* Fix wrong positioning of green slider in header * Transitions have been redesigned to be a bit more flexible * It is possible to specify which transition is intended while including * Added Path in SVG to also allow right side slider if required
* Fix wrong positioning of green slider in header * Transitions have been redesigned to be a bit more flexible * It is possible to specify which transition is intended while including * Added Path in SVG to also allow right side slider if required
transition.html 878 B
{% comment %}
Transitions can either be on top or on the bottom of other design elements.
On the bottom they start on the left side and slope out towards the center,
on the top of elements they slope in from the center towards the right.
The parameter `direction` is required and can be either
* `bottom` / `left`
* `top` / `right`
to indicate where the transition should be.
{% endcomment %}
{% if include.direction == "left" or include.direction == "bottom" %}
<div class="transition_on_bottom modernizr-generatedcontent">
{% include slope.svg %}
{% elsif include.direction == "right" or include.direction == "top" %}
<div class="transition_on_top modernizr-generatedcontent">
{% include slope.svg %}
{% else %}
<!-- Included transition, but no valid direction was set. -->
{% endif %}