1.17.0 protected6a363175 · ·
Added: - new generic frontend image, can be used to set the environment variables during runtime - UX improvements (winter only) Fixed: - Problem with truncated items in navigation drawer Changed: - detached footer on landing page, navigation drawer and footer sharing screen width
1.16.3 protected874b9d78 · ·
Added: - common form component for attachments - fullscreen image preview and delimiters on image overview - hint for wiki on landing page Fixed: - Problem on non refreshing messages if a device or platform is not available to be mounted - Problem that links without http or https prefix are not linked correctly
1.16.2 protectedfe6b84b7 · ·
Added: - improved filter options for get list endpoint of datastream links - page to show basic information about one datastream link - automatic creation of versions for zenodo publication - frontend shows ids of measured quantities - frontend can now open and focus on a selected measured quantities by a given url - page to lookup the by the measured quantity id - more labels and notes on suggestion dialog for new manufacturers - "sites&labs" page has a map which shows listed sites and a button to show a specific listed site on the map - possibility to automatically render a created image attachment on the Basic data page - devices that are involved in the measurement (loggers, multiplexers) can now be added to the datastream link - Include provenance term and ucum case sensitive symbol for cv units Fixed: - loaddata command is now more robust according to files with just a new line - startup for M2 Mac OS with docker desktop was improved - typo in validation message when setting the unmount date for a parent platform - don't try to check platform mounts for usage in dynamic location actions Changed: - Cleanup of unused docker images on GFZ servers is now done via `docker image prune` - Usage of the absolute url to checkout the git submodule for the CV - Improved style of items in device select of a data linking - Adjusted the executative directors entries in the GFZ legal notice page
1.16.1 protected730923ef · ·
Fixed: - favicon can now be loaded for sms instances, which don't run under root path
1.16.0 protected840af4ae · ·
Added: - added possibility to edit location actions from the actions tab of a configuration - visibility markers for export control information (public or export control only) - created at field for the manufacturer models in order to keep track when those were added to the system - extended openapi specs - multiple wildcard idl conventions are now supported - Scripts to update cv related names from the latest entries in the controlled vocabulary as well as code to analyse for which entries we still miss to have links to CV - add more links from the frontend to the CV entries - show info if an image (URL attachment) is no longer available - heatmap of days and activity within the system - PIDs for sites - integrated sms logos - labels for the mounts - display scale on maps - added validation to numeric fields of device measured quantities - added a dragger at the bottom of maps to adjust the size of maps - loaddata command can update fields based on some unique criteria Changed: - dialog to suggest new manfacturer entries now mentions RORs for the provenance url - the licenes of the system is now the EUPL-1.2 - Renamed tsm linking to data linking - Related units are now suggested, but all units are selectable for measured quantities - Harmonized field-titles "Begin description" & "End description" of the mount information - Improved the validation performance of the "mount information step" when mounting a platform/device on a configuration [MR389](https://codebase.helmholtz.cloud/hub-terra/sms/orchestration/-/merge_requests/389) - improved messages for cases that mount edits can't be done - Revised README.md and moved institute-specific information to separate directory Fixed: - SensorML validation for unit name values that contain whitespaces - Fixed https://codebase.helmholtz.cloud/hub-terra/sms/service-desk/-/issues/89 - The "Open in new tab" of a device or platform in the mounting wizard (step 3) of a configuration now opens the correct URL (also when creating a new tsm linking) - Fixed a problem when inserting small values like 0.05 (stating with 0.0) in some of the number fields - Added CSRF trusted origins for the IDL component - Updated IDL image, so that github accounts can be used again - Fixes a bug in the management of manufacturer model entries - Fixed bug when deleting contact in mount wizard step 4 "Add mount information" [MR391](https://codebase.helmholtz.cloud/hub-terra/sms/orchestration/-/merge_requests/391) - Bug on validating time span ranges on device mounts with child mounts
1.15.1 protecteddd78dced · ·
