package db

import (

	log ""


var db *cluster.Cluster

// Connect connects to the database using the mytoken config
func Connect() {
	if db != nil {
		log.Debug("Closing existing db connections")
	db = cluster.NewFromConfig(config.Get().DB)

// DB returns the database connection
// func DB() *sqlx.DB {
// 	return dbCon
// }

// NewNullString creates a new sql.NullString from the given string
func NewNullString(s string) sql.NullString {
	if s == "" {
		return sql.NullString{}
	return sql.NullString{
		String: s,
		Valid:  true,

// BitBool is an implementation of a bool for the MySQL type BIT(1).
// This type allows you to avoid wasting an entire byte for MySQL's boolean type TINYINT.
type BitBool bool

// Value implements the driver.Valuer interface,
// and turns the BitBool into a bitfield (BIT(1)) for MySQL storage.
func (b BitBool) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
	if b {
		return []byte{1}, nil
	} else {
		return []byte{0}, nil

// Scan implements the sql.Scanner interface,
// and turns the bitfield incoming from MySQL into a BitBool
func (b *BitBool) Scan(src interface{}) error {
	if src == nil {
		*b = false
		return nil
	v, ok := src.([]byte)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("bad []byte type assertion")
	*b = v[0] == 1
	return nil

// Transact does a database transaction for the passed function
// func Transact(fn func(*sqlx.Tx) error) error {
// 	tx, err := DB().Beginx()
// 	if err != nil {
// 		return err
// 	}
// 	err = fn(tx)
// 	if err != nil {
// 		if e := tx.Rollback(); e != nil {
// 			log.WithError(err).Error()
// 		}
// 		return err
// 	}
// 	return tx.Commit()
// }

// Transact does a database transaction for the passed function
func Transact(fn func(*sqlx.Tx) error) error {
	return db.Transact(fn)

// RunWithinTransaction runs the passed function using the passed transaction; if nil is passed as tx a new transaction is created. This is basically a wrapper function, that works with a possible nil-tx
func RunWithinTransaction(tx *sqlx.Tx, fn func(*sqlx.Tx) error) error {
	return db.RunWithinTransaction(tx, fn)

// RunWithinTransaction runs the passed function using the passed transaction; if nil is passed as tx a new transaction is created. This is basically a wrapper function, that works with a possible nil-tx
// func RunWithinTransaction(tx *sqlx.Tx, fn func(*sqlx.Tx) error) error {
// 	if tx == nil {
// 		return Transact(fn)
// 	} else {
// 		return fn(tx)
// 	}
// }