diff --git a/tetrax/core/experimental_setup.py b/tetrax/core/experimental_setup.py
index 6636b4a755fef90daae0ea74e7582289ec06a64a..ce0f02c847ad61b02f9da0cbe202898585ad8160 100644
--- a/tetrax/core/experimental_setup.py
+++ b/tetrax/core/experimental_setup.py
@@ -104,13 +104,15 @@ class ExperimentalSetup:
             self.sample.mag = minimize_gibbs_free_energy(self.sample, self._Bext, tol_cg=tol, return_last=return_last,
-    def eigenmodes(self, kmin=-40e6, kmax=40e6, Nk=81, num_modes=20, k=None, no_dip=False, num_cpus=1, save_modes=True,
-                   save_local=False, save_magphase=False):
+    def eigenmodes(self, kmin=-40e6, kmax=40e6, Nk=81, num_modes=20, k=None, no_dip=False, h0_dip=False, num_cpus=1,
+                   save_modes=True,
+                   save_local=False, save_magphase=False, perturbed_dispersion=False, save_stiffness_fields=False):
         if self.sample.mag is None:
             print("Your sample does not have a magnetization field yet.")
             dispersion = self.sample.eigensolver(self.sample, self.Bext, self.name, kmin, kmax, Nk, num_modes, k,
-                                                 no_dip, num_cpus, save_modes, save_local, save_magphase)
+                                                 no_dip, h0_dip, num_cpus, save_modes, save_local, save_magphase,
+                                                 perturbed_dispersion, save_stiffness_fields)
             self._modes_available = save_modes
             self.dispersion = dispersion
             return dispersion
diff --git a/tetrax/core/operators.py b/tetrax/core/operators.py
index a3ddaeb23a01d21827f1cf98d37e07b1a8a3694f..68a265cb7f1d1c3445e3b4289699b580fd719868 100644
--- a/tetrax/core/operators.py
+++ b/tetrax/core/operators.py
@@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ class CubicAnisotropyLinearOperator(LinearOperator):
         self.Msat = sample.Msat
         self.nx = sample.nx
         self.m0 = sample.mag
+        self.sample = sample
         self.fac = 2 * self.Kc / (mu_0 * self.Msat ** 2)
         # homogenous anisotropy
@@ -197,12 +198,15 @@ class CubicAnisotropyLinearOperator(LinearOperator):
         self.C2 = flattened_mesh_vec_tensor_product(self.c2, self.c2)
         self.C3 = flattened_mesh_vec_tensor_product(self.c3, self.c3)
-        self.sparse_mat = self.make_sparse_mat()
+        self.sparse_mat = csr_matrix((3 * self.nx, 3 * self.nx))
         self.shape = self.sparse_mat.shape
-    def make_sparse_mat(self):
-        # create bare dyads
+    def make_sparse_mat_with_current_m0(self):
+        # get current m0
+        self.m0 = self.sample.mag.T.flatten()
+        # create bare dyads
         M0 = flattened_mesh_vec_tensor_product(self.m0, self.m0)
