Welcome page: try drawing dotted lines between data points of current year (N) and years (N-1) and (N-2)
Let's try once more giving the reader a feeling for variable "solidity" of data points.
Publication numbers for the current year (N) and the year before (N-1) will always vary because new publications are continuously added in the literature data bases by the center libraries. We assume that associated data publications are listed in SCHOLIX some time afterwards (as it may take time to publish the associated dataset, update all registries, wait for the registries be harvested and for the SCHOLIX database to be updated). The latter might be the reasons for why in the image below, there are no data publications for 2023, yet.
To show that the solidity of the data points for years N, N-1, let's do the following.
On "Welcome" page, try drawing dotted lines between data points of current year N, N-1 and N-2.