[hierarchy and defintion] file system
initial description:
- should be subclass of software
- structured data instead of data structures
proposed changes:
Thinking about it, a file system has as parts software and data. Therefore the superclass should probably stay under "system". Adjustments to def are requred. relations can be added.
label_en: file system
def_en: A digital system which comprises structured data, (meta)data, and software and which allows a computer to store, organise, and access structured data.
def_de: Ein digitales System welches aus strukturierten Daten, (Meta)daten und Software besteht und das es einem Computer erlauben strukturierte Daten zu speichern, organisieren und auf diese zuzugreifen.
- digital system
- hasasparts Metadata
- hasasparts structured data
- hasasparts software
Edited by Volker Hofmann