add AWI webODV
Added a new service (AWI webODV).
665249e8: Add submodule
git submodule add ../awi-webodv.git subprojects/AWI-WebODV
- f366363e: Metadata such as Onboarding time, display name; and internal softlinks
- 97d8d6ce: Time is given in non-standard format, so a specific descriptor is defined here
- 7e3677cc: Add the (yet very trivial) plots to gallery (optional)
- 75f942f0: Placeholder for KPI weights. So far all set to zero, to be adapted later by Cloud Management.
To do:
Approval of from Service Integration that service data is ready and this can be merged to master @agiesler -
Definition of appropriate weights from Cloud Management@SpickerHZB👉 later, after onboarding
Edited by Uwe Jandt (DESY, HIFIS)