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  • geomet/gmGeostats
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Package: gmGeostats
Version: 0.11.1
Date: 2022-05-03
Version: 0.11.3
Date: 2023-04-13
Title: Geostatistics for Compositional Analysis
Authors@R: c(person(given = "Raimon",
family = "Tolosana-Delgado",
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Description: Support for geostatistical analysis of multivariate data,
The methods mainly follow Tolosana-Delgado, Mueller and van den
Boogaart (2018) <doi:10.1007/s11004-018-9769-3>.
License: CC BY-SA 4.0 | GPL (>=2)
Copyright: (C) 2020 by Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf and Edith Cowan University;
gsi.DS code by Hassan Talebi
RoxygenNote: 7.1.1
......@@ -325,3 +325,4 @@ useDynLib(gmGeostats,CMVTurningBands)
# gmGeostats 0.11.3
* (2023-04-04) C routines called as symbols and not name strings; non-ASCII characters removed
# gmGeostats 0.11.2
* (2022-11-22) flag '-lstdc++' removed from makevars.
* (2022-11-15) minor bugs in accuracy calculations corrected. References improved.
* (2022-08-15) bug in turning bands for spherical variogram corrected.
# gmGeostats 0.11.1
* (2022-05-03) minor changes to adapt to more stringent standards for class determination, for variable definition in C code, and for calls to FORTRAN routines from C code involving string arguments.
......@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ anaForward <- function(x,Y,sigma0,sigma1=1+sigma0,steps=30,plt=FALSE,sphere=TRUE
#if( plt )
# plot(x[,1:2],pch=".")
......@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ anaBackward <- function(x,Y,sigma0,sigma1=1+sigma0,steps=30,plt=FALSE,sphere=TRU
x <- t(x)
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
#' Computes goodness-of-fit measures (accuracy, precision and joint goodness) adapted or extended from the
#' definition of Deutsch (1997).
#' @param x data container for the predictions (plus cokriging error variances/covariance) or simulations (and eventually for the true values in univariate problems)
#' @param object data container for the predictions (plus cokriging error variances/covariance) or simulations (and eventually for the true values in univariate problems)
#' @param ... generic functionality, currently ignored
#' @return If `outMahalanobis=TRUE` (the primary use), this function returns a two-column dataset of class
......@@ -13,18 +13,18 @@
#' the actual coverage of the intervals of each of these probabilities. If `outMahalanobis=FALSE`, the output
#' is a vector (for prediction) or matrix (for simulation) of Mahalanobis error norms.
#' @details For method "kriging", `x` must contain columns with names including the string "pred" for predictions
#' @details For method "kriging", `object` must contain columns with names including the string "pred" for predictions
#' and "var" for the kriging variance; the observed values can also be included as an extra column with name "observed",
#' or else additionally provided in argument `observed`. For method "cokriging", the columns of `x` must contain
#' or else additionally provided in argument `observed`. For method "cokriging", the columns of `object` must contain
#' predictions, cokriging variances and cokriging covariances in columns including the strings "pred", "var" resp. "cov",
#' and observed values can only be provided via `observed` argument. Note that these are the natural formats when
#' using [gstat::predict.gstat()] and other (co)kriging functions of that package.
#' For univariate and multivariate cokriging results (methods "kriging" and "cokriging"), the coverage values are computed based on the
#' Mahalanobis square error, the (square) distance between prediction and true value, using as the positive definite bilinear form
#' of the distance the variance-covariance cokriging matrix. The rationale is that, under the assumption
#' that the random field is Gaussian, the distribution of this Mahalanobis square error is known
#' to follow a \eqn{\chi^2(\nu)} with degrees of freedom \eqn{\nu} equal to the number of variables. Having this
#' of the distance the variance-covariance cokriging matrix. The rationale is that, under the assumption
#' that the random field is Gaussian, the distribution of this Mahalanobis square error should
#' follow a \eqn{\chi^2(\nu)} with degrees of freedom \eqn{\nu} equal to the number of variables. Having this
#' reference distribution allows us to compute confidence intervals for that Mahalanobis square error, and then
#' count how many of the actually observed errors are included on each one of the intervals (the *coverage*).
#' For a perfect adjustment to the distribution, the plot of coverage vs. nominal confidence (see [plot.accuracy])
......@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@
#' from the standard normal distribution appearing by normalizing the residual with the kriging variance; the result is the
#' same.
#' For method "simulation" and object `x` is a data.frame, the variable names containing the realisations must
#' contain the string "sim", and `observed` must be a vector with as many elements as rows has `x`. If
#' `x` is a [DataFrameStack()], then it is assumed that the stacking dimension is running through the realisations;
#' For method "simulation" and object `object` is a data.frame, the variable names containing the realisations must
#' contain the string "sim", and `observed` must be a vector with as many elements as rows has `object`. If
#' `object` is a [DataFrameStack()], then it is assumed that the stacking dimension is running through the realisations;
#' the true values must still be given in `observed`.
#' In both cases, the method is based on ranks:
#' with them we can calculate which is the frequency of simulations being more extreme than the observed value.
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
#' for each location separately.
#' Method "mahalanobis" ("Mahalanobis" also works) is the analogous for multivariate simulations. It
#' only works for `x` of class [DataFrameStack()], and requires the stacking dimension to run through
#' only works for `object` of class [DataFrameStack()], and requires the stacking dimension to run through
#' the realisations and the other two dimensions to coincide with the dimensions of `observed`, i.e.
#' giving locations by rows and variables by columns. In this case, a covariance matrix will be computed
#' and this will be used to compute the Mahalanobis square error defined above in method "cokriging":
......@@ -59,7 +59,12 @@
#' @export
#' @family accuracy functions
accuracy <- function(x,...) UseMethod("accuracy", x)
#' @references Mueller, Selia and Tolosana-Delgado (2023) Multivariate cross-validation
#' and measures of accuracy and precision.
#' Mathematical Geosciences (under review).
accuracy <- function(object,...) UseMethod("accuracy", object)
......@@ -68,19 +73,20 @@ accuracy <- function(x,...) UseMethod("accuracy", x)
#' @param observed either a vector- or matrix-like object of the true values
#' @param prob sequence of cutoff probabilities to use for the calculations
#' @param method which method was used for generating the predictions/simulations?
#' one of c("kriging", "cokriging", "simulation") for `x` of class "data.frame", or of
#' c("simulation", "mahalanobis", "flow") for `x` of class [DataFrameStack()].
#' one of c("kriging", "cokriging", "simulation") for `object` of class "data.frame", or of
#' c("simulation", "mahalanobis", "flow") for `object` of class [DataFrameStack()].
#' @param outMahalanobis if TRUE, do not do the final accuracy calculations and return the Mahalanobis
#' norms of the residuals; if FALSE do the accuracy calculations
#' @param ivar if `method`="kriging" or "cokriging" you can also specify here one single variable name
#' to consider for univariate accuracy; this variable name must exist both in `x`
#' to consider for univariate accuracy; this variable name must exist both in `object`
#' (including "pred" and "var" prefixes or suffixes in the column names) and in `observed`;
#' this might require renaming the columns of these files!
#' @export <- function(x, observed=x$observed, <- function(object, observed=object$observed,
prob = seq(from=0, to=1, by=0.05),
method="kriging", outMahalanobis=FALSE,
ivar, ...){
x = object # after v 0.11.9003, 'accuracy' first argument is renamed to 'object' for compatibility with tidymodels
methods = c("kriging", "cokriging", "simulation")
mm = methods[pmatch(method, methods)]
......@@ -88,7 +94,7 @@ <- function(x, observed=x$observed,
iPred = intersect(grep(ivar, colnames(x)), grep("pred", colnames(x)))
iVar = intersect(grep(ivar, colnames(x)), grep("var", colnames(x)))
if(any(sapply(list(iTrue, iPred, iVar), length)!=1))
stop("accuracy: univariate case by specifying an `ivar` requires the named variable to occur ONCE in `observed` and once in `x`, here prefixed or suffixed with `pred` and `var` to identify kriging predictions and variances")
stop("accuracy: univariate case by specifying an `ivar` requires the named variable to occur ONCE in `observed` and once in `object`, here prefixed or suffixed with `pred` and `var` to identify kriging predictions and variances")
mm = "kriging"
observed = observed[,iTrue]
x = x[, c(iPred, iVar)]
......@@ -125,7 +131,7 @@ <- function(x, observed=x$observed,
# cases for kriging and cokriging
qqq = stats::qchisq(prob,df=D)
qqq = stats::qchisq(prob,df=D) # TODO: this could be Hotelling's T^2 distributed?
