diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 17138a2d342c1ac94e1904fa4784c6894806b175..58e37ff13e9387b73e2305907985d078226f9215 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ build_printable_episodes:
     - cd episodes
     - pandoc --from markdown --to docx --out 01-using-shell.docx 01-using-shell.md
-    - pandoc --from markdown --to docx --out 08-remotes-in-gitlab.docx 08-remotes-in-gitlab.md
-    - pandoc --from markdown --to docx --out 09-conflicts.docx 09-conflicts.md
+    - pandoc --from markdown --to docx --out 08-conflicts.docx 08-conflicts.md
+    - pandoc --from markdown --to docx --out 09-remotes-in-gitlab.docx 09-remotes-in-gitlab.md
     - pandoc --from markdown --to docx --out 10-collaboration-with-others.docx 10-collaboration-with-others.md
     - docker
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9ca4fe085f8037f89bb3238b48c65c9ad29d4710..33b80efeaa7644a974305fcdd17ff7ce71da9382 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ Please bring your laptop including a Web browser, a text editor, and a recent [G
 1. [Ignoring Things](https://swcarpentry.github.io/git-novice/06-ignore/index.html)
 <br />*Exercises:* [Ignoring Nested Files](https://swcarpentry.github.io/git-novice/06-ignore/index.html#ignoring-nested-files),
 [The Order of Rules](https://swcarpentry.github.io/git-novice/06-ignore/index.html#the-order-of-rules)
-1. [Remotes with GitLab](episodes/08-remotes-in-gitlab.md)
-1. [Conflicts](episodes/09-conflicts.md)
+1. [Conflicts](episodes/08-conflicts.md)
+1. [Remotes with GitLab](episodes/09-remotes-in-gitlab.md)
 1. [Collaboration with Others](episodes/10-collaboration-with-others.md)
 ### Schedule
diff --git a/episodes/08-conflicts.md b/episodes/08-conflicts.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d411930720ae00f6091157753609e8b5af278136
--- /dev/null
+++ b/episodes/08-conflicts.md
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 German Aerospace Center (DLR)
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
+# Conflicts
+In this episode, we create [a conflict](https://swcarpentry.github.io/git-novice/fig/conflict.svg) and resolve it.
+In addition, we briefly introduce the typically used concepts of `branching` and `merging`.
+Please see [the original Conflict episode](https://swcarpentry.github.io/git-novice/09-conflict/index.html) for further details.
+In addition, [conflicts.pptx](extras/conflicts.pptx) shows an animation of all performed steps.
+## Background
+- `Branching` is an important concept in Git.
+  - A `branch` is a specific series of commits in the repository.
+  - The `master` branch reflects the current state ("truth") of the repository
+    and typically acts as synchronization point for starting off new work and re-integrating finished work.
+  - Every Git repository can contain as many branches as you want.
+  - Every Git repository can have different branches.
+  - Branches can be shared between Git repositories.
+- Typically, you start a new piece of work by creating a new `branch` out of the `master` branch.
+- Once, you are finished with your work you re-integrate it by `merging` your working branch back into the `master` branch.
+- When re-integrating your work, it might happen that `conflicts` occur because someone else changed the same lines as you.
+## Configure some Useful Details
+- Configure a GitLab-like graph view in the Shell: `git config alias.graph "log --oneline --graph --all --decorate"`
+- Configure a [known editor](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Appendix-C%3A-Git-Commands-Setup-and-Config#_core_editor) for later conflict resolution: `git config --global core.editor "'C:/Program Files/Notepad++/notepad++.exe' -multiInst -notabbar -nosession -noPlugin"`
+  - View diff while writing commit message `git config --global commit.verbose true`
+  - Test with `git config --global --edit`
+## Create a new Branch and start your Work
+- Show the existing branches
+  - `git branch --all`
+  - Explain the labels `master` and `HEAD`
+- Show graph of the repository
+  - Draw state of the repository
+  - Verify with `git graph`
+o - o <- HEAD, master
+- Create a new branch
+  - `git branch mummy-info`
+- Show what changed
+  - Verify with `git branch` and `git graph`
+  - Explain that `*` marks where the HEAD is pointing to
+o - o <- HEAD, master, mummy-info
+- Switch to the newly created branch
+  - `git checkout mummy-info` (Git version >= 2.23 supports: `git switch <BRANCH NAME>`)
+  - Verify with `git branch`
+- Edit the file `mars.txt` and commit the changes
+  - Add a new sentence at the end of the file: `Mummy will appreciate sand storms on Mars`
+  - Adapt the first line and attach at its end: ` (for Dracula)`
+  - Add & commit it: `git add mars.txt`, `git commit -m "Add advantages for the Mummy"`
+  - Verify with `git graph`
+      o <- HEAD, mummy-info
+     /
+o - o   <- master
+## Prepare the Conflict