         # these are spatially dependent!
@@ -216,9 +220,9 @@ class CubicAnisotropyLinearOperator(LinearOperator):
         # A factors are pulled into the tensor product since they are spatially dependent
         Nc1 = flattened_mesh_vec_tensor_product(A1 * self.c1, self.c1) + 2 * self.C1.dot(M0).dot(self.C2 + self.C3)
         Nc2 = flattened_mesh_vec_tensor_product(A2 * self.c2, self.c2) + 2 * self.C1.dot(M0).dot(self.C2 + self.C3)
-        Nc3 = flattened_mesh_vec_tensor_product(A1 * self.c3, self.c3) + 2 * self.C1.dot(M0).dot(self.C2 + self.C3)
+        Nc3 = flattened_mesh_vec_tensor_product(A3 * self.c3, self.c3) + 2 * self.C1.dot(M0).dot(self.C2 + self.C3)
-        return self.fac * (Nc1 + Nc2 + Nc3)
+        self.sparse_mat = self.fac * (Nc1 + Nc2 + Nc3)
     def set_new_param(self, conf, nx):
diff --git a/tetrax/core/sample.py b/tetrax/core/sample.py
index 85192800f800be0fec3799c528d45d5aaf993185..3d9834cf650b5df76e2e64d4b0f97f8e99e553d6 100644
--- a/tetrax/core/sample.py
+++ b/tetrax/core/sample.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import numpy as np
 from .fem_core.cythoncore import get_matrices
 from .operators import ExchangeOperator, DipolarOperator, UniAxialAnisotropyOperator, BulkDMIOperator, \
-    InterfacialDMIOperator
+    InterfacialDMIOperator, CubicAnisotropyLinearOperator
 from ..experiments.eigen import calculate_normal_modes, not_implemented_eigensolver
 from ..helpers.io import check_mesh_shape
 from ..helpers.io import get_mesh_dimension
@@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ class FerromagnetMixin:
         self.N_uni = UniAxialAnisotropyOperator(self)
         self.N_DMI = BulkDMIOperator(self)
         self.N_iDMI = InterfacialDMIOperator(self)
+        self.N_cub = CubicAnisotropyLinearOperator(self)
     def show(self, show_node_labels=False, comp="vec", scale=5, show_mag=True):
         if self.mesh == None:
diff --git a/tetrax/experiments/eigen.py b/tetrax/experiments/eigen.py
index a65342faaf5bcb138d3f8f52ee64b9a5e1d0fe4a..a5f9a941a1046c37b9b5e0333daaff7a80adc923 100644
--- a/tetrax/experiments/eigen.py
+++ b/tetrax/experiments/eigen.py
@@ -7,15 +7,17 @@ import numpy as np
 import pandas as pd
 import tqdm
 from scipy.constants import mu_0
-from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix
+from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix, csr_matrix
 from scipy.sparse.linalg import spilu, eigs
 from ..core.fem_core.cythoncore import rotation_matrix_py
 from ..core.operators import cross_operator, TotalDynMat, SuperLUInv, InvTotalDynMat
-from ..helpers.math import flattened_mesh_vec_scalar_product, diag_matrix_from_vec
+from ..helpers.math import flattened_mesh_vec_scalar_product, diag_matrix_from_vec, flattened_mesh_vec_scalar_product2d, \
+    matrix_elem
-def not_implemented_eigensolver(sample, Bext, exp_name, kmin=-40e6, kmax=40e6, Nk=81, num_modes=20, k=None, no_dip=False,num_cpus=1, save_modes=False,save_local=False, save_magphase=False):
+def not_implemented_eigensolver(sample, Bext, exp_name, kmin=-40e6, kmax=40e6, Nk=81, num_modes=20, k=None,
+                                no_dip=False, num_cpus=1, save_modes=False, save_local=False, save_magphase=False):
     print("This eigensolver will be implemented in a future release.")
@@ -24,18 +26,22 @@ def test_rotation(mag, rotation, nx):
     Test of rotation matrix and equilibrium vector match, i.e. rotation rotates mag into the z direction.
     test_ez = rotation.dot(mag)
-    e_z = np.concatenate([np.zeros(2*nx), np.ones(nx)])
+    e_z = np.concatenate([np.zeros(2 * nx), np.ones(nx)])
     if not np.allclose(test_ez, e_z):
         raise ValueError("Rotation matrix and equilibrium files don't belong together. "
                          "Please create a new rotation matrix.")
