Service Popularity Statistics
Obtain a canonical service popularity index, e.g. to be used for sorting in cloud portal.
Current status:
- User statistics per service are counted heterogenously per service
- Assigning the "one canonical" user KPI is defined for each service in this table,
- defined and done by @SpickerHZB
- Result of this is put there (and updated daily):
👉 - this was originally implemented in !120 (merged)
/cc @s.wagner @thomas.beermann
Missing and to do:
- @SpickerHZB @benjamin.tallarek establish the link between Service's unique id (defined in plony) and the service slug that is used in the json results file (defined in this project)
@SpickerHZB possibly a more meaningful solution of which user count KPI best represents "popularity" in some cases, as some of there services seem to be a bit overrated
Edited by Uwe Jandt (DESY, HIFIS)