bug: if URL in prompts ends with ".", it becomes part of the URL
if URL in prompts ends with ".", it becomes part of the URL
Steps to reproduce
Check https://templates.cloud.ai4eosc.eu/template/cba71ffd-9f6f-4b0e-90e6-db78f887ee6d , field User account at hub.docker.com, e.g. 'ai4oshub' in https://hub.docker.com/u/ai4oshub. URL is "https://hub.docker.com/u/ai4oshub." , i.e. with the dot "." in the end, while real URL is https://hub.docker.com/u/ai4oshub
What is the expected correct behavior?
URL is correctly parsed to https://hub.docker.com/u/ai4oshub
Possible fixes
Identify if URL ends with "." and remove it