aa = outer(mynorms,qqq,"<=")
a = colMeans(aa)
erg = data.frame(p=prob, accuracy=a)
......@@ -139,19 +145,20 @@ <- function(x, observed=x$observed,
#' @param ivars in multivariate cases, a vector of names of the variables to analyse (or one single variable name)
#' @method accuracy DataFrameStack
#' @export
accuracy.DataFrameStack <- function(x, observed,
ivars = intersect(colnames(observed), dimnames(x)[[noStackDim(x)]]),
accuracy.DataFrameStack <- function(object, observed,
ivars = intersect(colnames(observed), dimnames(object)[[noStackDim(object)]]),
prob = seq(from=0, to=1, by=0.05),
method = ifelse(length(ivars)==1, "simulation", "Mahalanobis"),
outMahalanobis=FALSE, ...){
x = object # after v 0.11.9003, 'accuracy' first argument is renamed to 'object' for compatibility with tidymodels
methods = c("simulation", "Mahalanobis","mahalanobis", "flow")
mm = methods[pmatch(method, methods)]
oneAcc.sim = function(sims, true){
rks = rank(c(true,sims))
rks = rank(c(true,as.matrix(sims)))
oneAcc.assim = function(sims, true){
rks = rank(c(true,sims))
rks = rank(c(true,as.matrix(sims)))
......@@ -160,7 +167,7 @@ accuracy.DataFrameStack <- function(x, observed,
warning("accuracy: outMahalanobis=TRUE not valid with method='simulation'")
stop("accuracy: dimensions of x and observed do not match")
stop("accuracy: dimensions of `object` and `observed` do not match")
sims = as.matrix(gmApply(x, FUN=function(xx)xx[,ivars, drop=FALSE]))
res = sapply(1:nrow(sims), function(i) oneAcc.sim(sims[i,], observed[i, ivars, drop=FALSE]))
aa = outer(res, prob, "<=")
......@@ -406,7 +413,7 @@ = function(x, observed=x$observed, output="MSDR1",
preds = sapply(unclass(xreord), cbind)
obs = as.matrix(observed)
resids = preds-obs
if(output=="ME") return(mean(resids, na.rm=TRUE))
if(output=="ME") return(colMeans(resids, na.rm=TRUE))
if(output=="MSE") return(mean(rowSums(resids^2, na.rm=T), na.rm=TRUE))
myvar = function(j) covs[,j,j]
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ logratioVariogram <- function(data, ...) UseMethod("logratioVariogram", data)
#' @param comp an alias for `data`, provided for back-compatibility with compositions::logratioVariogram
logratioVariogram.default <- function(data, loc, ..., comp=data){
res = try(compositions::logratioVariogram(comp=acomp(comp), loc=loc, ...), silent=TRUE)
if(class(res)!="try-error") return(res)
if(!inherits(res, what="try-error", which=FALSE)) return(res)
res = compositions::logratioVariogram(data=acomp(comp), loc=loc, ...)
......@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
#' * The samples were complemented with information about their belonging to one of the
#' major crustal blocks (MCB) of Australia.
#' * Easting and Northing coordinates were computed using the Lambert conformal conic projection of
#' Australia (earth ellipsoid GRS80; standard parallels: 18°S and 36ºS latitude; central meridian:
#' 134ºE longitude).
#' Australia (earth ellipsoid GRS80; standard parallels: 18S and 36S latitude; central meridian:
#' 134E longitude).
#'#' @format A tibble, a data set of compound class c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame") with 5259
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
#' \item{REGION}{One of the three geo-regions of the data set: "EAST", "WEST" or "EUCLA"}
#' \item{DUPLICATE CODE}{Marker for duplicate samples, for quality control}
#' \item{SAMPLEID}{ID of the sample}
#' \item{GRAIN SIZE}{Particle size of the soil sample, one of "<2 mm" (coarse) or "<75 µm" (fine)}
#' \item{GRAIN SIZE}{Particle size of the soil sample, one of "<2 mm" (coarse) or "<75 um" (fine)}
#' \item{DEPTH}{Sampling depth, one of: "TOS" (top soil) or "BOS" (bottom soil)}
#' \item{CODE}{A combination of `Grain Size` and `DEPTH`, one of "Tc" "Tf" "Bc" "Bf", standing for TOS coarse, TOS fine, BOS coarse and BOS fine, respectively}
#' \item{`Ag ICP-MS mg/kg 0.03`}{concemtration of Silver in that sample, analysed with inductive coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), with a detection limit of 0.03ppm}
#' Check presence of missings
#' check presence of missings in a data.frame
#' @param x data, of class data.frame
#' @param mc not used
#' @param ... not used
#' @return A single true/false response about the presence of any missing value
#' on the whole data set
#' @export
#' @importFrom compositions has.missings
#' @method has.missings data.frame
#' @examples
#' library(compositions)
#' data(Windarling)
#' has.missings(Windarling)
#' head(Windarling)
#' Windarling[1,1] = NA
#' head(Windarling)
#' has.missings(Windarling) = function(x, mc=NULL, ...){
(!is.null(x)) && any(
#' Compositional maps, pairwise logratios
#' Matrix of maps showing different combinations of components of a composition, in pairwise logratios
#' @param loc matrix or data.frame of coordinates of the sample locations
#' @param comp composition observed at every location, can be a matrix, a data.frame or
#' of one of the classes \code{compositions::acomp} or \code{compositions::aplus}
#' @param colscale set of colors to be used as colorscale (defauls to 10 colors between blue and red)
#' @param cexrange symbol size min and max values (default to 0.1 to 2)
#' @param scale function scaling the set of z-values of each map, defaults to \code{\link{rank}}
#' @param commonscale logical, should all plots share a common z-scale? defaults to FALSE
#' @param foregroundcolor color to be used for the border of the symbol
#' @param closeplot logical, should the plot be left open (FALSE) for further changes, or be frozen (TRUE)?
#' defaults to TRUE
#' @return The function is primarily called for producing a matrix of (D,D) plots of the D-part
#' compositional samples, where at each plot we represent a map whose symbols are colored and
#' sized according to a z-scale controlled by a different logratio. For each plot, this is the
#' logratio of the row variable by the column variable. However, in case that `closeplot=FALSE`,
#' this function returns
#' invisibly the graphical parameters that were active prior to calling this function. This allows
#' the user to add further stuff to the plots (mostly, using \code{par(mfg=c(i,j))} to plot on the
#' diagram (i,j)), or manually freeze the plot (by wrapping the call to \code{pwlrmap} on a call to
#' \code{\link{par}}).
#' @export
#' @importFrom graphics plot text mtext
#' @examples
#' data("Windarling")
#' coords = as.matrix(Windarling[,c("Easting","Northing")])
#' compo = Windarling[,c("Fe","Al2O3","SiO2", "Mn", "P")]
#' compo$Rest = 100-rowSums(compo)
#' compo = compositions::acomp(compo)
#' # in quantiles (default, ranking controls color and size)
#' pwlrmap(coords, compo)
#' \donttest{
#' # in logratios (I=identity)
#' pwlrmap(coords, compo, scale=I)
#' # in ratios (i.e., apply exp)
#' pwlrmap(coords, compo, scale=exp)
#' # use only color, no change in symbol size
#' pwlrmap(coords, compo, cexrange=c(1,1))
#' # change all
#' pwlrmap(coords, compo, commonscale=TRUE, cexrange=c(1.2,1.2),
#' colscale=rev(rainbow(40, start=0, end=4/6)))
#' }
pwlrmap = function(loc, # XY coordinates (matrix or data frame)
comp, # composition (matrix, acomp, aplus or data.frame)
colscale=rev(rainbow(10, start=0, end=4/6)), # color scale (defauls to 10 colors between blue and red)
cexrange=c(0.1, 2), # symbol size min and max values (default to 0.1 to 2)
scale=rank, # scaling FUNCTION (defaults to ranking, i.e. quantiles)
commonscale=FALSE, # should all plots be generated with a common scale?
