Transitions between different segments of the website
Transitions are intended as visual separators between sections of the
website and may not have text on them.
The .transition element is a container with a transparent background.
It holds a slope element and a ::before pseudo-element injected via CSS.
If you give a transition a color, it will be mapped to the background
color of the slope and the preceding bar.
The slope.svg also defines a decorative inner path.
It inherits the fill color by default (i.e. is invisible) but can be
customized by setting the fill-property of .fill-theme.
Full example for a red transition with blue decoration:
.transition {
color: red;
alternative form with outlying slider:
.transition {
color: transparent;
.fill_slider {
fill: blue;
.fill_right {
color: red;
@mixin transition_heights {
@include respond-to-medium(height, $transition-height);
@include respond-to-medium(min-height, $transition-min-height);
@include respond-to-medium(max-height, $transition-max-height);
.transition {
@include transition_heights;
font-size: 0;
z-index: 100;
overflow: hidden;
color: inherit;
background-color: transparent;
/* (1) Gets rid of pesky 1px lines that pop up occasionally */
@extend .transition;
.fill_right { fill: none; }
.fill_left { fill: currentColor; }
.transition_on_top {
@extend .transition;
.fill_right { fill: currentColor; }
.fill_left { fill: none; }
/* Used in the svg files that hold the transition paths */
.transition_slope {
@include transition_heights;
fill: none;
width: auto;
/* Flex the other elements, not this one */
flex-shrink: 0;
flex-grow: 0;
/* Allow drawing in the transition blocks to the sides
* to prevent pixel artifacts */
margin-left: -1px;
margin-right: -1px;
.transition_block {
@include transition_heights;
width: 100%;