@@ -13,13 +13,14 @@ Please see the original episodes for further details about the introduced topics
## Repositories
- There are different options and use cases for multiple repositories as shown in: [Git-SCM.com/about/distributed](https://git-scm.com/about/distributed)
- Explain that we are using a `shared repository` which is used for synchronizing the work of all involved persons.
## Publish the local Repository in GitLab
- Create an **empty** GitLab project named `planets` and visibility `private` via the [GitLab Web interface](https://gitlab.com/help/gitlab-basics/create-project.md):
- Explain available options & usefulness of description for [`/explore` filter](https://gitlab.com/explore/projects)
- Ask, what happens when the create button is clicked ([`git init --bare`](https://swcarpentry.github.io/git-novice/fig/git-freshly-made-github-repo.svg)).
-`Initialize ... README` would cause "Initial commit" (this option should be unchecked!)
## Remotes
- Explain the concept of **Remotes**
- Preview [`clone`, `fetch` vs. `pull`, `push` commands][remote-overview]
- Copy URL from newly created repository:
@@ -31,15 +32,15 @@ Please see the original episodes for further details about the introduced topics
- Show that a new remote was added:
-`git remote -v`
- Explain `fetch` and `push`
### Push and Pull
- Push the recent changes to the new repository:
-`git push`
- Try only `git push`, note `--set-upstream` hint & apply it
-**Exercise:**[Push vs. Commit](https://swcarpentry.github.io/git-novice/07-github/index.html#push-vs-commit)
- Show push result in GitLab:
- Explain usefulness of good commit messages for `History` and `Blame` views
## Change the remote Repository and synchronize locally
- Create the file `venus.txt` via the GitLab Web interface:
- Add line: `Wolfman will appreciate the absence of moons`
- Set `Commit message` to `"Start notes on Venus as a base"`
@@ -47,10 +48,13 @@ Please see the original episodes for further details about the introduced topics
- Change the file `mars.txt` via the GitLab Web interface:
- Add line: `We have to bring our own oxygen`
- Set `Commit message` to `"Add notes about Mars' atmosphere"`
- Compare GitLab-`Graph` with local `git log --oneline`
-`git fetch` and `git status` => "behind"
-`git log --oneline --all`
- Pull and show log and `git status` => "up to date with 'origin/master'"
- Fetch the changes
-`git fetch`
-`git log --oneline --all` and compare with the `Graph` in GitLab
-`git status` => "behind"
- Integrate changes into the local `master` branch
-`git pull`
-`git status` => "up to date with 'origin/master'"
- Highlight difference to **working copies** in SVN
- Explain that all changes were included **without** merge commit ("fast-forward")
- Show [Atlassian's "Fast Forward Merge" figure](https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/using-branches/git-merge)