In "My data", test adding live request to local F-UJI server
- input types (for now) are PIR-URL or PID
- e.g. (PIDURL) or DOI (e.g, 10.14278/rodare.1977) -> talk to Alex/Gabriel
- (for now) first check objecttype == dataset using datacite api:
DataCite API for data,
(e.g., if type "Dataset" or "Collection" is in the list in the list "data\attributes\type"
- do FAIR assessment
- otherwise: error message: "The DOI you entered is not registered as a dataset or a data collection. Please try another one."
- if type "Dataset" or "Collection" is in the list in the list "data\attributes\type"
timeout 20 sec
Edited by Markus Kubin