Widget type "RunningStats"
As an API user I want to be able to attach widget of type RunningStats and display its content on my dashboard.
Jira story: https://ufz-jira.scolution.de/browse/MWB-274
Widget type RunningStats is implemented: -
This widget contains following info: -
Count of inspections since the beginning of the year -
Count of observations since the beginning of the year -
Count of active users since the beginning of the year. Active user is the user who created at least 1 inspection during the designated time period.
Values for this widget are calculated for total entities in the project (not limited by current user role), that belong to transects and sections with status 1 - confirmed) and to inspections that are finalized. -
dataSeries JSON format:
{"inspections": 7, "observations": 23, "activeUsers": 3}
Widget type RunningStats is implemented: -
This widget contains following info: -
Count of inspections since the beginning of the year -
Count of observations since the beginning of the year -
Count of active users since the beginning of the year. Active user is the user who created at least 1 inspection during the designated time period.
Values for this widget are calculated for total entities in the project (not limited by current user role), that belong to transects and sections with status 1 - confirmed) and to inspections that are finalized. -
dataSeries JSON format:
{"inspections": 7, "observations": 23, "activeUsers": 3}
Edited by Michael Voigt