Catch Error if Notifications for the Bucket are already configured (?)
When publishing a thing again for updating the thing-properties, an error like this is raised:
minio-cli-wrapper:{"status":"error","error":{"message":"Unable to enable notification on the specified bucket.","cause":{"message":"An object key name filtering rule defined with overlapping prefixes, overlapping suffixes, or overlapping combinations of prefixes and suffixes for the same event types.","error":{"Code":"InvalidArgument","Message":"An object key name filtering rule defined with overlapping prefixes, overlapping suffixes, or overlapping combinations of prefixes and suffixes for the same event types.","BucketName":"ufz-6da048d0-8d5a-4c2b-97e7-558ea1324ac3","Key":"","Resource":"/ufz-6da048d0-8d5a-4c2b-97e7-558ea1324ac3/","RequestID":"17176B497F092817","HostID":"9c3bdef7-b5f1-4882-938c-74795338ed9e","Region":"","Server":"MinIO"}},"type":"fatal"}}
Also the step for initializing the notifications has to be skipped.