Consulting Reports (CR)
This repository holds all compiled consulting reports.
Final reports are saved within the reports folder. The template report and the template description can be found in the templates folder.
Contribute a report
Please follow these steps to compile one or more reports:
- Create a new branch directly from master branch and create a merge request (optionally use an issue).
- Copy the template report into the
folder. - Rename and file report.
- (Optional) Request review.
- Merge when the pipeline is green.
ℹ️ The Consulting Handbook gives you more information on how the report is structured.
- Install Poetry for dependency management.
Navigate to the repository directory.
Install the CLI dependencies and create a virtual environment for the project by running:
$ poetry install --only main
If you also want gui in- or output you need to install all related packages via:
$ poetry install --without dev
Usage via CLI
This project includes a CLI app for validating, linting, and generating a software engineering consulting report. The project uses Poetry for dependency management and packaging.
$ reporting [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS] ...
COMMAND | Description |
analysis |
Extract most import information for reporting via console. |
lint |
Checks if the yaml files are linted correctly. |
validate |
Validates the overall consistency of the presented reports. |
More information on the command line interface (CLI):
$ poetry run reporting --help
Basic Usage
$ reporting analysis
$ reporting lint
$ reporting validate
$ reporting analysis --help
Usage: reporting analysis [OPTIONS]
Extract most import information for reporting.
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --reports PATH [default: reports] │
│ --year INTEGER [default: 2024] │
│ --center TEXT [default: all] │
│ --help Show this message and exit. │
Lint report files using a specified YAML linter configuration. This function checks the correctness of YAML report files using a specified YAML lint configuration. A table of linter errors is displayed for each file containing errors. The function exits with a non-zero exit code if any errors are found.
$>> reporting lint --help
Usage: reporting lint [OPTIONS]
Checks if the yaml files are linted correctly.
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --reports PATH [default: reports] │
│ --linter-config PATH [default: .yamllint.yml] │
│ --help Show this message and exit. │
Validate report files against a JSON schema. This function checks the correctness and validity of report YAML files against a JSON schema. It prints validation results and exits with a non-zero exit code if any errors are found.
$>> reporting validate --help
Usage: reporting validate [OPTIONS]
Validates the overall consistency of the presented reports.
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --reports PATH [default: reports] │
│ --schema-reference-file PATH [default: │
│ templates/consultation-report.schema.… │
│ --help Show this message and exit. │
Usage of the library
After installing the package in your python environment your can access cr_analysis
!!! example ``` python import cr_analysis cr_analysis.reports_validation( reports='./reports/', schema_file="./templates/consultation-report.schema.json" )
dataset = cr_analysis.reports_analysis(
stores the requested information in a pandas dataframe. With this you can simply create different analysis and output formats.
Usage of the GUI elements
When also the required GUI libraries are installed you have two additional commands available for reporting
, plot
and create
$ reporting --help
╭─ Commands ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ analysis Extract most import information for reporting. │
│ create Creates a report via a HTML interface │
│ lint Checks if the yaml files are linted correctly. │
│ plot Creates a HTML file with plots based on the CLI │
│ analysis output. │
│ validate Validates the overall consistency of the presented │
│ reports. │
When you use:
$ reporting create
a browser window should open automatically that displays the form. Alternatively, you can manually open a browser and enter the address that is displayed in the console.

When utilizing the plot
command you have the following options available:
Usage: reporting plot [OPTIONS]
Creates a HTML with plots based on the CLI analysis output.
╭─ Options ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --destination FILE [default: reports.html] │
│ --reports PATH [default: reports] │
│ --year INTEGER [default: 2024] │
│ --center TEXT [default: all] │
│ --help Show this message and exit. │
!!! example
$ reporting plot --year 2023 --center DLR
Please see the file for further information about how the content is licensed.
For extracting license information of any FILE
, use:
$ poetry install --only dev
$ reuse --suppress-deprecation spdx | grep --after-context 5 FILE
The license information are stored in .reuse/dep5
To check the compliance of the project with REUSE version 3, you run the following:
$ reuse lint