streamline contact footers
We have quite a variety of contact information footer
- example 1 "Request for Service and Support" with mail
- example 2 "Contact" with mail
- example 3 with a contact-us-button to web form
- example 4 with a limk to the contact form and a light green box around it, although to clos to the content above
as well as other places for the contact information example 5 on the top with a blue headline
and a blue box around it example 6 for the consulting
I would like to streamlike them to create a more recognisable look; personally I like the light blue or green box aroung the contact; this could work for the other ones as well, especially when we need to add some text beyond "contact us" as it's the case with the consulting; we would still keep the "this is where you find the contact"
Anyhow I think we should be more consistent with the use of contact form or mail address.
Edited by Lisa Berenike Kuhli (Desy)