-def calculate_normal_modes(sample, Bext, exp_name, kmin=-40e6, kmax=40e6, Nk=81, num_modes=20, k=None, no_dip=False,num_cpus=1, save_modes=False,save_local=False, save_magphase=False):
+def calculate_normal_modes(sample, Bext, exp_name, kmin=-40e6, kmax=40e6, Nk=81, num_modes=20, k=None, no_dip=False,
+                           h0_dip=False,
+                           num_cpus=1, save_modes=False, save_local=False, save_magphase=False,
+                           perturbed_dispersion=False, save_stiffness_fields=False):
         2D version
-    modes_path = "./{}/{}/mode-profiles".format(sample.name,exp_name)
+    experiment_path = "./{}/{}".format(sample.name, exp_name)
+    modes_path = "./{}/{}/mode-profiles".format(sample.name, exp_name)
     if not os.path.exists(modes_path):
@@ -45,7 +51,8 @@ def calculate_normal_modes(sample, Bext, exp_name, kmin=-40e6, kmax=40e6, Nk=81,
     N_uni = sample.N_uni
     N_DMI = sample.N_DMI
     N_iDMI = sample.N_iDMI
+    N_cub = sample.N_cub
+    N_cub.make_sparse_mat_with_current_m0()
@@ -58,7 +65,6 @@ def calculate_normal_modes(sample, Bext, exp_name, kmin=-40e6, kmax=40e6, Nk=81,
     rotation = rotation_matrix_py(mag)
     test_rotation(mag, rotation, sample.nx)
     nx = sample.nx
     hext = Bext.T.flatten() / (mu_0 * sample.Msat)
     hexc = -N_exc.dot(mag)
@@ -66,28 +72,29 @@ def calculate_normal_modes(sample, Bext, exp_name, kmin=-40e6, kmax=40e6, Nk=81,
     hDMI = -N_DMI.dot(mag)
     hiDMI = -N_iDMI.dot(mag)
     hani = -N_uni.dot(mag)
-    #hcub = N_cub.nonlinear_field(mag)
+    hcub = N_cub.nonlinear_field(mag)
     if no_dip:
-        heff = hexc + hext  + hani  + hDMI + hdip  + hiDMI # ++ hcub
+        heff = hexc + hext + hani + hDMI + hiDMI + hcub
+        if h0_dip:
+            heff += hdip
-        heff = hexc + hdip + hext + hani  + hDMI + hiDMI #+ hcub
+        heff = hexc + hdip + hext + hani + hDMI + hiDMI + hcub
     h0 = flattened_mesh_vec_scalar_product(heff, mag)
+    h0_avrg = np.sum(h0 * sample.dA) / np.sum(sample.dA)
     rotation = rotation[:2 * nx, :]
     rotation_T = rotation.transpose()
     # create k and convert to mesh units
     if k == None:
-        k_ = np.linspace(kmin,kmax,Nk) * sample.scale
+        k_ = np.linspace(kmin, kmax, Nk) * sample.scale
         k_ = [k * sample.scale]
-    v0 = np.full(2*nx, 1+1j, dtype=complex)
+    v0 = np.full(2 * nx, 1 + 1j, dtype=complex)
     D_tot = TotalDynMat(N_exc.sparse_mat, N_dip, 1j * mu0_cross[:2 * nx, :2 * nx].dot(rotation), rotation_T)
@@ -95,7 +102,11 @@ def calculate_normal_modes(sample, Bext, exp_name, kmin=-40e6, kmax=40e6, Nk=81,
     bndint_order = 6
-    modes_per_k_partial = partial(modes_per_k, N_exc, N_uni, N_DMI, N_iDMI, h0, Lambda, rotation, rotation_T, bndint_order, D_tot, v0, no_dip, sample.scale, sample.Msat, sample.gamma, sample, num_modes, modes_path, save_modes,save_local, save_magphase)
+    modes_per_k_partial = partial(modes_per_k, N_exc, N_uni, N_cub, N_DMI, N_iDMI, h0, h0_avrg, Lambda, rotation,
+                                  rotation_T,
+                                  bndint_order, D_tot, v0, no_dip, sample.scale, sample.Msat, sample.gamma, sample,
+                                  num_modes, modes_path, save_modes, save_local, save_magphase, perturbed_dispersion,
+                                  save_stiffness_fields)
     if num_cpus == 0 or num_cpus < -1:
         num_cpus = 1
@@ -110,28 +121,39 @@ def calculate_normal_modes(sample, Bext, exp_name, kmin=-40e6, kmax=40e6, Nk=81,
     with mp.Pool(processes=num_cpus) as p:
         res_list = []
         with tqdm.tqdm(total=len(k_)) as pbar:
             for i, res in enumerate(p.imap_unordered(modes_per_k_partial, k_)):
-    df_freqs = pd.concat(res_list,sort=False).sort_values("k (rad/m)").reset_index(drop=True).fillna("nan")
