- Adjust Data model to match Metadata Schema for the Persistent Identification of Scientific Measuring Instruments.
- PID as Extension
- Send a create PID request after post.
What is done in This MR:
We have now flowing endpoint:
: list and post -
get, search, update and delete
Create a PID
will be created and saved automatically to the corresponding entity in the database.
First method
Send a request to the pids
with instrument data
Instrument Data is a list of dictionaries, which should have all flowing attributes:
- type: required: The data type defines the syntax and semantics of the data in its data field.
- source_object_url: required: A landing page that the identifier resolves to.
- id: required: Unique string that identifies the instrument instance.
- identifier_type: required: Type of the identifier.
- schema_version: required: Version number of the PIDINST schema used in this record
- contact_email: required: contact_email name of the owner.
- given_name: required: given_name name of the owner.
- family_name: required: family_name name of the owner.
- manufacturer_uri: The instrument's manufacturer(s) or developer. This may also be the owner for custom build instruments.
- manufacturer: required: Full name of the manufacturer.
"instrument_data": {
"type": "device",
"id": "1",
"identifier_type": "Handel",
"family_name":"Alhaj Taha",
Second method
Send a request with the id of the entity and the backend will fill the attributes.
instrument_instance is a dictionary which hast exactly three attributes to choose the right entity from database.
- type: required: The type od the entity ∈ = {"device", "platform"}
- id: required: The id of the entity.
- source_uri: required: landing page of the entity.
"id": "1",
"source_object_uri": "https://localhost/devices/1"
Edited by Kotyba Alhaj Taha