[](https://github.com/oidc-mytoken/server/blob/master/LICENSE)   [](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/oidc-mytoken/server) [](https://deepsource.io/gh/oidc-mytoken/server/?ref=repository-badge) [](https://github.com/oidc-mytoken/server/releases/latest) [](https://github.com/oidc-mytoken/server/releases/latest) <!-- [](https://github.com/oidc-mytoken/server/tree/master) --> # mytoken `Mytoken` is a web service to obtain OpenID Connect Access Tokens in an easy but secure way for extended periods of time and across multiple devices. In particular, `mytoken` was developed to provide OIDC Access Tokens to long-running compute jobs. Access Tokens can be obtained via so-called **`mytokens`**: A new token type that can be easily used as a Bearer token from any device. These `mytokens` can be restricted according to the particular use case to only allow the needed privileges.. Documentation is available at [https://mytoken-docs.data.kit.edu/](https://mytoken-docs.data.kit.edu/). The mytoken command line client can be found at [https://github.com/oidc-mytoken/client](https://github.com/oidc-mytoken/client). A demo instance of mytoken is running at [https://mytoken.data.kit.edu/](https://mytoken.data.kit.edu/). A go library for interacting with the mytoken server can be found at [https://github.com/oidc-mytoken/lib](https://github.com/oidc-mytoken/lib).