+    df_freqs = pd.concat(res_list, sort=False).sort_values("k (rad/m)").reset_index(drop=True).fillna("nan")
+    if perturbed_dispersion:
+        if save_stiffness_fields:
+            df_freqs["h0_arvg"] = h0_avrg * np.ones_like(k_)
+        df_freqs.to_csv(experiment_path + "/dispersion_perturbedmodes.csv")
+    else:
+        df_freqs.to_csv(experiment_path + "/dispersion.csv")
     return df_freqs
-def modes_per_k(N_exc, N_uni, N_DMI, N_iDMI, h0, Lambda, rotation, rotation_T, bndint_order, D_tot, v0, no_dip, scale, Msat, gamma,sample, num_modes, modes_path, save_modes, save_local, save_magphase, k):
+def modes_per_k(N_exc, N_uni, N_cub, N_DMI, N_iDMI, h0, h0_avrg, Lambda, rotation, rotation_T, bndint_order, D_tot, v0,
+                no_dip, scale, Msat, gamma, sample, num_modes, modes_path, save_modes, save_local, save_magphase,
+                perturbed_dispersion, save_stiffness_fields, k):
-    N_nodip_k_mat = N_exc.sparse_mat + N_uni.sparse_mat + N_DMI.sparse_mat + N_iDMI.sparse_mat
-    N_nodip_k_mat += diag_matrix_from_vec(np.tile(h0, 3))
+    N_nodip_k_mat = N_exc.sparse_mat + N_uni.sparse_mat + N_DMI.sparse_mat + N_iDMI.sparse_mat + N_cub.sparse_mat
+    h0_operator = diag_matrix_from_vec(np.tile(h0, 3))
+    N_nodip_k_mat += h0_operator
     dyn_mat_k = 1j * Lambda.dot(rotation).dot(N_nodip_k_mat).dot(rotation_T)
     dyn_mat_k_csc = csc_matrix(dyn_mat_k)
     if no_dip:
@@ -157,8 +179,7 @@ def modes_per_k(N_exc, N_uni, N_DMI, N_iDMI, h0, Lambda, rotation, rotation_T, b
             error_success = this_error.already_sucess
             ef = np.zeros(num_modes)
-            eigenvectors = np.zeros((2*D_tot.nx, num_modes))
+            eigenvectors = np.zeros((2 * D_tot.nx, num_modes))
     ef_org = ef.copy()
@@ -174,7 +195,6 @@ def modes_per_k(N_exc, N_uni, N_DMI, N_iDMI, h0, Lambda, rotation, rotation_T, b
     k_m = k / scale
     nx = sample.nx
     cells = sample.mesh.cells
     xyz = sample.xyz
@@ -190,13 +210,13 @@ def modes_per_k(N_exc, N_uni, N_DMI, N_iDMI, h0, Lambda, rotation, rotation_T, b
             ev_lab_y = ev_lab[nx:-nx]
             ev_lab_z = ev_lab[-nx:]
-            save_dict = {"Re(m_x)" : ev_lab_x.real,
-                         "Im(m_x)" : ev_lab_x.imag,
-                         "Re(m_y)" : ev_lab_y.real,
-                         "Im(m_y)" : ev_lab_y.imag,
-                         "Re(m_z)" : ev_lab_z.real,
+            save_dict = {"Re(m_x)": ev_lab_x.real,
+                         "Im(m_x)": ev_lab_x.imag,
+                         "Re(m_y)": ev_lab_y.real,
+                         "Im(m_y)": ev_lab_y.imag,
+                         "Re(m_z)": ev_lab_z.real,
                          "Im(m_z)": ev_lab_z.imag,
-                        }
+                         }
             if save_local:
                 ev_1 = ev[:nx]
@@ -222,7 +242,7 @@ def modes_per_k(N_exc, N_uni, N_DMI, N_iDMI, h0, Lambda, rotation, rotation_T, b
                 save_dict["Arg(m_y)"] = np.angle(ev_lab_y)
                 save_dict["Arg(m_z)"] = np.angle(ev_lab_z)
-            meshio.write_points_cells(filename="{}/mode_k{}radperum_{:03d}.vtk".format(modes_path,k_m * 1e-6, i),
+            meshio.write_points_cells(filename="{}/mode_k{}radperum_{:03d}.vtk".format(modes_path, k_m * 1e-6, i),
@@ -233,4 +253,70 @@ def modes_per_k(N_exc, N_uni, N_DMI, N_iDMI, h0, Lambda, rotation, rotation_T, b
     df_k = pd.DataFrame(columns=["k (rad/m)"] + ["f" + str(j) + " (GHz)" for j in range(len(ef))])
     df_k.loc[0] = [k_m] + np.real(ef).tolist()
-    return df_k
\ No newline at end of file
+    if perturbed_dispersion:
+        # for details of calcultions here, see Phys. Rev. B 104, 174414
+        dA = sample.dA
+        D_tot.set_k(k, csr_matrix((3 * nx, 3 * nx)))