closeplot = TRUE
# set of maps where the symbols are chosen according to each possible pwlr, in
# a scale given by the user
opar = par()
opar = par_remove_readonly(opar)
if(closeplot) on.exit(par(opar))
# dimensions
D = ncol(comp)
N = nrow(loc)
# compute pwlrs
ij = expand.grid(i=1:D, j=1:D) # pairs of indices
mat = matrix(0, nrow=D, ncol=D*D) # matrix of +1 numerator, -1 denominator
for(k in 1:nrow(ij)){
Zpwlr = as.matrix(log(unclass(comp))) %*% mat
# scale the variables
sizes = scale(c(unlist(Zpwlr)))
dim(sizes) = dim(Zpwlr)
# calculate common cutting levels
commonbks = seq(from=min(sizes[is.finite(sizes)]), to=max(sizes[is.finite(sizes)]), length.out=length(colscale))
dfbks = diff(commonbks)[1]
commonbks = c(commonbks[1]-dfbks, commonbks+0.5*dfbks)
sizes = gmApply(Zpwlr,2,scale)
# do the plot
par(mfrow=c(D,D), mar=c(1,1,1,1)/5, oma=c(3,5,5,3))
for(i in 1:D){
for(j in 1:D){
# diagonal plots, only labels
plot(loc, type="n", xaxt=ifelse(i==D,"s","n"), yaxt=ifelse(j==1,"s","n") )
text(mean(range(loc[,1])), mean(range(loc[,2])), colnames(comp)[i], cex=2)
# off-diagonal plots, maps
k = (i-1)*D+j
sz = sizes[,k]
# choose which breaks to use, the common ones or the particular ones
bks = commonbks
bks = seq(from=min(sz[is.finite(sz)]), to=max(sz[is.finite(sz)]), length.out=length(colscale))
dfbks = diff(bks)[1]
bks = c(bks[1]-dfbks, bks+0.5*dfbks)
# compute colors and sizes
cols = colscale[cut(sz, bks)]
sz = cexrange[1]+(cexrange[2]-cexrange[1])*(sz-bks[1])/c(range(bks) %*% c(-1,1))
# actual map
plot(loc, cex=sz, bg=cols, pch=21, asp=1, col=foregroundcolor,
# add axes on extra sides
if(i==1) axis(side=3)
if(j==D) axis(side=4)
# add labels
mtext("numerator", side=2, outer=TRUE, line=2.5, cex=1.25)
mtext("denominator", side=3, outer=TRUE, line=2.5, cex=1.25)
# return the old graphical parameters to freeze the plot
#' Multiple maps
#' Matrix of maps showing different combinations of components of a composition, user defined
#' @param data data to represent; admits many data containing objects
#' (matrix, data.frame, classes from package \code{compositions}) as well
#' as their \code{Spatial} counterparts (in which case, \code{loc} is not necessary)
#' @param ... extra arguments for generic functionality
#' @return The function is primarily called for producing a matrix of plots of each component of a
#' multivariate data set, such as a compositional data set. Each plot represents a map whose symbols
#' are colored and sized according to a z-scale controlled by one of the variables of the data set.
#' It can be used virtually with any geometry, any kind of data (compositional, positive, raw, etc).
#' This function returns invisibly the graphical parameters that were active prior to calling this
#' function. This allows the user to add further stuff to the plots (mostly, using \code{par(mfg=c(i,j))}
#' to plot on the diagram (i,j)), or else freeze the plot (by wrapping the call to \code{pwlrmap}
#' on a call to \code{\link{par}}).
#' @export
#' @importFrom grDevices rainbow
#' @importFrom graphics par plot
#' @examples
#' data("Windarling")
#' library("compositions")
#' coords = as.matrix(Windarling[,c("Easting","Northing")])
#' compo = Windarling[,c("Fe","Al2O3","SiO2", "Mn", "P")]
#' compo$Rest = 100-rowSums(compo)
#' compo = acomp(compo)
#' pairsmap(data=clr(compo), loc=coords) # clr
#' pairsmap(data=compo, loc=coords) # closed data
pairsmap <- function(data, ...) UseMethod("pairsmap", data)
#' @describeIn pairsmap Multiple maps
#' @method pairsmap SpatialPointsDataFrame
pairsmap.SpatialPointsDataFrame <- function(data, ...){
pairsmap.default(data@data, loc=sp::coordinates(data), ...)
#' @describeIn pairsmap Multiple maps
#' @method pairsmap default
#' @export
#' @param loc matrix or data.frame of coordinates of the sample locations
#' @param colscale set of colors to be used as colorscale (defauls to 10 colors between blue and red)
#' @param cexrange symbol size min and max values (default to 0.1 to 2)
#' @param scale function scaling the set of z-values of each map, defaults to \code{\link{rank}}
#' @param commonscale logical, should all plots share a common z-scale? defaults to FALSE
#' @param mfrow vector of two integers, giving the number of plots per row and per column of the
#' matrix of plots to be created; defaults to something square-ish, somewhat wider than longer, and able to
#' contain all plots
#' @param foregroundcolor color to be used for the border of the symbol
#' @param closeplot logical, should the plot be left open (FALSE) for further changes, or be frozen (TRUE)?
#' defaults to TRUE
pairsmap.default <- function(data, # data to represent
loc, # XY coordinates (matrix or data frame)
colscale=rev(rainbow(10, start=0, end=4/6)), # color scale (defauls to 10 colors between blue and red)
cexrange=c(0.1, 2), # symbol size min and max values (default to 0.1 to 2)
scale=rank, # scaling FUNCTION (defaults to ranking, i.e. quantiles)
commonscale=FALSE, # should all plots be generated with a common scale?
mfrow = c(floor(sqrt(ncol(data))), ceiling(ncol(data)/floor(sqrt(ncol(data))))),# automatic distribution of figs
foregroundcolor = "black",
opar = par()
opar = par_remove_readonly(opar)
if(closeplot) on.exit(par(opar))
# dimensions
D = ncol(data)
N = nrow(loc)
# scale the variables
sizes = scale(c(unlist(data)))
dim(sizes) = dim(data)
# calculate common cutting levels
commonbks = seq(from=min(sizes[is.finite(sizes)]), to=max(sizes[is.finite(sizes)]), length.out=length(colscale))
dfbks = diff(commonbks)[1]
commonbks = c(commonbks[1]-dfbks, commonbks+0.5*dfbks)
sizes = gmApply(data,2,scale)
# do the plot
par(mfrow=mfrow, mar=c(1,1,10,1)/5, oma=c(3,3,3,3))
drow = mfrow[1]
dcol = mfrow[2]
for(i in 1:drow){
for(j in 1:dcol){
# off-diagonal plots, maps
k = (i-1)*dcol+j
sz = sizes[,k]
# choose which breaks to use, the common ones or the particular ones
bks = commonbks
bks = seq(from=min(sz[is.finite(sz)]), to=max(sz[is.finite(sz)]), length.out=length(colscale))
dfbks = diff(bks)[1]
bks = c(bks[1]-dfbks, bks+0.5*dfbks)
# compute colors and sizes
cols = colscale[cut(sz, bks)]
sz = cexrange[1]+(cexrange[2]-cexrange[1])*(sz-bks[1])/c(range(bks) %*% c(-1,1))
# actual map
plot(loc, cex=sz, bg=cols, pch=21, asp=1, main=colnames(data)[k], col=foregroundcolor,
# add axes on extra sides
# if(i==1) axis(side=3)
if(j==dcol) axis(side=4)
# return the old graphical parameters
#par(mfrow=opar$mfrow, mar=opar$mar, oma=opar$oma)
#' Spectral colors palette
#' based on the RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(11,"Spectral")
#' @param n number of colors
#' @return a palette, i.e. a list of colors, from dark blue to dark red over pale yellow.
