Fix pylint issues
With #50 done we will have a running pipeline for API and frontend.
For introducing the pipeline in the bginning I disabled all pylint issues we had with the code (see pyproject.toml
for disabled problems).
To have a clean code each warning need to be removed from the list disable
and need to be fixed except wrong-import-order
Issues we have (check if fixed):
missing-module-docstring -
missing-function-docstring -
missing-class-docstring -
consider-using-f-string -
invalid-name -
too-many-arguments -
redefined-builtin -
missing-timeout -
raise-missing-from -
redefined-outer-name -
bare-except -
unused-variable -
duplicate-code -
line-too-long -
unused-argument -
unnecessary-negation -
unused-import -
too-many-lines -
no-else-return -
Edited by Gabriel Preuß