Delete of Device/Platforms/Configurations
As a SMS user i am able to delete Device/Platforms/Configurations in soft or hard way, depending on the following rules: Generally, we do not delete entities, any entity can be labeled as "archived".
- Entities which are "private" can be deleted by the owner and SMS admin.
- The SMS-Admin can delete entities for which no PID has been assigned yet. (Configurations only if the conditions for "archived" are fulfilled..see below)
- According to the authorization rules for deleting, users can mark entities as "archived".
- Entities that have the "archived" label will not be shown in the search pages by default - an extra UI element has to be provided to show "archived" entities.
- Configurations can be labeled as "archived". Condition: at the time of deletion no entities are mounted and the last "end location" is before the time of deletion → has no effect on previously mounted devices/platforms
- Further rules
- The restrictions also apply to related objects (e.g. private device is deleted by owner, all measures quantities attached to it are deleted or labeled analogously).
- Manipulation of the "archived" flag is subject to the same permissions as deleting the entity (i.e. a DP admin can "restore" an "archived" entity and the related one).
- If an entity itself is related (i.e. is used somewhere), then labeling it as "archived" is to be prevented. I.e. if a device/platform is currently used in a CFG or will be used in the future, then it cannot be "archived" - it must be unmounted first.
- "archived" labeled entities cannot be edited anymore - except for the label itself
- "archived" entities can no longer be used in a cfg Frontend:
- The user must always understand by hints, why he is not allowed to do something.
- The user must always know if he is doing a hard or soft delete.
Edited by Daniel Sielaff