#' @export
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @import RColorBrewer
#' @examples
#' (cls=spectralcolors(20))
spectralcolors <- function(n){
cls = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(min(11,n), "Spectral")
cls = grDevices::colorRampPalette(cls)(n)
# Compositional panel 1D-density plot
# Panel minifunction for plotting histograms and kernel densities of the data
# @param x ignored (here for compatibility with \code{\link{qqnorm.acomp}})
# @param y numeric vector of response values
# @param col color of the plot
# @param ... further parameters to plotting functions, currently ignored
# @param alpha alpha level at which the test should be done
# @return If given to the argument \code{panel} of a function such as \code{\link{qqnorm.acomp}}),
# this produces a matrix of plots where each panel contains a histogram and a kernel density
# overdrawn. If the distribution of this data is accepted to be normal at the \code{alpha}-level
# by a \code{\link{shapiro.test}}, then the histogram is painted with the \code{col}or provided;
# otherwise the histogram bars are empty, but the kernel density curve is colored.
# @examples
# data("Windarling")
# compo = as.matrix(Windarling[,c("Fe","Al2O3","SiO2", "Mn", "P")])
# qqnorm.acomp(compo, panel=vp.lrdensityplot, alpha=0.05)
# Panel function for 2D-density plots
# Panel minifunction for plotting 2D kernel densities of the data
# @param x numeric vector of response values (axis X)
# @param y numeric vector of response values (axis Y)
# @param xaxt style of the X axis labelling (defaults to "n", none)
# @param yaxt style of the Y axis labelling (defaults to "n", none)
# @param grid logical, should a unit grid be drawn? defaults to TRUE
# @param legpos string, position of the correlation coefficient, defaults to "bottomright"
# @param add logical, should the output be added to an existing diagram? defaults to TRUE, as required for acting as a panel diagram
# @param colpalette color palette for the image (defaults to spectral colors: blue-yellow-red)
# @param ... further parameters to image
# @return If given to the argument \code{panel} of a function such as \code{\link{pairs}}),
# this produces a matrix of images where each panel contains a 2D kernel density map,
# using blue for low density regions and dark red for high density colors.
# Regression lines (y~x) and correlation coefficients are added as well.
# @export
# @examples
# data("Windarling")
# compo = Windarling[,c("Fe","Al2O3","SiO2", "Mn", "P")]
# pairs(clr(compo), panel=vp.kde2dplot)
# vp.kde2dplot =
# function(x, y, xaxt="n", yaxt="n",
# grid=TRUE,legpos="bottomright", add=TRUE, colpalette=spectralcolors,...){
# aux = MASS::kde2d(x, y, n=50)
# aux$z = sqrt(aux$z)
# bks = hist(aux$z, plot=F, breaks=20)$breaks
# cols = c(NA,colpalette(length(bks)-2))
# image(aux, breaks = bks, col=cols, xlab="", ylab="", xaxt=xaxt, yaxt=yaxt,add=add, ...) #yaxt=ifelse(j==1,"s","n")
# xgrid = seq(from=floor(min(x)), to = ceiling(max(x)), by=1)
# ygrid = seq(from=floor(min(y)), to = ceiling(max(y)), by=1)
# abline(lm(y~x), col=2, lwd=2)
# if(grid)abline(v=xgrid, h=ygrid, col="#999999")
# legend(legpos, legend=round(cor(x,y), dig=3), bg="#999999")
# }
#' Swath plots
#' Plots of data vs. one spatial coordinate, with local average spline curve
#' @param data data to be represented, compositional class, data.frame, or
#' spatial data object (in which case, \code{loc} is a formula!)
#' @param ... further arguments to panel plots
#' @return Nothing, as the function is primarily called to produce a plot
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats loess
#' @importFrom graphics plot par text lines mtext
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data("Windarling")
#' library("sp")
#' compo = compositions::acomp(Windarling[,c("Fe","Al2O3","SiO2", "Mn", "P")])
#' Northing = Windarling$Northing
#' swath(compo, Northing)
#' wind.spdf = sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(sp::SpatialPoints(Windarling[,6:7]),
#' data=compo)
#' swath(wind.spdf, loc=Northing)
#' }
swath <- function(data, ...) UseMethod("swath", data)
#' @describeIn swath swath plot default method
#' @export
#' @method swath default
#' @param loc a numeric vector with the values for one coordinate
#' @param pch symbol to be used for the individual points, defaults to "."
#' @param withLoess either logical (should a loess line be added?) or a list
#' of arguments to DescTools::lines.loess
#' @param commonScale logical or NA: should all plots share the same vertical
#' range? FALSE=no, TRUE=yes (default), for
#' compositional data sets, the value NA (=all plots within a row) is also
#' permitted and is actually the default
#' @param xlab label for the common x axis (defaults to a deparsed version
#' of loc)
#' @param mfrow distribution of the several plots; it has a good internal default
#' (not used for compositional
#' classes)
swath.default <- function(data, # data (matrix, rmult, aplus, rplus or data.frame)
loc, # X or Y coordinates (a vector)
withLoess=TRUE, # either logical (should a loess line be added?) or a list of arguments to lines.loess
commonScale=TRUE, # logical: should all plots share the same vertical range? FALSE=no, TRUE=yes
xlab = deparse(substitute(loc)),
..., # extra arguments to plot
mfrow # automatic distribution of figs
# set of swath plots for each possible pwlr, eventually with a loess line
if(missing(mfrow)) mfrow = c(floor(sqrt(ncol(data))), ceiling(ncol(data)/floor(sqrt(ncol(data)))))
if(is(data, "Spatial")) return(swath_SpatialPointsDataFrame(data=data, loc=loc, pch=pch, xlab=xlab, mfrow=mfrow,
withLoess=withLoess, commonScale=commonScale, ...))
# preparations
opar = par()
opar = par_remove_readonly(opar)
col0 = spectralcolors(10)[10]
# isometric representation
if("data.frame" %in% class(data)) data = compositions::rmult(as.matrix(data), V=gsi.getV(data), orig=gsi.orig(data))
comp = idt(data)
# dimensions
D = ncol(comp)
N = length(loc)
# scale the variables
rgY = rep(range(unclass(comp), na.rm=TRUE), D)
dim(rgY) = c(2,D)
rgY = rep(NA, 2*D)
dim(rgY) = c(2,D)
# do the plot
par(mfrow=mfrow, mar=c(1,1,3,1)/5, oma=c(5,5,5,3))
for(k in 1:D){
ij = par()$mfg
i = ij[1]
j = ij[2]
plot(loc, comp[,k], ylim = range(c(comp[,k], rgY[,i]), na.rm=TRUE), pch = pch,
xaxt = ifelse(i==D,"s","n"), yaxt = ifelse(j==1,"s","n"),...)
title(main=colnames(comp)[k], line=0.5)
if(withLoess & requireNamespace("DescTools")){
a = stats::loess(comp[,k]~loc)
DescTools::lines.loess(a, col=col0)
}else if("list" %in% class(withLoess) & requireNamespace("DescTools")){
args = withLoess
if(!("col" %in% names(args))) args$col = col0
args$x = stats::loess(comp[,k]~loc)"DescTools::lines.loess", args=args)
# add axes on extra sides
if(i==1) axis(side=3)
if(j==D) axis(side=4)
# add labels
mtext(xlab, side=1, outer=TRUE, line=2.5, cex=1.25)
# return the old graphical parameters to freeze the plot
#' @describeIn swath Swath plots for acomp objects
#' @method swath acomp
#' @export
#' @importFrom compositions acomp
swath.acomp <- function(data, # composition (rcomp, acomp, ccomp)
loc, # X or Y coordinates (a vector)
pch = ".",
withLoess = TRUE, # either logical (should a loess line be added?) or a list of arguments to lines.loess
commonScale = NA, # logical or NA:
xlab = deparse(substitute(loc)),
... # extra arguments to plot
# recover byRowCommonScale from commonScale
byRowCommonScale = ifelse(, TRUE, ifelse(commonScale, NA, FALSE))
# set of swath plots for each possible pwlr, eventually with a loess line
# preparations
opar = par()
opar = par_remove_readonly(opar)
col0 = spectralcolors(10)[10]
comp = data
# dimensions
D = ncol(comp)
N = length(loc)
# compute pwlrs
ij = expand.grid(i=1:D, j=1:D) # pairs of indices
mat = matrix(0, nrow=D, ncol=D*D) # matrix of +1 numerator, -1 denominator
for(k in 1:nrow(ij)){
if(ij[k,1]==ij[k,2]) mat[ij[k,1],k]=0
Zpwlr = unclass(as.matrix(cdt(comp))) %*% mat
# scale the variables
rgY = rep(range(Zpwlr, na.rm=TRUE), 2*D)
dim(rgY) = c(2,2*D)
rgY = sapply(1:D, function(i) range(Zpwlr[,(D*(i-1)+1:D)[-i]], na.rm=TRUE))
rgY = rep(NA, 2*D)
dim(rgY) = c(2,D)
# do the plot
par(mfrow=c(D,D), mar=c(1,1,1,1)/5, oma=c(5,5,5,3))
for(i in 1:D){
for(j in 1:D){
k = (i-1)*D+j
# diagonal plots, only labels
plot(loc, Zpwlr[,k], type="n", xaxt=ifelse(i==D,"s","n"), yaxt=ifelse(j==1,"s","n") )
text(mean(range(loc, na.rm=TRUE)), 0, colnames(comp)[i], cex=2)
# off-diagonal plots, swaths
plot(loc, Zpwlr[,k], ylim = range(c(Zpwlr[,k], rgY[,i]), na.rm=TRUE), pch=pch,
xaxt=ifelse(i==D,"s","n"), yaxt=ifelse(j==1,"s","n"), ...)