+        operator_dict = {
+            "exc": 1j * Lambda.dot(rotation).dot(N_exc.sparse_mat).dot(rotation_T),
+            "uni": 1j * Lambda.dot(rotation).dot(N_uni.sparse_mat).dot(rotation_T),
+            "cub": 1j * Lambda.dot(rotation).dot(N_cub.sparse_mat).dot(rotation_T),
+            "bDMI": 1j * Lambda.dot(rotation).dot(N_DMI.sparse_mat).dot(rotation_T),
+            "iDMI": 1j * Lambda.dot(rotation).dot(N_iDMI.sparse_mat).dot(rotation_T),
+            "dip": D_tot
+        }
+        for i in range(eigenvectors.shape[1]):
+            Im_N21_ = []
+            Re_N21_ = []
+            N11_ = []
+            N22_ = []
+            mode_local = eigenvectors[:, i]
+            # calculate orthonormal basis from mode profiles
+            s1 = np.concatenate([mode_local[:nx], np.zeros(nx)])
+            s2 = np.concatenate([np.zeros(nx), mode_local[nx:]])
+            s1 /= np.sqrt(np.sum(flattened_mesh_vec_scalar_product2d(np.conjugate(s1), s1) * dA))
+            s2 /= np.sqrt(np.sum(flattened_mesh_vec_scalar_product2d(np.conjugate(s2), s2) * dA))
+            for name in operator_dict:
+                # in Phys. Rev. B 104, 174414, this is D
+                partial_dynmat = operator_dict[name]
+                # Calculate matrix elements of diagonal part of partial dynamic matrices
+                C11 = matrix_elem(s1, s1, partial_dynmat, dA)
+                C22 = matrix_elem(s2, s2, partial_dynmat, dA)
+                C12 = matrix_elem(s1, s2, partial_dynmat, dA)
+                C21 = matrix_elem(s2, s1, partial_dynmat, dA)
+                # convert to stiffness fields
+                Im_N21 = 0.5 * (C11 + C22).real
+                Re_N21 = (1j * 0.5 * (C11 - C22)).real
+                N11 = (C21).real
+                N22 = (C12).real
+                Im_N21_.append(Im_N21)
+                Re_N21_.append(Re_N21)
+                N11_.append(N11)
+                N22_.append(N22)
+                if save_stiffness_fields:
+                    pd.concat([df_k, pd.DataFrame({
+                        f"Im(N21_{name})_{i}": [Im_N21],
+                        f"Re(N21_{name})_{i}": [Re_N21],
+                        f"N11_{name}_{i}": [N11],
+                        f"N22_{name}_{i}": [N22],
+                    })], axis=1)
+            # print(Re_N12)
+            omega_i = np.sum(Im_N21_) + np.sqrt(
+                (np.sum(N11_) + h0_avrg) * (np.sum(N22_) + h0_avrg) - np.sum(Re_N21_) ** 2)
+            f_k = omega_i.real * mu_0 * sample.Msat * sample.gamma / 2 / np.pi * 1e-9
+            df_k[f"f_pert_{i} (GHz)"] = f_k
+    return df_k
diff --git a/tetrax/experiments/relax.py b/tetrax/experiments/relax.py
index f2cce0a280d6465a2b9ba3a1fee197050fdb95a6..a6d00022cb69a609e2756c8f1db15416c8eea16f 100644
--- a/tetrax/experiments/relax.py
+++ b/tetrax/experiments/relax.py
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ def energy_per_length_spherical(mag_spherical, nx, dA, h_ext, N, N_cub):
     # print(mag.shape)
     # print((h_ext - 0.5 * N.dot(mag)).shape)
     # energy_per_volume = -tetramagvec_scalar_product(mag, h_ext + 0.5*N_cub.nonlinear_field(mag) - 0.5 * N.dot(mag)).real
-    energy_per_volume = -flattened_mesh_vec_scalar_product(mag, h_ext - 0.5 * N.dot(mag)).real
+    energy_per_volume = -flattened_mesh_vec_scalar_product(mag, h_ext - 0.5 * N.dot(mag) + 0.5*N_cub.nonlinear_field(mag)).real
     return (energy_per_volume * dA).sum()
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ def jac_spherical(mag_spherical, nx, dA, h_ext, N, N_cub):
     m_z = np.cos(theta)
     mag = np.concatenate((m_x, m_y, m_z))
-    h_eff = h_ext - N.dot(mag).real  # + N_cub.nonlinear_field(mag)
+    h_eff = h_ext - N.dot(mag).real  + N_cub.nonlinear_field(mag)
