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Commit df0fdbc7 authored by Xiangyu Li's avatar Xiangyu Li
Browse files

Merge branch 'main' of helmholtz:dam-elbextreme/getm-setup-elbe-2d into main

parents 9391ddb9 00c37c43
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......@@ -4,332 +4,47 @@
name: elbextreme
- conda-forge
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- r-testthat=
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- cmake
- fontconfig
- geos
- geotiff
- gfortran
- hdf5
- libnetcdf
- mpich
- netcdf-fortran
- netcdf4
- numpy
- pip
- python=3.12
- pyyaml
- r-base
- r-cluster
# - r-cmocean # seems not available in conda-forge channel
- r-colorspace
- r-latex2exp
- r-matrix
- r-ncdf4
- r-pacman
- r-pillar
- r-rcolorbrewer
- r-sf
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- r-stringi
- r-stringr
- r-teachingdemos
- sqlite
- xerces-c
- xmlstore
- yaml-cpp
- fonttools
- kiwisolver
- matplotlib
- pillow
- pyparsing
- python-dateutil
- xmlplot
- pip:
- contourpy==1.2.1
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- fonttools==4.53.1
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- kiwisolver==1.4.5
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- python-dateutil==2.9.0.post0
- xmlplot==0.9.29
\ No newline at end of file
- editscenario
- gotmgui
\ No newline at end of file
long_name: nutrient
model: examples/npzd/nut
c: 5.5 # concentration (mmol m-3)
long_name: detritus
model: examples/npzd/det
w_d: -0.1 # vertical velocity (<0 for sinking) (m d-1), default = -5.0
kc: 0.03 # specific light extinction (m2 mmol-1), default = 0.03
rdn: 0.003 # remineralization rate (d-1), default = 0.003
c: 5.5 # concentration (mmol m-3)
mineralisation_target: nut/c # sink for remineralized matter (mmol m-3)
long_name: phytoplankton2
model: mspec/phy
m0: 0.0225 # background concentration (mmol m-3), default = 0.0225
rmn: 0.01 # excretion rate (d-1), default = 0.01
rmd: 0.02 # mortality (d-1), default = 0.02
rmax: 1.0225 # maximum growth rate (d-1)
vmax: .95 # maximum uptake rate (d-1)
#clight: 0.02
#alpha: 1.3
c: 0.1 # concentration (mmol m-3)
q: 0.5
excretion_target: nut/c # sink for excreted matter (mmol m-3)
mortality_target: det/c # sink for dead matter (mmol m-3)
uptake_target: nut/c # nutrient source (mmol m-3)
use: true
long_name: mixotroph
model: mspec/mspec
m0: 0.00225 # background concentration (mmol m-3), default = 0.0225
rmn: 0.01 # excretion rate (d-1), default = 0.01
rmd: 0.02 # mortality (d-1), default = 0.02
rmax: .5 # maximum growth rate (d-1)
ha: 1.
ia: true # instantaneous acclimation (switch)
vmax: .8
rr: .10
alpha: 1.6
clight: 0.01
tau: 0.7
c: 0.01 # concentration (mmol m-3)
f: 0.5
q: 0.5
grazing_target: phy/c # prey source (mmol m-3)
grazing_target_nutrient: phy/q # prey nutrient content
excretion_target: nut/c # sink for excreted matter (mmol m-3)
mortality_target: det/c # sink for dead matter (mxmol m-3)
uptake_target: nut/c # nutrient source (mmol m-3)
use: true
long_name: zooplankton
model: mspec/zoo
m0: 0.0225 # background concentration (mmol m-3), default = 0.0225
rmax: 0.5 # maximum specific grazing rate (d-1), default = 0.5
iv: .01 # Ivlev grazing constant (m3 mmol-1), default = 1.1
rmn: 0.01 # excretion rate (d-1), default = 0.01
rmd: 0.21 # mortality (d-1), default = 0.02
c: 1e-2 # concentration (mmol m-3)
q: 0.5
grazing_target: phy/c # prey source (mmol m-3)
grazing_target_nutrient: phy/q # prey nutrient content
excretion_target: nut/c # sink for excreted matter (mmol m-3)
mortality_target: det/c # sink for dead matter (mmol m-3)
use: true
long_name: zooplankton2
model: mspec/zoo
m0: 0.0225 # background concentration (mmol m-3), default = 0.0225
rmax: 1.5 # maximum specific grazing rate (d-1), default = 0.5
iv: 1.1 # Ivlev grazing constant (m3 mmol-1), default = 1.1
rmn: 0.01 # excretion rate (d-1), default = 0.01
rmd: 0.21 # mortality (d-1), default = 0.02
c: 1e-2 # concentration (mmol m-3)
q: 0.5
grazing_target: mixo/c # prey source (mmol m-3)
grazing_target_nutrient: mixo/q # prey nutrient content
excretion_target: nut/c # sink for excreted matter (mmol m-3)
mortality_target: det/c # sink for dead matter (mmol m-3)
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