(Exercise) Will it snow?
This is an exercise for an advanced analytics task, involving multiple steps.
- Actual (Air) Temperature T in °C
- Dew Point Temperature T_d in °C
- Actual vapor pressure e in hPa (from T)
- Saturated vapor pressure e_s in hPa (from T_d)
- Transfer formula from temperature t to vapor pressure e is e = 6.11 \times 10^{\frac{7.5 t}{237.3 + t}}
- Relative Humidity rh in percent, rh = \frac{e}{e_s} \times 100
- Wet bulb temperature T_w in °C, T_w =T \times arctan(0.151977 \sqrt{rh + 8.313659}) + 0.00391838 \sqrt{rh^3} arctan(0.023101 rh) - arctan(rh - 1.676331) + arctan(T + rh) - 4.686035
- On which days is snow possible or even likely? What would be its quality for winter sports?
T_w in °F |
Snow Quality |
x > 28 | no snow possible |
28 ≥ x ≥ 27 | wet snow, snowy rain |
27 > x ≥ 23 | marginal snow |
23 > x ≥ 20 | good snow |
20 > x | great snow |
- Combine the possible snow quality with the precipitation data to find likely days with snow fall
- Plot T_w over time. Mark the thresholds for snow in the plot and highlight sections in which snow was possible, select stronger highlights for better quality.
- Put a timeline below the plot marking full days in which snow was possible and precipitation happened.
Edited by Erxleben, Fredo