Mapping Schema: Category "Repository" - occurence for 3 fields to be checked
Dear CCT1,
in our mapping schema document within the category "Repository" there are the properties "dataAccess", "databaseAccess" and "dataUploadType". All of these properties have got an occurence of "0..n" in our document.
I know that these properties are based on the re3data schema. But there they are modeled differently (with additional sub-properties).
Since these properties have a value selection, where only one selection makes sense, it would propose to make only one possible value selectable, i.e. to change the occurence to "0..1".
The possible values for the properties are:
- dataAccess: open, embargoed, restricted, closed
- databaseAccess: open, closed, restricted
- dataUploadType: open, restricted, closed
What do you think? Do you have any use cases where more than one value should be selected? I could imagine that it could be for the "dataAccess", but I don't have an example for it.
@h.kollai @Witold.Arndt @markus.kubin @a.strupp @karl-uwe.stucky @clemster @ccurdt @esoeding
Thanks and best regards, Melanie