a = stats::loess(Zpwlr[,k]~loc)
DescTools::lines.loess(a, col=col0)
}else if("list" %in% class(withLoess)){
args = withLoess
if(!("col" %in% names(args))) args$col = col0
args$x = stats::loess(Zpwlr[,k]~loc)"DescTools::lines.swath", args=args)
# add axes on extra sides
if(i==1) axis(side=3)
if(j==D) axis(side=4)
# add labels
label1 = c("+ part", "numerator") [1+is.acomp(data)]
label2 = c("- part", "denominator") [1+is.acomp(data)]
mtext(label1, side=2, outer=TRUE, line=2.5, cex=1.25)
mtext(label2, side=3, outer=TRUE, line=2.5, cex=1.25)
mtext(xlab, side=1, outer=TRUE, line=2.5, cex=1.25)
# return the old graphical parameters to freeze the plot
#' @describeIn swath Swath plots for ccomp objects
#' @method swath ccomp
#' @export
#' @importFrom compositions ccomp
swath.ccomp <- swath.acomp
#' @describeIn swath Swath plots for rcomp objects
#' @method swath rcomp
#' @export
#' @importFrom compositions rcomp
swath.rcomp <- swath.acomp
swath_SpatialPointsDataFrame <- function(data, loc, ...){
swath(data@data, loc=loc, ...)
#' Check presence of missings
#' check presence of missings in a data.frame
#' @param x data, of class data.frame
#' @param mc not used
#' @param ... not used
#' @return A single true/false response about the presence of any missing value
#' on the whole data set
#' @export
#' @importFrom compositions has.missings
#' @method has.missings data.frame
#' @examples
#' library(compositions)
#' data(Windarling)
#' has.missings(Windarling)
#' head(Windarling)
#' Windarling[1,1] = NA
#' head(Windarling)
#' has.missings(Windarling) = function(x, mc=NULL, ...){
(!is.null(x)) && any(
#' Compositional maps, pairwise logratios
#' Matrix of maps showing different combinations of components of a composition, in pairwise logratios
#' @param loc matrix or data.frame of coordinates of the sample locations
#' @param comp composition observed at every location, can be a matrix, a data.frame or
#' of one of the classes \code{compositions::acomp} or \code{compositions::aplus}
#' @param colscale set of colors to be used as colorscale (defauls to 10 colors between blue and red)
#' @param cexrange symbol size min and max values (default to 0.1 to 2)
#' @param scale function scaling the set of z-values of each map, defaults to \code{\link{rank}}
#' @param commonscale logical, should all plots share a common z-scale? defaults to FALSE
#' @param foregroundcolor color to be used for the border of the symbol
#' @param closeplot logical, should the plot be left open (FALSE) for further changes, or be frozen (TRUE)?
#' defaults to TRUE
#' @return The function is primarily called for producing a matrix of (D,D) plots of the D-part
#' compositional samples, where at each plot we represent a map whose symbols are colored and
#' sized according to a z-scale controlled by a different logratio. For each plot, this is the
#' logratio of the row variable by the column variable. However, in case that `closeplot=FALSE`,
#' this function returns
#' invisibly the graphical parameters that were active prior to calling this function. This allows
#' the user to add further stuff to the plots (mostly, using \code{par(mfg=c(i,j))} to plot on the
#' diagram (i,j)), or manually freeze the plot (by wrapping the call to \code{pwlrmap} on a call to
#' \code{\link{par}}).
#' @export
#' @importFrom graphics plot text mtext
#' @examples
#' data("Windarling")
#' coords = as.matrix(Windarling[,c("Easting","Northing")])
#' compo = Windarling[,c("Fe","Al2O3","SiO2", "Mn", "P")]
#' compo$Rest = 100-rowSums(compo)
#' compo = compositions::acomp(compo)
#' # in quantiles (default, ranking controls color and size)
#' pwlrmap(coords, compo)
#' \donttest{
#' # in logratios (I=identity)
#' pwlrmap(coords, compo, scale=I)
#' # in ratios (i.e., apply exp)
#' pwlrmap(coords, compo, scale=exp)
#' # use only color, no change in symbol size
#' pwlrmap(coords, compo, cexrange=c(1,1))
#' # change all
#' pwlrmap(coords, compo, commonscale=TRUE, cexrange=c(1.2,1.2),
#' colscale=rev(rainbow(40, start=0, end=4/6)))
#' }
pwlrmap = function(loc, # XY coordinates (matrix or data frame)
comp, # composition (matrix, acomp, aplus or data.frame)
colscale=rev(rainbow(10, start=0, end=4/6)), # color scale (defauls to 10 colors between blue and red)
cexrange=c(0.1, 2), # symbol size min and max values (default to 0.1 to 2)
scale=rank, # scaling FUNCTION (defaults to ranking, i.e. quantiles)
commonscale=FALSE, # should all plots be generated with a common scale?
closeplot = TRUE
# set of maps where the symbols are chosen according to each possible pwlr, in
# a scale given by the user
opar = par()
opar = par_remove_readonly(opar)
if(closeplot) on.exit(par(opar))
# dimensions
D = ncol(comp)
N = nrow(loc)
# compute pwlrs
ij = expand.grid(i=1:D, j=1:D) # pairs of indices
mat = matrix(0, nrow=D, ncol=D*D) # matrix of +1 numerator, -1 denominator
for(k in 1:nrow(ij)){
Zpwlr = as.matrix(log(unclass(comp))) %*% mat
# scale the variables
sizes = scale(c(unlist(Zpwlr)))
dim(sizes) = dim(Zpwlr)
# calculate common cutting levels
commonbks = seq(from=min(sizes[is.finite(sizes)]), to=max(sizes[is.finite(sizes)]), length.out=length(colscale))
dfbks = diff(commonbks)[1]
commonbks = c(commonbks[1]-dfbks, commonbks+0.5*dfbks)
sizes = gmApply(Zpwlr,2,scale)
# do the plot
par(mfrow=c(D,D), mar=c(1,1,1,1)/5, oma=c(3,5,5,3))
for(i in 1:D){
for(j in 1:D){
# diagonal plots, only labels
plot(loc, type="n", xaxt=ifelse(i==D,"s","n"), yaxt=ifelse(j==1,"s","n") )
text(mean(range(loc[,1])), mean(range(loc[,2])), colnames(comp)[i], cex=2)
# off-diagonal plots, maps
k = (i-1)*D+j
sz = sizes[,k]
# choose which breaks to use, the common ones or the particular ones
bks = commonbks
bks = seq(from=min(sz[is.finite(sz)]), to=max(sz[is.finite(sz)]), length.out=length(colscale))
dfbks = diff(bks)[1]
bks = c(bks[1]-dfbks, bks+0.5*dfbks)
# compute colors and sizes
cols = colscale[cut(sz, bks)]
sz = cexrange[1]+(cexrange[2]-cexrange[1])*(sz-bks[1])/c(range(bks) %*% c(-1,1))
# actual map
plot(loc, cex=sz, bg=cols, pch=21, asp=1, col=foregroundcolor,
# add axes on extra sides
if(i==1) axis(side=3)
if(j==D) axis(side=4)
# add labels
mtext("numerator", side=2, outer=TRUE, line=2.5, cex=1.25)
mtext("denominator", side=3, outer=TRUE, line=2.5, cex=1.25)
# return the old graphical parameters to freeze the plot
#' Multiple maps
#' Matrix of maps showing different combinations of components of a composition, user defined
#' @param data data to represent; admits many data containing objects
#' (matrix, data.frame, classes from package \code{compositions}) as well
#' as their \code{Spatial} counterparts (in which case, \code{loc} is not necessary)
#' @param ... extra arguments for generic functionality
#' @return The function is primarily called for producing a matrix of plots of each component of a
#' multivariate data set, such as a compositional data set. Each plot represents a map whose symbols
#' are colored and sized according to a z-scale controlled by one of the variables of the data set.
#' It can be used virtually with any geometry, any kind of data (compositional, positive, raw, etc).
#' This function returns invisibly the graphical parameters that were active prior to calling this
#' function. This allows the user to add further stuff to the plots (mostly, using \code{par(mfg=c(i,j))}
#' to plot on the diagram (i,j)), or else freeze the plot (by wrapping the call to \code{pwlrmap}
#' on a call to \code{\link{par}}).
