Explore projects
Collects data from different sources and prepares it for further usage in statistical analysis. Mainly aimed to help with creating the relevant statistics for the yearly report but also extendable for different use-cases. Current status: POC/WIP
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We strive to make marine images FAIR. We maintain data profiles to establish terms for marine imagery and we develop standard operating procedures for handling marine images and software tools to apply the vocabulary and procedures to marine imagery.
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Finite-Element Micromagnetic-Modeling Package
Documentation: https://www.tetrax.software
Help and discussions: https://discussions.tetrax.software
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The Linear Meta-Model optimization (LiMMo) is a Python-tool designed for the objective tuning of regional climate models (RCM) and numerical weather prediction models (NWPM) to gridded observational datasets.
In this approach, the surface 2D output of the RCM/NWPM is approximated using regression method (linear, piecewise-linear, quadratic). A user-defined error norm, which quantifies the difference between the regression approximation and the observations, is then minimized using a gradient-based optimization method.