Generic Package Checksum
With the current approach the package is downloaded directly after an upload to compare the sha256sum
Gitlab v 14.5.X provides an attribute select
for generic paackages, that can be used to get a json response for the upload:
It's also possible to use the gitlab API, but this currently requires a private token instead a job token. Here an approach that failed for this reason:
import requests
import sys
warningArgs = """\
This script requires exactly 5 arguments
Args: gitlabAccessToken Token with gitlab API read scope
pipelineId Id of the current pipeline
Example: '106109'
packageEndpoint Gitlab project package API endpoint
packageName Name of the generic package
Example: 'static'
sha256sum sha256sum to compare with
if len(sys.argv) != 6:
print (warningArgs)
sys.exit("Script was called with " + str(len(sys.argv)-1) + " args" )
gitlabAccessToken = sys.argv[1]
pipelineId = sys.argv[2]
packageEndpoint = sys.argv[3]
packageName = sys.argv[4]
sha256sum = sys.argv[5]
# gitlabAccessToken = "mystery"
# pipelineId = 106109
# packageEndpoint = ''
# packageName = 'static'
packageQuery = {'package_name' : packageName}
# Use CI Access Token
# packageHeaders = {'PRIVATE-TOKEN' : 'mystery'}
packageHeaders = {'PRIVATE-TOKEN' : gitlabAccessToken}
def findJSONObjectInPaginatedAPI(condition, url, params, headers, compareObjects = False):
Finds an JSON Object in an array of JSON objects. The array can be fetched via an API endpoint
condition (function): The condition that the object should satisfy
url (str): The API endpoint, that supports pagination
params (dict): The parameter for the API endpoint
headers (dict): The header for the API endpoint
compareObjects (Bool): Parameter to find the most fitting Object, enable object comparison
within the condition and search the full list
object(dict): python dict object which is compliant to the json object of the request
currentPage = 1
totalPages = 1
# This condition could also be a while(true). The condition is cosmetic to
# show how often the loop runs maximal
currentObject = {}
while (currentPage <= totalPages):
# overwrite the page header
params['page'] = currentPage
response = requests.get(url, params=params, headers=headers)
if response.status_code!= 200:
print('Request failed with status code:' + str(response.status_code))
# TODO Exit and show more info about request
# Get the total pages for the first request only
if (currentPage == 1) :
# Parse to int to throw an error if the API is malfunctioning
# print(headers)
totalPages = int(response.headers['x-total-pages'])
# # Make sure total page is a fixed number
# if (type(totalPages)) != int:
# print(type(totalPages))
# sys.exit('Total pages for request "'+ url + '" are not given as integer.')
objectList = response.json()
for object in objectList:
if (compareObjects):
if condition(object, currentObject):
currentObject = object
if condition(object):
return object
# Return object if any was found. Otherwise throw an error
if currentPage == totalPages:
if bool(currentObject):
return currentObject
sys.exit('Object not found for request "'+ url + '"')
# increment the page for the next loop
currentPage += 1
def packageCondition(package):
if package['package_type'] == 'generic':
return True
return False
package = findJSONObjectInPaginatedAPI(packageCondition, packageEndpoint, packageQuery, packageHeaders)
packageId = package['id']
def filesCondition(currentFileMetaInfo, oldFileMetaInfo):
# The json object with the file meta data contains a parameter pipelines,
# which is an array with exact one entry: the pipline within the file was
# uploaded.
# Though the jobs of the pipeline can be triggered multiple times we check
# the latest upload, determined by the highest id.
# It is unlikely (not designed within git-lab) to run the same job of the
# same pipeline, so the file with the highest id is the target.
if currentFileMetaInfo['pipelines'][0]['id'] == pipelineId:
if not bool(oldFileMetaInfo) or (bool(oldFileMetaInfo) and oldFileMetaInfo['id'] < currentFileMetaInfo['id']):
return True
return False
filesQuery = {'package_name' : packageName}
# Use CI Access Token
# filesHeaders = {'PRIVATE-TOKEN' : 'mystery'}
filesHeaders = {'PRIVATE-TOKEN' : gitlabAccessToken}
fileMetaJSON = findJSONObjectInPaginatedAPI(filesCondition, packageEndpoint + str(packageId) + '/package_files', filesQuery, filesHeaders, True)
# TODO: Return Error if not matching to given sha256