     # TODO include again!
     h_x = h_eff[:nx]
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ def minimize_gibbs_free_energy(sample, Bext, tol_cg, return_last=False, continue
     N_tot = sample.N_dip + sample.N_exc + sample.N_uni + sample.N_DMI + sample.N_iDMI
-    N_cub = csr_matrix([])
+    N_cub = sample.N_cub
     fac = (sample.Msat * sample.scale) ** 2 * mu_0
     # tol_cg = 1e-12
diff --git a/tetrax/helpers/math.py b/tetrax/helpers/math.py
index 31eb071b391744a473b6680b3e7ed005eb8ed38e..bd88eec0ce9d13fddb9c4508519d5dec0a916839 100644
--- a/tetrax/helpers/math.py
+++ b/tetrax/helpers/math.py
@@ -8,11 +8,13 @@ is used.
 import numpy as np
 from scipy.sparse import dia_matrix, bmat
 def normalize_single_3d_vec(vec):
-    norm = np.sqrt(vec.T[0]**2 + vec.T[1]**2 + vec.T[2]**2)
-    norm = np.repeat(norm,3)
-    norm = np.reshape(norm,(len(norm)//3,3))
-    return np.array(vec)/norm
+    norm = np.sqrt(vec.T[0] ** 2 + vec.T[1] ** 2 + vec.T[2] ** 2)
+    norm = np.repeat(norm, 3)
+    norm = np.reshape(norm, (len(norm) // 3, 3))
+    return np.array(vec) / norm
 def flattened_mesh_vec_abs(vec):
     """Calculates the node-wise magnitude of a flattened mesh vector :math:`\mathbf{v}`.
@@ -134,24 +136,21 @@ def flattened_mesh_vec_tensor_product(vec1, vec2):
     tmv2z = vec2[2 * nx:]
     # only calculate necessary elements (only 6 distinct) and make diagonal blocks from them
-    dxx = dia_matrix((tmv1x * tmv2x, 0), shape=(nx,nx))
-    dxy = dia_matrix((tmv1x * tmv2y, 0), shape=(nx,nx))
-    dxz = dia_matrix((tmv1x * tmv2z, 0), shape=(nx,nx))
-    dyx = dia_matrix((tmv1y * tmv2x, 0), shape=(nx,nx))
-    dyy = dia_matrix((tmv1y * tmv2y, 0), shape=(nx,nx))
-    dyz = dia_matrix((tmv1y * tmv2z, 0), shape=(nx,nx))
+    dxx = dia_matrix((tmv1x * tmv2x, 0), shape=(nx, nx))
+    dxy = dia_matrix((tmv1x * tmv2y, 0), shape=(nx, nx))
+    dxz = dia_matrix((tmv1x * tmv2z, 0), shape=(nx, nx))
-    dzx = dia_matrix((tmv1z * tmv2x, 0), shape=(nx,nx))
-    dzy = dia_matrix((tmv1z * tmv2y, 0), shape=(nx,nx))
-    dzz = dia_matrix((tmv1z * tmv2z, 0), shape=(nx,nx))
+    dyx = dia_matrix((tmv1y * tmv2x, 0), shape=(nx, nx))
+    dyy = dia_matrix((tmv1y * tmv2y, 0), shape=(nx, nx))
+    dyz = dia_matrix((tmv1y * tmv2z, 0), shape=(nx, nx))
+    dzx = dia_matrix((tmv1z * tmv2x, 0), shape=(nx, nx))
+    dzy = dia_matrix((tmv1z * tmv2y, 0), shape=(nx, nx))
+    dzz = dia_matrix((tmv1z * tmv2z, 0), shape=(nx, nx))
     # stitch blocks together
-    sparse_mat = bmat([[dxx, dxy, dxz], [dyx, dyy, dyz], [dzx, dzy, dzz]],format="csr")
+    sparse_mat = bmat([[dxx, dxy, dxz], [dyx, dyy, dyz], [dzx, dzy, dzz]], format="csr")
     return sparse_mat
@@ -215,7 +214,8 @@ def spherical_angles_to_mesh_vector(theta, phi, as_flattened=False):