#' @export
#' @importFrom grDevices rainbow
#' @importFrom graphics par plot
#' @examples
#' data("Windarling")
#' library("compositions")
#' coords = as.matrix(Windarling[,c("Easting","Northing")])
#' compo = Windarling[,c("Fe","Al2O3","SiO2", "Mn", "P")]
#' compo$Rest = 100-rowSums(compo)
#' compo = acomp(compo)
#' pairsmap(data=clr(compo), loc=coords) # clr
#' pairsmap(data=compo, loc=coords) # closed data
pairsmap <- function(data, ...) UseMethod("pairsmap", data)
#' @describeIn pairsmap Multiple maps
#' @method pairsmap SpatialPointsDataFrame
pairsmap.SpatialPointsDataFrame <- function(data, ...){
pairsmap.default(data@data, loc=sp::coordinates(data), ...)
#' @describeIn pairsmap Multiple maps
#' @method pairsmap default
#' @export
#' @param loc matrix or data.frame of coordinates of the sample locations
#' @param colscale set of colors to be used as colorscale (defauls to 10 colors between blue and red)
#' @param cexrange symbol size min and max values (default to 0.1 to 2)
#' @param scale function scaling the set of z-values of each map, defaults to \code{\link{rank}}
#' @param commonscale logical, should all plots share a common z-scale? defaults to FALSE
#' @param mfrow vector of two integers, giving the number of plots per row and per column of the
#' matrix of plots to be created; defaults to something square-ish, somewhat wider than longer, and able to
#' contain all plots
#' @param foregroundcolor color to be used for the border of the symbol
#' @param closeplot logical, should the plot be left open (FALSE) for further changes, or be frozen (TRUE)?
#' defaults to TRUE
pairsmap.default <- function(data, # data to represent
loc, # XY coordinates (matrix or data frame)
colscale=rev(rainbow(10, start=0, end=4/6)), # color scale (defauls to 10 colors between blue and red)
cexrange=c(0.1, 2), # symbol size min and max values (default to 0.1 to 2)
scale=rank, # scaling FUNCTION (defaults to ranking, i.e. quantiles)
commonscale=FALSE, # should all plots be generated with a common scale?
mfrow = c(floor(sqrt(ncol(data))), ceiling(ncol(data)/floor(sqrt(ncol(data))))),# automatic distribution of figs
foregroundcolor = "black",
opar = par()
opar = par_remove_readonly(opar)
if(closeplot) on.exit(par(opar))
# dimensions
D = ncol(data)
N = nrow(loc)
# scale the variables
sizes = scale(c(unlist(data)))
dim(sizes) = dim(data)
# calculate common cutting levels
commonbks = seq(from=min(sizes[is.finite(sizes)]), to=max(sizes[is.finite(sizes)]), length.out=length(colscale))
dfbks = diff(commonbks)[1]
commonbks = c(commonbks[1]-dfbks, commonbks+0.5*dfbks)
sizes = gmApply(data,2,scale)
# do the plot
par(mfrow=mfrow, mar=c(1,1,10,1)/5, oma=c(3,3,3,3))
drow = mfrow[1]
dcol = mfrow[2]
for(i in 1:drow){
for(j in 1:dcol){
# off-diagonal plots, maps
k = (i-1)*dcol+j
sz = sizes[,k]
# choose which breaks to use, the common ones or the particular ones
bks = commonbks
bks = seq(from=min(sz[is.finite(sz)]), to=max(sz[is.finite(sz)]), length.out=length(colscale))
dfbks = diff(bks)[1]
bks = c(bks[1]-dfbks, bks+0.5*dfbks)
# compute colors and sizes
cols = colscale[cut(sz, bks)]
sz = cexrange[1]+(cexrange[2]-cexrange[1])*(sz-bks[1])/c(range(bks) %*% c(-1,1))
# actual map
plot(loc, cex=sz, bg=cols, pch=21, asp=1, main=colnames(data)[k], col=foregroundcolor,
# add axes on extra sides
# if(i==1) axis(side=3)
if(j==dcol) axis(side=4)
# return the old graphical parameters
#par(mfrow=opar$mfrow, mar=opar$mar, oma=opar$oma)
#' Spectral colors palette
#' based on the RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(11,"Spectral")
#' @param n number of colors
#' @return a palette, i.e. a list of colors, from dark blue to dark red over pale yellow.
#' @export
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @import RColorBrewer
#' @examples
#' (cls=spectralcolors(20))
spectralcolors <- function(n){
cls = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(min(11,n), "Spectral")
cls = grDevices::colorRampPalette(cls)(n)
# Compositional panel 1D-density plot
# Panel minifunction for plotting histograms and kernel densities of the data
# @param x ignored (here for compatibility with \code{\link{qqnorm.acomp}})
# @param y numeric vector of response values
# @param col color of the plot
# @param ... further parameters to plotting functions, currently ignored
# @param alpha alpha level at which the test should be done
# @return If given to the argument \code{panel} of a function such as \code{\link{qqnorm.acomp}}),
# this produces a matrix of plots where each panel contains a histogram and a kernel density
# overdrawn. If the distribution of this data is accepted to be normal at the \code{alpha}-level
# by a \code{\link{shapiro.test}}, then the histogram is painted with the \code{col}or provided;
# otherwise the histogram bars are empty, but the kernel density curve is colored.
# @examples
# data("Windarling")
# compo = as.matrix(Windarling[,c("Fe","Al2O3","SiO2", "Mn", "P")])
# qqnorm.acomp(compo, panel=vp.lrdensityplot, alpha=0.05)
# Panel function for 2D-density plots
# Panel minifunction for plotting 2D kernel densities of the data
# @param x numeric vector of response values (axis X)
# @param y numeric vector of response values (axis Y)
# @param xaxt style of the X axis labelling (defaults to "n", none)
# @param yaxt style of the Y axis labelling (defaults to "n", none)
# @param grid logical, should a unit grid be drawn? defaults to TRUE
# @param legpos string, position of the correlation coefficient, defaults to "bottomright"
# @param add logical, should the output be added to an existing diagram? defaults to TRUE, as required for acting as a panel diagram
# @param colpalette color palette for the image (defaults to spectral colors: blue-yellow-red)
# @param ... further parameters to image
# @return If given to the argument \code{panel} of a function such as \code{\link{pairs}}),
# this produces a matrix of images where each panel contains a 2D kernel density map,
# using blue for low density regions and dark red for high density colors.
# Regression lines (y~x) and correlation coefficients are added as well.
# @export
# @examples
# data("Windarling")
# compo = Windarling[,c("Fe","Al2O3","SiO2", "Mn", "P")]
# pairs(clr(compo), panel=vp.kde2dplot)
# vp.kde2dplot =
# function(x, y, xaxt="n", yaxt="n",
# grid=TRUE,legpos="bottomright", add=TRUE, colpalette=spectralcolors,...){
# aux = MASS::kde2d(x, y, n=50)
# aux$z = sqrt(aux$z)
# bks = hist(aux$z, plot=F, breaks=20)$breaks
# cols = c(NA,colpalette(length(bks)-2))
# image(aux, breaks = bks, col=cols, xlab="", ylab="", xaxt=xaxt, yaxt=yaxt,add=add, ...) #yaxt=ifelse(j==1,"s","n")
# xgrid = seq(from=floor(min(x)), to = ceiling(max(x)), by=1)
# ygrid = seq(from=floor(min(y)), to = ceiling(max(y)), by=1)
# abline(lm(y~x), col=2, lwd=2)
# if(grid)abline(v=xgrid, h=ygrid, col="#999999")
# legend(legpos, legend=round(cor(x,y), dig=3), bg="#999999")
# }
#' Swath plots
#' Plots of data vs. one spatial coordinate, with local average spline curve
#' @param data data to be represented, compositional class, data.frame, or
#' spatial data object (in which case, \code{loc} is a formula!)
#' @param ... further arguments to panel plots
#' @return Nothing, as the function is primarily called to produce a plot
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats loess
#' @importFrom graphics plot par text lines mtext
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data("Windarling")
#' library("sp")
#' compo = compositions::acomp(Windarling[,c("Fe","Al2O3","SiO2", "Mn", "P")])
#' Northing = Windarling$Northing
#' swath(compo, Northing)
#' wind.spdf = sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(sp::SpatialPoints(Windarling[,6:7]),
#' data=compo)
#' swath(wind.spdf, loc=Northing)
#' }
swath <- function(data, ...) UseMethod("swath", data)
#' @describeIn swath swath plot default method
#' @export
#' @method swath default
#' @param loc a numeric vector with the values for one coordinate
#' @param pch symbol to be used for the individual points, defaults to "."
