PID Assignment
As an SMS user, I want to assign PIDs to platforms and devices. If an instance is already created, based on Update Device access rules - I would like to have a button or similar UI element to click to request a PID creation to the backend. In the frontend, I get a feedback that a PID has been created and the handle is displayed in the PID field. Updating and deleting PIDs does not need to be done in the frontend - that is done automatically by the backend.
ToDo's / Acceptance:
To be compatible with the PIDINST specification, the manufacturer must be a mandatory field from now on, even if no PID will be created. -
a new button/check-box has been added to device&platforms edit mode tab basic data-PID field | freetext editing is no more possible - The button/check-box is only active/editable if the entitiy does not already have a PID
- If visibility private is selected then it should not be possible to create a PID (checkbox is disabled, hint "PIDs are not available for private visibility")
- A hint text with the information ("Informations about the entity including the full name and email of the owner is stored at PID-service outside the SMS")
if the device/platform is new created two requests to SMS backend have to be triggerd, first create the entity than tigger the PID-(ID&Type)-Endpoint. -
if the device/platform is been updated two requests to SMS backend have to be triggerd, first update the entity than tigger the PID-(ID&Type)-Endpoint. -
Handle the SMS-Backend-PID response - a view refresh hast to be triggered - showing the PID-Handle (Link the PID-Handle to the full URL of PID-Service and PID-Handle, so the user is able to review the stored information of entitie) - clicking on the link should be opened in a new tab.
clicking on the PID copies the PID-URL to the clipboard. A tooltip provides feedback to the user. - example: the following is old and can be ingored, just keep it in history for GFZ solution
~~We want to assign PIDs for our platforms & devices.
For this we got code that @haxter uses for assigning the PIDs in GIPP:
# authors: Gerard Munoz and Martin Haxter
# description: script to generate PIDs. It gets the instrument inforamtion from gipp website via json request.
import requests
import json
import uuid
from pyhandle.handleclient import PyHandleClient
from pyhandle.clientcredentials import PIDClientCredentials
import datetime
# Gerhard: I disable warning, because python is complaining about https connections, I disable verification and warning.
# Since I trust the gipp websites, I can do this safely.
# Martin's comment: I fixed the certifiacates off the https connections.
import warnings
#Function to add the generated PIDs to a log file
def AddToLog(logFile,arg1,arg2):
with open(logFile,'a+') as log:
timestamp ="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
#Initalize the pyhandle client (check the location and content of the certificate!!!!)
cred = PIDClientCredentials.load_from_JSON('./certificate.json')
client = PyHandleClient('rest').instantiate_with_credentials(cred)
#If necessary change the location of the log!!
logPath = './logs'
logFile = logPath+'/PID.log'
#Generate the log file if it does not exist (if it does, just open and close it, so do nothing)
#For looping throug the device types
#Assign a type for the PID entry based on the SQL-database type
typeDict = {
"Trillium 120PA" : "3-component broad band seismometer",
"Trillium 120QA" : "3-component broad band seismometer",
"3Komponenten, 4,5Hz" : "3-component geophone",
"Trillium Compact" : "3-component broad band seismometer",
"CMG-3ESPC" : "3-component intermediate band seismometer",
"CMG-40T" : "3-component intermediate band seismometer",
"CMG-3ESPD" : "3-component broad band seismometer",
"CMG-3T" : "3-component broad band seismometer",
"3CH-1Hz" : "3-component geophone",
"Earth Data PR6-24" : "3-channel data recorder",
"Earth Data EDR-210" : "3-channel data recorder",
"Omnirecs/DIGOS Cube1" : "1-channel data recorder",
"Omnirecs/DIGOS Cube 3 int" : "3-channel data recorder",
"Omnirecs/DIGOS Cube 3 ext" : "3-channel data recorder"
#For content negotiation set header to return JSON
headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'}
#Find all the devices of that type
url = ''
#Read the content of the database for the device in json format
response = requests.get(url,headers=headers)
items = json.loads(response.content) #Load the json content
#Inner loop for all devices of the type
for item in items:
code = item['Instrument']['code']
#Check whether the instrument already has a PID assigned in the database
if not (item['Instrument']['pid']):
instrumentBaseUrl = '{:s}'.format(code) #Form the landing page url
type = typeDict[item['Instrumentcategory']['name']] #Translate the type from the database to the PID values
keywords = {
'location' : instrumentBaseUrl,
'identifierType' : 'instrument',
'Manufacturer' : item['Instrumentcategory']['manufacturer'],
'Name' : item['Instrumentcategory']['name'],
'InstrumentType' : type,
'VariableMeasured' : 'data logger',
'Code' : code,
'Status' : 'OK'
#Create the PID handle
handle = str(uuid.uuid4()).upper()
prefix = '11708' # GFZ prefix of the handle consortium
handle = '{0:s}/{1:s}'.format(prefix,handle)
with open(logFile,'r+') as log:
allLines = list(log) #Read the csv file as a list
matchLine = next((s for s in allLines if code in s), None) #Check if the code matches any of the lines (list elements)
if matchLine:
PIDLog = matchLine.split(";")[0]
print('Instrument',code,'already has a PID (from log file):',PIDLog)
print('Creating PID for instrument',code,':',handle)
record = client.register_handle(handle=handle,overwrite=True,**keywords)
print( 'Instrument ',code,' already has a PID: ',item['Instrument']['pid'])
From my current point of view it would make sense to provide this as a service itself - so that others programs also on GFZ (and maybe also on UFZ) can use this service to register PIDs.~~