     vec_y = np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi)
     vec_z = np.cos(theta)
-    return np.concatenate((vec_x, vec_y, vec_z)).flatten() if as_flattened else np.concatenate((vec_x, vec_y, vec_z)).flatten().reshape(3, nx).T
+    return np.concatenate((vec_x, vec_y, vec_z)).flatten() if as_flattened else np.concatenate(
+        (vec_x, vec_y, vec_z)).flatten().reshape(3, nx).T
 def diag_matrix_from_vec(v):
@@ -265,10 +265,10 @@ def h_strip(k, A, L, s):
     # sinc is evaluated using np.divide in order to catch divide-by-zero exception
     sinc = np.divide(np.sin(k * L / 2), (k * L / 2), out=np.ones_like(k), where=(k != 0))
-    return A*sinc*np.exp(-np.abs(k*s))
+    return A * sinc * np.exp(-np.abs(k * s))
-def h_CPW(k,A,L,g,s):
+def h_CPW(k, A, L, g, s):
     r"""Fourier transform in `z` direction of one component of the microwave field distribution of a CPW antenna.
@@ -307,10 +307,10 @@ def h_CPW(k,A,L,g,s):
            Review Research 2, 043203 (2020) <https://journals.aps.org/prresearch/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.043203>`_.
-    return 2 * np.sin(k*(g+L)/2) ** 2 * h_strip(k, A, L, s)
+    return 2 * np.sin(k * (g + L) / 2) ** 2 * h_strip(k, A, L, s)
-def h_U(k,A,L,g,s):
+def h_U(k, A, L, g, s):
     r"""Fourier transform in `z` direction of one component of the microwave-field distribution of a U-shaped antenna.
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ def h_U(k,A,L,g,s):
            Review Research 2, 043203 (2020) <https://journals.aps.org/prresearch/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.043203>`_.
-    return 2 * 1j * np.sin(k*(g+L)/2) * h_strip(k, A, L, s)
+    return 2 * 1j * np.sin(k * (g + L) / 2) * h_strip(k, A, L, s)
 def h_hom(k, A):
@@ -379,5 +379,33 @@ def h_hom(k, A):
     with :math:`\delta` being the Dirac distribution.
-    return A*np.piecewise(k, [k == 0, k != 0], [1, 0])
+    return A * np.piecewise(k, [k == 0, k != 0], [1, 0])
+def matrix_elem(i, j, A, dV):
+    """
+    Calculates the element of an operator `A` in the basis with respect to the basis vectors `i` and `j` as
+    .. math::
+        A_{i,j} = \int\mathrm{d}V \ \mathbf{i}^*\cdot \hat{\mathbf{A}} \cdot \mathbf{j}.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    i : np.array
+        Flattened mesh vector of shape `(3*N,)`.
+    j : np.array
+        Flattened mesh vector of shape `(3*N,)`.
+    A : LinearOperator
+        LinearOperator of shape `(3*N, 3*N)`.
+    dV : Volume elements of the mesh.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    float
+    """
+    rhs = A.dot(j)
+    temp = flattened_mesh_vec_scalar_product2d(np.conjugate(i), rhs)
+    elem = (np.sum(temp * dV))
+    return elem