#' @param withLoess either logical (should a loess line be added?) or a list
#' of arguments to DescTools::lines.loess
#' @param commonScale logical or NA: should all plots share the same vertical
#' range? FALSE=no, TRUE=yes (default), for
#' compositional data sets, the value NA (=all plots within a row) is also
#' permitted and is actually the default
#' @param xlab label for the common x axis (defaults to a deparsed version
#' of loc)
#' @param mfrow distribution of the several plots; it has a good internal default
#' (not used for compositional
#' classes)
swath.default <- function(data, # data (matrix, rmult, aplus, rplus or data.frame)
loc, # X or Y coordinates (a vector)
withLoess=TRUE, # either logical (should a loess line be added?) or a list of arguments to lines.loess
commonScale=TRUE, # logical: should all plots share the same vertical range? FALSE=no, TRUE=yes
xlab = deparse(substitute(loc)),
..., # extra arguments to plot
mfrow # automatic distribution of figs
# set of swath plots for each possible pwlr, eventually with a loess line
if(missing(mfrow)) mfrow = c(floor(sqrt(ncol(data))), ceiling(ncol(data)/floor(sqrt(ncol(data)))))
if(is(data, "Spatial")) return(swath_SpatialPointsDataFrame(data=data, loc=loc, pch=pch, xlab=xlab, mfrow=mfrow,
withLoess=withLoess, commonScale=commonScale, ...))
# preparations
opar = par()
opar = par_remove_readonly(opar)
col0 = spectralcolors(10)[10]
# isometric representation
if(is(data, "data.frame")) data = compositions::rmult(as.matrix(data), V=gsi.getV(data), orig=gsi.orig(data))
comp = idt(data)
# dimensions
D = ncol(comp)
N = length(loc)
# scale the variables
rgY = rep(range(unclass(comp), na.rm=TRUE), D)
dim(rgY) = c(2,D)
rgY = rep(NA, 2*D)
dim(rgY) = c(2,D)
# do the plot
par(mfrow=mfrow, mar=c(1,1,3,1)/5, oma=c(5,5,5,3))
for(k in 1:D){
ij = par()$mfg
i = ij[1]
j = ij[2]
plot(loc, comp[,k], ylim = range(c(comp[,k], rgY[,i]), na.rm=TRUE), pch = pch,
xaxt = ifelse(i==D,"s","n"), yaxt = ifelse(j==1,"s","n"),...)
title(main=colnames(comp)[k], line=0.5)
if(withLoess & requireNamespace("DescTools")){
a = stats::loess(comp[,k]~loc)
DescTools::lines.loess(a, col=col0)
}else if(is(withLoess, "list") & requireNamespace("DescTools")){
args = withLoess
if(!("col" %in% names(args))) args$col = col0
args$x = stats::loess(comp[,k]~loc)"DescTools::lines.loess", args=args)
# add axes on extra sides
if(i==1) axis(side=3)
if(j==D) axis(side=4)
# add labels
mtext(xlab, side=1, outer=TRUE, line=2.5, cex=1.25)
# return the old graphical parameters to freeze the plot
#' @describeIn swath Swath plots for acomp objects
#' @method swath acomp
#' @export
#' @importFrom compositions acomp
swath.acomp <- function(data, # composition (rcomp, acomp, ccomp)
loc, # X or Y coordinates (a vector)
pch = ".",
withLoess = TRUE, # either logical (should a loess line be added?) or a list of arguments to lines.loess
commonScale = NA, # logical or NA:
xlab = deparse(substitute(loc)),
... # extra arguments to plot
# recover byRowCommonScale from commonScale
byRowCommonScale = ifelse(, TRUE, ifelse(commonScale, NA, FALSE))
# set of swath plots for each possible pwlr, eventually with a loess line
# preparations
opar = par()
opar = par_remove_readonly(opar)
col0 = spectralcolors(10)[10]
comp = data
# dimensions
D = ncol(comp)
N = length(loc)
# compute pwlrs
ij = expand.grid(i=1:D, j=1:D) # pairs of indices
mat = matrix(0, nrow=D, ncol=D*D) # matrix of +1 numerator, -1 denominator
for(k in 1:nrow(ij)){
if(ij[k,1]==ij[k,2]) mat[ij[k,1],k]=0
Zpwlr = unclass(as.matrix(cdt(comp))) %*% mat
# scale the variables
rgY = rep(range(Zpwlr, na.rm=TRUE), 2*D)
dim(rgY) = c(2,2*D)
rgY = sapply(1:D, function(i) range(Zpwlr[,(D*(i-1)+1:D)[-i]], na.rm=TRUE))
rgY = rep(NA, 2*D)
dim(rgY) = c(2,D)
# do the plot
par(mfrow=c(D,D), mar=c(1,1,1,1)/5, oma=c(5,5,5,3))
for(i in 1:D){
for(j in 1:D){
k = (i-1)*D+j
# diagonal plots, only labels
plot(loc, Zpwlr[,k], type="n", xaxt=ifelse(i==D,"s","n"), yaxt=ifelse(j==1,"s","n") )
text(mean(range(loc, na.rm=TRUE)), 0, colnames(comp)[i], cex=2)
# off-diagonal plots, swaths
plot(loc, Zpwlr[,k], ylim = range(c(Zpwlr[,k], rgY[,i]), na.rm=TRUE), pch=pch,
xaxt=ifelse(i==D,"s","n"), yaxt=ifelse(j==1,"s","n"), ...)
a = stats::loess(Zpwlr[,k]~loc)
DescTools::lines.loess(a, col=col0)
}else if(is(withLoess, "list")){
args = withLoess
if(!("col" %in% names(args))) args$col = col0
args$x = stats::loess(Zpwlr[,k]~loc)"DescTools::lines.swath", args=args)
# add axes on extra sides
if(i==1) axis(side=3)
if(j==D) axis(side=4)
# add labels
label1 = c("+ part", "numerator") [1+is.acomp(data)]
label2 = c("- part", "denominator") [1+is.acomp(data)]
mtext(label1, side=2, outer=TRUE, line=2.5, cex=1.25)
mtext(label2, side=3, outer=TRUE, line=2.5, cex=1.25)
mtext(xlab, side=1, outer=TRUE, line=2.5, cex=1.25)
# return the old graphical parameters to freeze the plot
#' @describeIn swath Swath plots for ccomp objects
#' @method swath ccomp
#' @export
#' @importFrom compositions ccomp
swath.ccomp <- swath.acomp
#' @describeIn swath Swath plots for rcomp objects
#' @method swath rcomp
#' @export
#' @importFrom compositions rcomp
swath.rcomp <- swath.acomp
swath_SpatialPointsDataFrame <- function(data, loc, ...){
swath(data@data, loc=loc, ...)
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ Maf = function(x,...) UseMethod("Maf",x)
#' spatial imaging, Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA, 14pp.
#' Tichavsky, P. and Yeredor, A., 2009. Fast approximate joint diagonalization
#' incorporating weight matrices. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 57, 878 891.
#' incorporating weight matrices. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 57, 878 ??? 891.
#' @family generalised Diagonalisations
......@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ <- function(x, vg, i=2,...){
res = list(sdev=sdevs, loadings = W, center=mn, scale=rep(1, ncol(x)),
n.obs=nrow(x), scores = facscores, C1=C1, C2=C2, eigenvalues = eigenvalues[ord],
res$Center = cdtInv(mn)
res$InvLoadings = cdtInv(Winv, orig=x)
res$InvDownLoadings = cdtInv(-Winv, orig=x)
......@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ predict.genDiag = function (object, newdata=NULL, ...) {
requireNamespace("compositions", quietly=TRUE)
newdata = object$scores
if("data.frame" %in% class(newdata))
if(is(newdata, "data.frame"))
newdata = as.matrix(newdata)
Z = newdata %*% unclass(object$invLoadings)
if("Center" %in% names(object)){
......@@ -478,9 +478,9 @@ predict.genDiag = function (object, newdata=NULL, ...) {
#' @importFrom compositions coloredBiplot
#' @method coloredBiplot genDiag
#' @references Mueller, Tolosana-Delgado, Grunsky and McKinley (2021) Biplots for
#' Compositional Data Derived from Generalised Joint Diagonalization Methods.
#' Applied Computational Geosciences (under review)
#' @references Mueller, Tolosana-Delgado, Grunsky and McKinley (2020) Biplots for
#' compositional data derived from generalised joint diagonalization methods.
