Explore projects
Kaapana / kaapana
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
HIFIS Software Deployment / hca-plugin
MIT LicenseUpdated -
A template project for the Helmholtz Cloud Agent. Please fork this repo to develop your own HCA.
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A 2D transect following the depth profile of the Elbe river along its central channel
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UFZ SDI / spatialIO
European Union Public License 1.2Updated -
HUB Terra / SMS / Orchestration
European Union Public License 1.2Updated -
heliport / HELIPORT
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
Third attempt to build a controlled vocabulary to match the sensor management systems (SMS) requirements for all the terms we need to control.
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Together towards interoperable semantics in the electron microscopies
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pvcomb / Nomad Pvcomb
Apache License 2.0Updated -
The electronic laboratory notebook at Hereon.
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Chart to deploy a THREDDS Server via Openshift
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A basic template for generating a helm chart that is customized to the openshift workflows at Hereon.
See also the Kubernetes docs