[new subclass] agent
We need a definition of machine and human agent; this might include a re-definition of agent (as a result of the discussion on 27.2.24).
agent role:
- label_eng: role
- label_de: Agentenrolle
- def: A role which inheres in a continuant and is realised when that continuant acts upon an entity.
- subclassOf: role
- label_eng: agent
- label_de: Agent
- def: An entity which realises an agent role.
- subclassOf: entity
- comment: For now we choose to place this as a subclass of entity as there are some classes in our hieararchy above continuant that could also be acting as agents. Once the hierarchy is cleaned up, we can re-discuss and consider moving this class to continuant.
machine agent:
- label_eng: machine agent
- label_de: Maschinen-Agent
- def: An agent which is a software.
- subclassOf: agent
- comment: We note that any software acts onto another entity during operation and is therefore by design an agent. In data management a machine agent or software agent is commonly referred to when a software acts independently and or upon another system which the software is not part of.
- rel_synonym_eng: computer agent
- rel_synonym_de: Computer-Agent
- rel_synonym_eng: software agent
- rel_synonym_de: Software-Agent
- rel_synonym_de: maschineller Agent
human agent:
- label_eng: human agent
- label_de: menschlicher Agent
- def: An agent which is a person.
- subclassOf: agent
- rel_synonym_de: Menschen-Agent
Edited by Gerrit Guenther