Habitat classification
As an API consumer, I want to be able to set habitat classification to section. List of predefined habitat classification values is attached (lookup table)
Jira ticket: https://ufz-jira.scolution.de/browse/MWB-276
Data model: https://confluence.digitalearth-hgf.de/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=16716827
Entity HabitatClass is created -
Relations Section -> SectionHabitat are created (one to many), for each section habitat field (inner, left and right habitat class) -
Values for habitat classifications are seeded into local database -
Sum of the percentages of SectionHabitats per Section must be less then or equal 100 -
one SectionHabitat can be used only once per Section (for inside, left and right types) -
value of percentage in SectionHabitat must be less then or equals 100 -
Query for inserting habitat classification values is added to the SQL file for the next release ( sql/releases/x.x.x-stage.sql
) -
Entity HabitatClass is created -
Relations Section -> SectionHabitat are created (one to many), for each section habitat field (inner, left and right habitat class) -
Values for habitat classifications are seeded into local database -
Sum of the percentages of SectionHabitats per Section must be less then or equal 100 -
one SectionHabitat can be used only once per Section (for inside, left and right types) -
value of percentage in SectionHabitat must be less then or equals 100 -
Query for inserting habitat classification values is added to the SQL file for the next release ( sql/releases/x.x.x-stage.sql
) -
Edited by Michael Voigt