Huste, Tobias authored
- Also make use of the {%- syntax to reduce whitespace in the generated HTML for the team member includes - Fix alignment of title in the section part
Huste, Tobias authored- Also make use of the {%- syntax to reduce whitespace in the generated HTML for the team member includes - Fix alignment of title in the section part
hifis_team.yml 2.75 KiB
# Enter the team members here
# Please sort by ID ascending
# You can copy and modify the sample below
# - id: lastname
# name: "Lastname, Firstname"
# image: "lastname.jpg" # should be in assets/img/members/
# title: "Dr. rer. nat."
# organization: desy # campus-id c.f. _data/helmholtz-centers.yml
# position: "My job title"
# office: "Building XYZ, Room 12.3" # Inserted verbatim into organization postal address
# rank: 0 # Increase rank for each hierarchy level below you
# contact: # All contacts are optional
# email: "mail@sample.org"
# phone: +1234567890 # Use international format
# fax: +1234567890 # Use international format
# sms: +1234567890 # Use international format
# messengers: # c.f. _data/messengers.yml
# - type: skype
# link_as: 1234567890 # Omit protocols
# show_as: "Skype with me" # Link text
# - type: irc
# link_as: freenode.org:4000
# # show_as can be optional
# platforms:
# - type: facebook # c.f. _data/social_platforms.yml
# link_as: https://www.facebook.com/my-profile-url
# show_as: "My Profile"
- id: guelzow
name: "Guelzow, Volker"
image: "Volker_Guelzow.jpg"
campus: desy
position: "Coordinator and Speaker of HIFIS"
associate: false
rank: 4
associate: false
cluster: overall
- id: finke
name: "Finke, Ants"
campus: hzb
position: "Coordinator"
associate: false
rank: 3
associate: false
cluster: overall
- id: konrad
name: "Konrad, Uwe"
image: "Uwe_Konrad.jpg"
campus: hzdr
position: "Coordinator"
associate: false
rank: 3
associate: false
cluster: overall
- id: jandt
name: "Jandt, Uwe"
image: "Uwe_Jandt.jpg"
campus: desy
position: "HIFIS Office Management"
associate: false
rank: 2