Introduce variable roles per different transects
As an API user, I want to be able to define different sets of roles for different transects. Regular user for some transects can have admin role for some other transects.
(3h) Create join entity user-role-transect
(0h) Visibility (repositories): should not change as visibility for transect-related entities is still determined by the user assignment to the transect, not the role
(1 day) Permissions to edit / create
- TmdRolePermissions mapping - transect access cannot be controlled here, because there is no context of logged in user
- must be controlled via some service in validators (or UpdateAllowedTrait) / for every entity (transect, section, sectionEvent, inspection, observation)
- UserService must be modified to take transects into account
(0h) Check TransectUserHistory (seems there should be no change, as all required data in regard of transect is there)
(2 days) Tests - possibly big impact on tests
These are the guidelines, solution is not crystal clear. Rough estimation: 3,5 days.
When a user has a role RegionalCoordinator, it must be possible to assign transect where the user has coordinator privileges. Coordinator privileges on a transect means that the user has permissions over assigned transects, as specified in
entity RegionalCoordinator is implemented (with relations to User and Transect) -
when a record is added to RegionalCoordinator, user RegionalCoordinator is automatically added to the user -
when all the records for specific user are deleted from RegionalCoordinator table, role RegionalCoordinator is removed from that user -
when a record is added to RegionalCoordinator, user is added to transect-user relation -
when a record is removed from RegionalCoordinator, user-transect relation on Transect is deleted -
user-transect combination in RegionalCoordinator is unique (validation) -
on updating transect there is additional check if the user is coordinator for that transect -
this validation is applied to all transect-dependant entities (Inspection, SectionEvent, Section, Observation)
admin and project lead can add and remove RegionalCoordinator -
Additional points:
- Die Fehlermeldung ist verwirrend, wenn man einen landcoordinator ohne rechte erstellen will: user: User must have a role Land Coordinator
behavior is changed, there is no more check if the user has the role (roles will be automatically assigned)
- Es existiert kein Constraint für LandCoordinator. Man kann mehrmal das selbe Bundesland eintragen. (ist das gewollt)
added unique constraints to LandCoordinator and SpeciesSpecialist
- Ich bekomme "Access Denied." bei mutation deleteLandCoordinator ($input: deleteLandCoordinatorInput!) { als "message": "Access denied to modify property landCoordinators of User"
Permissions granted
- Auch werden die Werte für icc2 nicht validiert. Man kann alles mögliches eingeben.
Will not be implemented at this point
entity RegionalCoordinator is implemented (with relations to User and Transect) -
when a record is added to RegionalCoordinator, user RegionalCoordinator is automatically added to the user -
when all the records for specific user are deleted from RegionalCoordinator table, role RegionalCoordinator is removed from that user -
when a record is added to RegionalCoordinator, user is added to transect-user relation -
when a record is removed from RegionalCoordinator, user-transect relation on Transect is deleted -
user-transect combination in RegionalCoordinator is unique (validation) -
on updating transect there is additional check if the user is coordinator for that transect -
this validation is applied to all transect-dependant entities (Inspection, SectionEvent, Section, Observation)
admin and project lead can add and remove RegionalCoordinator -
Additional points:
- Die Fehlermeldung ist verwirrend, wenn man einen landcoordinator ohne rechte erstellen will: user: User must have a role Land Coordinator
behavior is changed, there is no more check if the user has the role (roles will be automatically assigned)
- Es existiert kein Constraint für LandCoordinator. Man kann mehrmal das selbe Bundesland eintragen. (ist das gewollt)
added unique constraints to LandCoordinator and SpeciesSpecialist
- Ich bekomme "Access Denied." bei mutation deleteLandCoordinator ($input: deleteLandCoordinatorInput!) { als "message": "Access denied to modify property landCoordinators of User"
Permissions granted
- Auch werden die Werte für icc2 nicht validiert. Man kann alles mögliches eingeben.
Will not be implemented at this point