#' Applied Computational Geosciences 8:100044 \doi{10.1016/j.acags.2020.100044}
#' @examples
#' data("jura", package="gstat")
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ gsi.calcCgram <- function(X,Y,vgram,ijEqual=FALSE) {
k <- length(vgram$type)
dimC = c(d,nX,d,nY)
erg<- .C("CcalcCgram",
erg<- .C(CcalcCgram,
......@@ -70,8 +70,9 @@ gsi.calcCgram <- function(X,Y,vgram,ijEqual=FALSE) {
#' @useDynLib gmGeostats getUnitvecR
gsiGetUnitVec <- function(dimX,ip) {
erg = .C("getUnitvecR",dimX=checkInt(dimX,1),ip=checkInt(ip,1),unitvec=numeric(dimX))
erg = .C(getUnitvecR,dimX=checkInt(dimX,1),ip=checkInt(ip,1),unitvec=numeric(dimX))
unitvec = erg$unitvec
......@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ gsi.TurningBands <- function(X,vgram,nBands,nsim=NULL) {
# run!
if( is.null(nsim) ) {
......@@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ gsi.TurningBands <- function(X,vgram,nBands,nsim=NULL) {
} else {
nsim <- checkInt(nsim,1)
......@@ -209,7 +210,7 @@ gsi.CondTurningBands <- function(Xout, Xin, Zin, vgram,
vgram$M = M
m = 3
erg <- .C("CCondSim",
erg <- .C(CCondSim,
Zin =checkDouble(Zin),
Cinv =checkDouble(Cinv,length(Zin)^2),
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ validate <- function(object, strategy, ...) UseMethod("validate", strategy)
#' @method validate LeaveOneOut
#' @export
validate.LeaveOneOut = function(object, strategy, ...){
if("gstat" %in% class(object)){
n = nrow(object$data[[1]]$data)
}else if(is(object, "gmSpatialModel")){
n = nrow(object@data)
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ validate.LeaveOneOut = function(object, strategy, ...){
#' @export
validate.NfoldCrossValidation = function(object, strategy, ...){
# manage "gstat" case
if("gstat" %in% class(object)){
warning("validate: object provided is of class 'gstat', attempting ', remove.all=TRUE, all.residuals=TRUE)'")
return(, nfold=strategy$nfolds, remove.all = TRUE, all.residuals = TRUE))
......@@ -246,13 +246,13 @@ variogramModelPlot.gstatVariogram =
model = lapply(noms, function(i) gstat::vgm(model="Sph", psill=0, range=1, nugget=0))
if("variogramModelList" %in% class(model)){
if(is(model, "variogramModelList")){
vrnames = names(model)
vrnames = vrnames[-grep(".", vrnames, fixed=TRUE)]
}else if("gstat" %in% class(model)){
}else if(is(model, "gstat")){
vrnames = names(model$data)
model = model$model
}else if("variogramModel" %in% class(model) ){
}else if(is(model,"variogramModel") ){
vrnames = levels(model$id)[1]
ggtr = tryCatch(as.variogramModel(model))
......@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ unmask <- function(x,...) UseMethod("unmask", x)
#' a "unmask.DataFrameStack" produces a "unmask.DataFrameStack";
#' a "SpatialPoints" produces a "SpatialPoints"; and finally
#' a "SpatialPixels" produces either a "SpatialPixels" or a "SpatialGrid" (if it is full).
#' Note that only in the case that `class(x)=="SpatialPixels"` is `mask` required,
#' Note that only in the case that `is(x,"SpatialPixels")=TRUE` is `mask` required,
#' for the other methods all arguments have reasonable defaults.
#' @export <- function(x, mask=attr(x,"mask"), fullgrid = attr(mask, "fullgrid"),
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ setCgram = function(type, nugget=sill*0, sill, anisRanges, extraPar=0){
#' vm = v1+v2
"+.gmCgram" <- function(x,y) {
y = as.gmCgram(y)
myfun = function(A,B){
......@@ -2,31 +2,54 @@
* Linux: Ubuntu 18.04.4LTS (local)
- R 3.6.3 (production)
- R devel 2022-04-23 r82240 (test)
- R 4.2.3 patched (2023-03-29 r84146) (test)
- R devel (2023-04-02 r84146) (test)
* Windows 7 Enterprise
- R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31 ucrt) (test)
## R CMD check results
0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 notes
1 NOTES (new resubmission after archiving)
## This is a resubmission
## This is a resubmission, after archiving on 2023-04-05
Request from 2023-03-19. All calls to .C() are now explicitly pointing
to symbols instead of function namestrings. Package "gmGeostats" could
not be uploaded before the archiving deadline because the main dependence
"compositions" was showing problems as well.
Dear maintainer,
Please see the problems shown on
For reproduction details see
<> .
The "DLL requires the use of native symbols" errors in the
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc check results are from
Please correct before 2022-05-05 to safely retain your package on CRAN.
r83985 | luke | 2023-03-16 02:31:57 +0100 (Thu, 16 Mar 2023) | 3 lines
Enforce R_forceSymbols for namespaces, but for now only if an
environment variable is set.
The CRAN Team
... related to the way classes were assessed (now using `inherits(...)`) and the calls of FORTRAN routines from C code that involve string arguments (now following the instructions given in <> ).
which makes R_forceSymbols work correctly, for now provided that env var
You can conveniently extract the non-symbols in your package's foreign
function calls via tools:::package_native_routine_registration_db(),
R> tools:::package_native_routine_registration_db("/data/rsync/PKGS/tibble")
cname s n
1 .Call tibble_need_coerce 1
but please note that there may be several such calls in your code.
Please correct before 2023-04-02 to safely retain your package on CRAN.
best regards
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
C_OBJS = gmGeostats.o
C_OBJS = gmGeostats.o
......@@ -218,8 +218,14 @@ const double *extra /* extra parameter (unused), for consistency with other cova
* where projs were calculated. Evaluate a wave of random phase at the
* projs points. Return that wave */
int i;
double phase,amp,omega,d1;
omega = norm_rand() * M_SQRT2 / range * M_SQRT_3; /* sqrt(3) needed to produce effective range*/
double phase,amp,omega,d1,o1,o2,o3;
/* omega = norm_rand() * M_SQRT2 / range * M_SQRT_3; /* sqrt(3) needed to produce effective range*/
// chi(3) distributed radial frequency, with random sign
o1 = norm_rand();
o2 = norm_rand();
o3 = norm_rand();
omega = sqrt(o1*o1 + o2*o2 + o3*o3) * sign(o1);
omega = omega * M_SQRT2 / range * M_SQRT_3; /* sqrt(3) needed to produce effective range*/
phase = unif_rand() * M_2PI;
amp = M_SQRT2; /* Lantuejoul (2002), page 191 */
for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
......@@ -236,13 +236,13 @@ %>% recompute_complex_cov %>% plot
This is again a quick and dirty solution, as:
1. by using the plotting capacities of "gstat" for an incompplete object we waste half the space of the plot;
1. by using the plotting capacities of "gstat" for an incomplete object we waste half the space of the plot;
2. actually the current function can only deal with symmetric covariances (because of the way that gstat::variogram estimates the covariance), and
3. hence the imaginary part is identically zero.
### Non-symmetric covariance
Hence, we need to improve the computations slightly. First we need to consider estimates for the whole 360$^o$, so that we can obtain $C_{VU}(h)=C_{UV}(-h)$,
We need to improve the computations slightly. First we need to consider estimates for the whole 360$^o$, so that we can obtain $C_{VU}(h)=C_{UV}(-h)$,
# compute variogram for the whole circle, i.e. until 360 deg
theta.cvg = gmGeostats::variogram(
......@@ -342,10 +342,10 @@ Boogaart, K. G. v. d.; Tolosana-Delgado, R. (2013) _Analysing compositional data
Boogaart, K.G. v.d.; Tolosana-Delgado, Raimon; Bren, Matevz (2021). compositions: Compositional Data Analysis. R package version 2.0-2.
De Iaco, S.; Posa, D.; Palma, M. (2013) Complex-Valued Random Fields for Vectorial Data: Estimating and Modeling Aspects. _Mathematical Geosciences_ 45: 557573
De Iaco, S.; Posa, D.; Palma, M. (2013) Complex-Valued Random Fields for Vectorial Data: Estimating and Modeling Aspects. _Mathematical Geosciences_ 45: 557???573
Stevens, S. (1946) On the theory of scales of measurement. _Science_ 103: 677-680
Wackernagel, H. (2003) _Multivariate geostatisticsan introduction with applications_, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin
Wackernagel, H. (2003) _Multivariate geostatistics???an introduction with applications_, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin