@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ To this aim, since summer 2019, we are setting up the HIFIS platform, that is bu
- a **Helmholtz-wide login mechanism**, the [Helmholtz AAI]({% post_url 2020/07/2020-07-24-helmholtz-aai %}),
- a stable, high-bandwidth **network infrastructure** connecting all Helmholtz centres,
-[**Software services**](#software-services) to provide you with a common platform,
[training](https://software.hifis.net/events) and
[support](https://software.hifis.net/services/consulting) for high-quality sustainable software development.
[training]({% link events.md %}) and
[support]({% link services/consulting.html%}) for high-quality sustainable software development.
### Helmholtz Cloud
### [Helmholtz Cloud]({% link cloud-platform.md %})
The cloud team is currently preparing the Initial Service Portfolio.
The selection process for the initial Helmholtz Cloud service portfolio has been successfully completed at October 6th, 2020.
@@ -50,22 +50,24 @@ All services in the Helmholtz Cloud are for free.
#### International Connectivity
The Helmholtz Cloud is accessible for international users via the Helmholtz AAI. Helmholtz AAI is a member of <ahref="https://edugain.org/"target="_blank">eduGAIN</a>, so if your institution participates in eduGAIN you will be able to authenticate with your home institution credentials. We are also planning to provide social logins, like GitHub or OrcID, in case your institution does not participate in eduGAIN.
### Software Services
### [Software Services]({% link hifis-services-for-you/software-services.md %})
HIFIS Software Services' mission is to empower scientists of any domain to implement and to
perpetuate modern scientific software development principles in order to make research software engineering more sustainable.
HIFIS Software will build and foster communities to support the necessary cultural change
@@ -76,3 +78,6 @@ will also provide guidance on how to build communities of practice.
Currently, we are investigating a concept called [HackyHour](https://github.com/amandamiotto/HackyHourHandbook).
[Join us](https://pad.gwdg.de/s/BkAKOLoPL) on our next event.
We would be more than happy, to have you on board!
### [Guidelines]({% link guidelines/index.md %})
We provide [guidelines]({% link guidelines/index.md %}), e.g., for productive use of online collaboration tools (video, chat, notetaking) as well as on The Helmholtz Open Science Software Policy Template.