project_name: mytoken-server before: hooks: - go mod tidy builds: - id: server main: ./cmd/mytoken-server/main.go binary: mytoken-server env: - CGO_ENABLED=0 goos: - linux # - windows # - darwin - id: setup main: ./cmd/mytoken-server/mytoken-setup/setup.go binary: mytoken-setup env: - CGO_ENABLED=0 goos: - linux - id: garbage main: ./cmd/mytoken-server/mytoken-dbGarbageCollector/main.go binary: mytoken-dbgc env: - CGO_ENABLED=0 goos: - linux archives: - replacements: darwin: Darwin linux: Linux windows: Windows 386: i386 amd64: x86_64 nfpms: - id: server-pkg package_name: mytoken-server builds: - server homepage: maintainer: Gabriel Zachmann <> description: Mytoken is a central web service with the goal to easily obtain OpenID Connect access tokens across devices. license: MIT formats: # - apk - deb - rpm release: 1 section: misc bindir: /usr/bin empty_folders: - /var/log/mytoken contents: - src: config/example-config.yaml dst: /etc/mytoken/example-config.yaml type: config - src: config/mytoken.service dst: /etc/systemd/system/mytoken.service - id: setup-pkg package_name: mytoken-server-setup builds: - setup homepage: maintainer: Gabriel Zachmann <> description: A setup utility for the mytoken-server license: MIT formats: - deb - rpm release: 1 section: misc bindir: /usr/bin - id: garbage-pkg package_name: mytoken-server-dbgc builds: - garbage homepage: maintainer: Gabriel Zachmann <> description: A garbage collector for the mytoken database. It deletes expired entries. license: MIT formats: - deb - rpm release: 1 section: misc bindir: /usr/bin checksum: name_template: 'checksums.txt' snapshot: name_template: "{{ .Tag }}-next" release: draft: true name_template: "{{.ProjectName}} {{.Version}}" changelog: sort: asc filters: exclude: - '^docs:' - '^test:'