishinspector
+  - https://helmholtz.software/software/fishinspector
diff --git a/spotlights/formatfuzzer.md b/spotlights/formatfuzzer.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e58c5c59544a0e466f0b3c23ae6e42e7727207c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spotlights/formatfuzzer.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+permalink: /spotlights/formatfuzzer
+  - https://helmholtz.software/software/formatfuzzer
diff --git a/spotlights/geostat.md b/spotlights/geostat.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4c6131da4614978a7b6a2bac0f188c882c899323
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spotlights/geostat.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+permalink: /spotlights/geostat
+  - https://helmholtz.software/spotlights
diff --git a/spotlights/golem.md b/spotlights/golem.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/spotlights/golem.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+permalink: /spotlights/golem
+  - https://helmholtz.software/software/golem
diff --git a/spotlights/igmas.md b/spotlights/igmas.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/spotlights/igmas.md
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+permalink: /spotlights/igmas
+  - https://helmholtz.software/software/igmas
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/spotlights/index.md
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+  - https://helmholtz.software/spotlights
diff --git a/spotlights/kadi4mat.md b/spotlights/kadi4mat.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/spotlights/kadi4mat.md
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+permalink: /spotlights/kadi4mat
+  - https://helmholtz.software/software/kadi4mat
diff --git a/spotlights/lynx.md b/spotlights/lynx.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/spotlights/lynx.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+permalink: /spotlights/lynx
+  - https://helmholtz.software/software/lynx
diff --git a/spotlights/mHM.md b/spotlights/mHM.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/spotlights/mHM.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+permalink: /spotlights/mhm
+  - https://helmholtz.software/software/mhm
diff --git a/spotlights/massbank.md b/spotlights/massbank.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/spotlights/massbank.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+permalink: /spotlights/massbank
+  - https://helmholtz.software/software/massbank
diff --git a/spotlights/matRad.md b/spotlights/matRad.md
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c0e0e3dd6292d7c842faf73426d032bcc370cd6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spotlights/matRad.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+permalink: /spotlights/matrad
+  - https://helmholtz.software/software/matrad
diff --git a/spotlights/meshit.md b/spotlights/meshit.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/spotlights/meshit.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+permalink: /spotlights/meshit
+  - https://helmholtz.software/software/meshit
diff --git a/spotlights/millepede2.md b/spotlights/millepede2.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/spotlights/millepede2.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+permalink: /spotlights/millepede2
+  - https://helmholtz.software/software/millepede-ii
diff --git a/spotlights/nest.md b/spotlights/nest.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/spotlights/nest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+permalink: /spotlights/nest
+  - https://helmholtz.software/software/nest
diff --git a/spotlights/odv_plus.md b/spotlights/odv_plus.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/spotlights/odv_plus.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+permalink: /spotlights/odv-plus
+  - https://helmholtz.software/software/odv
diff --git a/spotlights/openCARP.md b/spotlights/openCARP.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..247cc0e173b45fc417b529baa6158442dc8335d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spotlights/openCARP.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+permalink: /spotlights/opencarp
+  - https://helmholtz.software/software/opencarp
diff --git a/spotlights/openfoam.md b/spotlights/openfoam.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9233be131ca3278bd7d7338dd01f0b18a048f90e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spotlights/openfoam.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+permalink: /spotlights/openfoam
+  - https://helmholtz.software/software/multiphase-code-repository-by-hzdr
diff --git a/spotlights/opengeosys.md b/spotlights/opengeosys.md
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+permalink: /spotlights/opengeosys
+  - https://helmholtz.software/software/opengeosys
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+permalink: /spotlights/palladio
+  - https://helmholtz.software/software/palladio
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+permalink: /spotlights/picongpu
+  - https://helmholtz.software/software/picongpu
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+permalink: /spotlights/rafcon
+  - https://helmholtz.software/software/rafcon
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+permalink: /spotlights/rce
+  - https://helmholtz.software/software/rce
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+permalink: /spotlights/saqc
+  - https://helmholtz.software/software/saqc
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+permalink: /spotlights/tamarin
+  - https://helmholtz.software/software/tamarin-prover
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+permalink: /spotlights/trideccloud
+  - https://helmholtz.software/software/tridec-cloud