--- title: Outcomes --- <h1>{{ page.title }}</h1> Outcomes from projects where LEAPS WG3 members were involved are listed here. {% assign sorted_outcomes = site.data.outcomes | sort_natural %} <ul> {% for outcome in sorted_outcomes %} {% assign uniqid = outcome.name | split: " " | join: "-" %} <li><a href="#{{ uniqid }}">{{ outcome.name }}</a></li> {% endfor %} </ul> The adoption status of these outcomes by our member facilities is shown <a href="#adoption-table">in the adoption status table below</a>. {% for outcome in sorted_outcomes %} {% assign uniqid = outcome.name | split: " " | join: "-" %} <h1 id="{{uniqid}}"> {{ outcome.name }} {% if outcome.doi %}<a href="https://doi.org/{{ outcome.doi }}"><img src="https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/{{ outcome.doi }}.svg" alt="(link)" style="float: right"></a>{% endif %} {% if outcome.keywords %} {% assign keywords = outcome.keywords | split: ", " | sort_natural %} {% for keyword in keywords %} <span class="sticker">{{ keyword }}</span> {% endfor %} {% endif %} </h1> <p> {% if outcome.description %}<strong>Description:</strong> {{ outcome.description }}<br>{% endif %} {% if outcome.project %}<strong>Project:</strong> {{ outcome.project }}<br>{% endif %} {% if outcome.status %}<strong>Status:</strong> {{ outcome.status | capitalize }}<br>{% endif %} {% if outcome.last-update %}<strong>Last update:</strong> {{ outcome.last-update | date: "%Y-%m-%d" }}<br>{% endif %} </p> {% endfor %} <h1 id="adoption-table">Adoption status</h1> {% assign adoption_outcomes = site.data.outcomes | sort_natural %} <!-- must be filtered according to need for a facility-based adoption or not --> <table> <tr> <th><strong>Facility</strong></th> {% for outcome in adoption_outcomes %} <th>{{ outcome.short-name }}</th> {% endfor %} </tr> {% for facility in site.data.facilities %} <tr> <td>{{ facility.short-name }}</td> {% for outcome in adoption_outcomes %} <!-- make this better --> {% if facility.adoption.adopted contains outcome.short-name %} <td class='adopted'>Y</td> {% elsif facility.adoption.wip contains outcome.short-name %} <td class='wip'>WIP</td> {% elsif facility.adoption.planned contains outcome.short-name %} <td class='planned'>P</td> {% elsif facility.adoption.under-eval contains outcome.short-name %} <td class='ue'>U</td> {% elsif facility.adoption.not contains outcome.short-name %} <td class='no'>N</td> {% else %} <td></td> {% endif %} {% endfor %} </tr> {% endfor %} </table> <!-- legend --> <table> <tr> <td class='adopted'>Yes, already adopted (Y)</td> <td class='no'>Will not be adopted (N)</td> </tr> <tr> <td class='planned'>Planned to be adopted (P)</td> <td class='ue'>Under evaluation (U)</td> </tr> <tr> <td class='wip' colspan='2'>In the progress of being adopted (WIP)</td> </tr> </table>