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Abril Azocar Guzman authored
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EM Glossary - OWL

EM Glossary Group Logo


This respository is still under construction, the current files are not yet stable and should not be used for adoption. Planned release of v1.0.0 is April 29th 2024. This message will be removed after official release.

Welcome to the EM-Glossary

We work towards harmonized metadata in electron microscopy!

Visit our webpage and start developing with us in our community repository!

In this repository:

This is where the EM_Glossary OWL artefact is built, documented, released and maintained. We offer electron microscopy terminology that was harmonized through a community process in a machine-exploitable way. It is intended for integration and adaption into application level semantics and metadata to build bridges between application cases.

In this repository you will find:

📄 emg.owl the current version of the EM_Glossary OWL artefact
artefact documentation page can be found here
📁 development development files for the OWL artefact such as the automated build pipeline, its requirements and some of its inputs
📁 previous versions previous versions of emg.owl
📄 CITATION.cff information on how to cite this repository
📄 codemeta.json complementary metadata for here deposited files
📄 License copyright and licensing files

Further information:

You have questions ❓ Our wiki has the answer 👆

Find out how:

  • we build emg.owl from the content aggregated in our community repository through an automated pipeline,
  • we handle the release cycle of emg.owl, and
  • you can adopt the EM Glossary into your metadata schema or ontology. Please also see artefact documentation page. For more information regarding the EM Glossary initiative and its scope, please visit our webpage.

Please cite this repository as

Azocar Guzman, A., Brendike-Mannix, O., Hofmann, V. (2024), Electron Microscopy Glossary,


This work was supported by (1) the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC), an incubator-platform of the Helmholtz Association within the framework of the Information and Data Science strategic initiative, specifically HMC Hub Information at the Institute for Advanced Simulation - Materials Data Science and Informatics (IAS-9) at Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (FZJ), and HMC Hub Matter at the Abteilung Experimentsteuerung und Datenerfassung at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH (HZB), and (2) the NFDI-MatWerk consortium funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under the National Research Data Infrastructure – NFDI 38/1 – project number 460247524.

Logo_HMC         Logo_MatWerk         Logo_FZJ         Logo_HZB

Acknowledgements according to CRediT:

With respect to EM Glossary project, the following individuals are mapped to CRediT (alphabetical order):
Abril Azocar Guzman (AAG); Mojeeb Rahman Sedeqi (MRS); Özlem Özkan (ÖÖ); Oonagh Brendike-Mannix(OBM); Stefan Sandfeld (StS); Volker Hofmann (VH);

Contributions according to CRediT are:
Conceptualization: OBM, StS, VH; Data curation: AAG, ÖÖ, OBM, VH; Funding acquisition: OBM, StS, VH; Methodology; AAG, MRS, AAG, VH; Project administration: ÖÖ, OBM, VH; Resources: StS, VH; Software: AAG, MRS, VH; Supervision: OBM, StS, VH; Visualization: AAG, MRS, ÖÖ, OBM, VH;