A normal team card is designed for acting as a slightly more prominent
representation of a person.
It features a name, title, organization, position and image of the person
and acts as a link to the full member site.
{%- assign person = include.person -%}
{%- if person -%}
<div class="team-card-normal">
{%- include team_card/image.html -%}
{%- include team_card/organization_short.html person=person -%}
{%- if person.title -%}
{%- include team_card/title.html person=person -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- include team_card/name.html person=person -%}
{%- include team_card/position.html person=person -%}
{%- include team_card/team_member_associate.html person=person -%}
{%- else -%}
WARNING: team_card.html was included,
but parameter person was not defined