Uwe Jandt (DESY, HIFIS) authoredUwe Jandt (DESY, HIFIS) authored
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title: HIFIS Publications
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Publications on HIFIS.
Publications, Presentations, News
- Helmholtz AAI. Teaser talk, In: 74. DFN Betriebstagung, March 2021.
- HIFIS transfer service: FTS for Helmholtz. In: ISGC 2021 - International Symposium on Grids & Clouds, March 2021.
- HIFIS: Sync&Share Federation for Helmholtz. In: CS3 2021 - Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing, January 2021.
Digitale Dienste für die Wissenschaft - wohin geht die Reise?, December 2020
- German version: 10.5281/zenodo.4301924
- English version: 10.5281/zenodo.4301947
- HIFIS Software Survey 2020 Evaluation, Blog Post Series, Nov 2020-Jan 2021.
- Federated data storage for Helmholtz Research & Friends. In: National and International Trends in Research Storage at Scale, Open Storage Network, November 2020.
- HIFIS presentations at EGI conference (2-5 November 2020):
- Presentations of all major HIFIS working groups at the 2nd All-Hands HIFIS Meeting, October 2020.
- HIFIS backbone transfer service: FTS for everyone. In: HEPiX Autumn 2020 Online workshop, October 2020.
- Docker For Science, Blog post series, September 2020:
- HIFIS - Platform, Training and Support for a Sustainable Software Development. In: DLR Wissensaustausch-Workshop Software Engineering (WAW SE VII), September 2020.
- Zusammenarbeiten mit der Helmholtz-Cloud, Lichtblick Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, page 4, September 2020.
- HZI-led Coronavirus Sero-Survey in collaboration with HIFIS, August 2020.
- Promoting IT based science at all levels. In: EGI Newsletter #37, June 2020.
- [HIFIS suggestions and guidelines]({% link guidelines/index.md %}), Blog post series, May-June 2020.
- [Summary of the Feedback Report of the Scientific Advisory Board]({% post_url 2020/05/2020-05-27-sab-summary %}), May 2020.
- S/MIME Signing Git Commits, Blog post, April 2020.
- The HIFIS Cloud Competence Cluster. In: CS3 2020 Workshop on Cloud Services for Synchronisation and Sharing, January 2020.
- Presentations at the 1st HIFIS Conference, October 2019.
- Helmholtz Federated IT Services (HIFIS) – Creating Services together at Software Engineering and Reuse in Modeling, Simulation, and Data Analytics for Science and Engineering (SC 2019 BOF)
- HDF Cloud – Helmholtz Data Federation Cloud Resources at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre
- Integrierte Entwicklungs- und Publikationsumgebung für Forschungssoftware und Daten am Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR)
- Anforderungen, Wünsche und Erfahrungen für den Aufbau des HIFIS Competence Clusters "Software Services" in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
- Continuous Documentation for Users, Developers and Maintainers
- Share and synchronize your data with HZB Cloud Nubes safely
Software Publications
HIFIS creates its own software packages, but also contributes to Open Source software in general.
Software Packages
- Ansible GitLab Role - Ansible role to install and configure the GitLab Omnibus package, also in a high availability context.
- Ansible Keepalived Role - Ansible role that sets up Keepalived for high availabilty.
- Ansible Redis Role - Ansible role for setting up a highly available Redis cluster.
- Ansible HAProxy role - Ansible role to set up HAProxy to be used as a load balancer.
- Ansible SSH keys role - Ansible role to distribute authorized SSH public keys to users.
GitLab-Runner for Power - GitLab-Runner packages for the