Huste, Tobias authored
- Also make use of the {%- syntax to reduce whitespace in the generated HTML for the team member includes - Fix alignment of title in the section part
Huste, Tobias authored- Also make use of the {%- syntax to reduce whitespace in the generated HTML for the team member includes - Fix alignment of title in the section part
organization_long.html 3.89 KiB
{%- comment -%}
Inserts a full data set of an campus of an organization.
The data will be formatted as postal address, followed by an external link
to the organizations website.
On error, a placeholder will be inserted to prevent messing up the
formatting of pages that expect a block at this position.
The parameter "campus" is expected to be a key into
! See also the documentation there for field-specific behaviour. !
If the key is not valid, an informative HTML comment will be inserted.
If available, the parameter "room" will be inserted verbatim at the
appropriate position.
{%- endcomment -%}
{%- if include.location -%}
{%- assign campus-id = include.location.campus -%}
{%- assign room = include.location.room -%}
{%- if campus-id -%}
{%- assign organization-code = campus-id | split: "-" | first -%}
{%- assign organization = site.data.helmholtz-centers[organization-code] -%}
{%- assign location = organization.campii[campus-id] -%}
{%- if organization and location -%}
<div class="org-long">
<span class="org-name">{{ organization.name }}</span>
<span class="org-name">Campus
{%- if location.name -%}
{{ location.name }}
{%- else -%}
{{ location.city }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if room -%}
<span> {{ room }} </span>
{%- endif -%}
<span> {{ location.street }} </span>
<span> {{ location.zip-code }} {{ location.city }} </span>
{%- if location.country -%}
{{ location.country }}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if location.website -%}
{%- assign website = location.website -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- if organization.website -%}
{%- assign website = organization.website -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if website -%}
<a href="https://{{ website }}">
<i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i>
{{ website | split: "/" | first }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- comment -%}
Space for map button here
{%- endcomment -%}
{%- else -%}
NOTE: team_card/organization_long.html was included,
but parameter "location.campus" could not be matched
with a known campus.
"location.campus" was inserted verbatim.
<div class="org-long">
<span class="org-name">{{ campus-id }}</span>
{%- if room -%}
<span> {{ room }} </span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- else -%}
NOTE: team_card/organization_long.html was included,
but parameter "location.campus" was not valid.
"location" was inserted verbatim.
<div class="org-long-placeholder">
{{ include.location }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- else -%}
NOTE: team_card/organization_long.html was included,
but parameter "location" was not defined.
<div class="org-long-placeholder"></div>
{%- endif -%}