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close issues #7 and #8

Dear Philip, I apologize for the delay in sending the Merge request as I was occupied developing Cat4KIT and then on vacation.

Finally, I finished developing the Cat4KIT prototype, which you can view at There are two login options for the administrator page (the button in top-right). The first is Helmholtz AAI and the second is Cat4KIT registration. The first approach is restricted to the Cat4KIT team with Resource Capabilities feature of Helmholtz AAI, but you can access the administration interface via the second approach. I haven't restricted it to members yet. I would appreciate it if you would leave your suggestions and feedback about it.

Regarding MDE-Thredds, please let me know when you have time so that we can schedule a meeting to make a plan for adding new features, fixing the remaining issues, and finally releasing it.

And please, if possible, review the modifications, and if desired, merge them. BTW I have some other ideas about developing Django-Helmholtz-AAI that I will send the suggestions and we will discuss when I start developing the final version of Cat4KIT on the 15th of November.

closes #7 (closed), closes #8 (closed)

Edited by Philipp S. Sommer

Merge request reports