# The issuer url to be used. MUST point to this server issuer: "https://mytoken.example.com" # Configuration for the mytoken server server: hostname: "mytoken.example.com" # port: 443 # Configuration for the database database: host: "localhost" user: "mytoken" password: "mytoken" db: "mytoken" # Configuration for token signing signing: # The used algorithm alg: "ES512" # The file with the signing key key_file: "/mytoken.key" # If an RSA-based algorithm is used, this is the key len. Only needed when generating a new rsa key. # rsa_key_len: 2048 # Configuration for logging logging: # The web server access logs access: # The directory where the log file should be placed dir: "/var/log/mytoken" # Indicates if mytoken should log additionally to stderr stderr: false # The mytoken internal logs internal: # The directory where the log file should be placed dir: "/var/log/mytoken" # Indicates if mytoken should log additionally to stderr stderr: false # The minimal log level that should be logged level: "error" # URL with documentation about the service service_documentation: "https://github.com/zachmann/mytoken" # Configuration and enabling/disabling for different features features: # The supported oidc flows oidc_flows: - "authorization_code" # Always enabled - "device" # Requires polling_codes to be enabled # Revocation for tokens issued by mytoken. Only disable this if you have good reasons for it. token_revocation: enabled: true # Support for short super tokens short_tokens: enabled: true # Support for transfer codes for super tokens transfer_codes: enabled: true # Support for polling codes that are used by native applications. Only disable this if you have good reasons for it. polling_codes: enabled: true expires_after: 300 # The time in seconds how long a polling code can be used polling_interval: 5 # The interval in seconds the native application should wait between two polling attempts # Support for the access_token grant, i.e. a user can use an AT to obtain an ST. access_token_grant: enabled: true # Support for the private_key_jwt grant, i.e. a user can use an signed jwt to obtain an ST. signed_jwt_grant: enabled: true # The list of supported providers providers: - issuer: "https://example.provider.com/" client_id: "clientid" client_secret: "clientsecret" scopes: - openid - profile