+- Switch back to the `master` branch
+  - `git checkout master` (Git version >= 2.23 supports: `git switch <BRANCH NAME>`)
+  - Verify with `git branch` and `git graph`
+- Edit the file `mars.txt` and commit the changes
+  - Add a new sentence at the end of the file: `Generating solar energy is less effective on Mars`
+  - Add & commit it: `git add mars.txt`, `git commit -m "Add information about energy generation"`
+  - Verify with `git graph`
+      o   <- mummy-info
+     /
+o - o - o <- HEAD, master
+## Merge and Resolve the Conflict
+- Merge the working branch (`mummy-info`) into the `master`branch
+  - `git merge mummy-info`
+  - Explain the output and the consequences
+- Resolve the conflict manually with the help of the editor by editing the `<<< ... === ... >>>` section and removing the conflict markers
+- Mark the conflict as resolved:
+  - `git add mars.txt`
+  - `git commit` (without commit message => explain interactive commit with default message) 
+- Show local commit log:
+  - `git graph`
+  - Highlight the split with coexisting commits
+  - Highlight that no version/commit is lost in a merge
+        o     <- mummy-info
+      /   \
+o - o - o - o <- HEAD, master
+- Clean up the local branch
+  - Delete the branch `git branch -d mummy-info`
+  - Verfiy with `git branch` and `git graph`
+        o
+      /   \
+o - o - o - o <- HEAD, master
+## Key Points
+- Git can merge diverging files line-based
+  - unless the same line is changed in different ways
+- Resolve conflicts by editing the `<<< ... === ... >>>` sections
+  - then remove markers, `git add` and `git commit`
+- Shell prompt and command outputs include hints and instructions
diff --git a/episodes/09-conflicts.md b/episodes/09-conflicts.md
deleted file mode 100644
index ef0e9894ba537b6f4865272098ebeab425fd0ecd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/episodes/09-conflicts.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 German Aerospace Center (DLR)
-SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
-# Conflicts
-In this episode, we create [a conflict](https://swcarpentry.github.io/git-novice/fig/conflict.svg) and resolve it.
-Please see [the original Conflict episode](https://swcarpentry.github.io/git-novice/09-conflict/index.html) for further details.
-In addition, [conflicts.pptx](extras/conflicts.pptx) shows an animation of all performed
-## Configure some Useful Details
-- Configure a GitLab-like graph view in the Shell: `git config alias.graph "log --oneline --graph --all --decorate"`
-- Configure a [known editor](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Appendix-C%3A-Git-Commands-Setup-and-Config#_core_editor) for later conflict resolution: `git config --global core.editor "'C:/Program Files/Notepad++/notepad++.exe' -multiInst -notabbar -nosession -noPlugin"`
-  - View diff while writing commit message `git config --global commit.verbose true`
-  - Test with `git config --global --edit`
-## Create a Conflict
-- In the remote repository: 
-  - Change the sentence on first line to `Cold, dry and rocky, but everything is my favorite color` in `mars.txt`
-  - Add a new sentence: `Mummy will appreciate sand storms on Mars` to `mars.txt`
-  - Commit the changes with the commit message `"Prepare merge conflict on GitLab"`
-  - Show GitLab's `/commits` or `/graph` pages
-- In the local repository:
-  - Add a new sentence: `Generating solar energy is less effective on Mars` to `mars.txt`
-  - Add & commit it: `git add mars.txt` & `git commit -m "Prepare merge conflict locally"`
-- Show local commit log:
-  - `git graph`
-- Show that a push to remote fails:
-  - `git push origin master`
-  - Explain reasons
-  - Optional: `git fetch -v` 
-## Resolve the Conflict
-- Pull from remote repository:
-  - `git pull`
-- Perform manual merge with the editor by editing the `<<< ... === ... >>>` section and removal of these conflict markers
-- Mark the conflict as resolved:
-  - `git add mars.txt`
-  - `git commit` (without commit message => explain interactive commit with default message) 
-- Show local commit log:
-  - `git graph`
-  - Highlight the split with coexisting commits
-  - Highlight that no version/commit is lost in a merge
-  - Highlight that `origin/master` is behind `master` (local Git repository)  
-- Push result to remote repository:
-  - `git push`
-- Show local commit log:
-  - `git graph`
-  - Highlight that `origin/master` and  `master` (local Git repository) are equal
-## Key Points
-- Git can merge diverging files line-based
-  - unless the same line is changed in different ways
-- Resolve conflicts by editing the `<<< ... === ... >>>` sections
-  - then remove markers, `git add` and `git commit`
-- Shell prompt and command outputs include hints and instructions
diff --git a/episodes/08-remotes-in-gitlab.md b/episodes/09-remotes-in-gitlab.md
similarity index 100%
rename from episodes/08-remotes-in-gitlab.md
rename to episodes/09-remotes-in-gitlab.md