Changed: - computed offsets are now round on micrometer scale to avoid showing odd values due to floating point arithmetic Fixed: - updated the UFZ group info page for the switch to Hifis VO
1.15.0 protecteda0437552 · ·
Changed: (UFZ): changed to SMS-IDL to use Hifis VO (and subgroups) and allowed syncing of these groups
1.14.0 protected13c56dad · ·
Added: - Images are also previewed in edit mode on mobile devices - Setup for SMS sandbox deployment on https://sensors-sandbox.gfz-potsdam.de - (GFZ): GFZ IDL Version 0.4 will be used - Autocompletion for keywords - Export control workflow support - Organization and search by manufacturer and model - Extended sarch option for own configurations - SensorML for devices and platforms now contain a gml:name attribute - Campaign field for configurations Changed: - The SMS now sends values for missing information according to the datacite values for unknown information - Owner information for B2inst are now the institutions - Re-added the inventory number for the B2inst export Fixed: - Improve/Enable the correct rearranging of images - Images are shown via a proxy, so that we can show images on servers with more CORS restrictions - Fixed loading of image urls after saving configurations - Fixed some typos on the tsm linking wizzard
1.13.0 protected31c57442 · ·
Added: - Image attachments of devices, platforms, configurations and sites can now be selected as rendered preview images on the Basic Data tab - Mount actions listed in the 'actions' tab of a configuration now have the "edit" option, which redirect to the edit form of that mount action - Mounts can have explicit coordinates - Shortcut to add a value for a parameter of device, platform or configuration - Endpoint URL is displayed in the tsm linking form when selecting a endpoint - Tooltip to explain why a paramter can not be deleted if the delete button is disabled - Shortcut to edit or delete a value of a parameter of device, platform or configuration - Locations of configurations in sensorML - Autocompletion for device & platform model fields Changed: - Parameters of device, platform or configuration are now sorted alphabetically Fixed: - Adjusted the ordering of the elements in sensorML - Stop showing the back to search button when opening the search page manually - After editing the name of a parameter of device, platform or configuration the updated name will also be displayed in the parameter value table for a selected date
1.12.0 protected2b00de98 · ·
Added: - Buttons to return to search pages Changed: - Tree with hierarchy of platforms and devices on a configuration now shows the device & platform types instead of generic "Device" and "Platform" texts Fixed: - The lower button "Add Attachment" in Platform Attachment now works. - Improved id filters for json:api relationships
1.11.0 protected40fcdb91 · ·
Changed: (UFZ): reverted changes to use the Hifis VO back to old service
1.10.0 protected78cbd4b2 · ·
Added: - Updated the content of legal notice, privacy policy and terms of use within the footer pages for a FZJ instance's demo version. - show version numbers based on git tags - Unit for accuracy - sites locations tab shows sub sites - Add hint for the selected date at Platforms and Devices tab of configuration - manage.py commands to update b2inst records Changed: - improved sort logic for mounts and unmounts that have the very same date - inventory numbers are removed from B2inst export Fixed: - Improved handling of missing values for sites
1.9.0 protected6ca3fb5f · ·
Added: - option to create site hierarchies - PID links in search results - support for searches with asterisk Changed: - change occurrencies of `TSM-Linking(s)` in the UI to `TSM Linking(s)` - (UFZ): changed to SMS-IDL to use Hifis VO (and subgroups) and allowed syncing of these groups - (UFZ): Switched link for UFZ group management to Hifis VOs - adjust default icons for expandable text Fixed: - improved display of very long email addresses - search for site selection of configurations doesn't use preset filters from the extended site search anymore - Links into the GFZ website
1.8.1 protectedc492c31e · ·
Fixed: - No redirect for location pages of public configurations if the user is not logged in
1.8.0 protectedf58e8544 · ·
Added: - links from profile page to contact page - Keywords - field to set the country of origin for devices & platforms to support export control - checks to ensure that no duplicated contact role entries can be added - Tab to show the locations of all the configurations for a site - Pagination for device selection for tsm linkings Changed: - Devices can now also be mounted on other devices - Increased number of workers for gunicorn - Included material design icons for styleguidist in frontend to avoid calling external ressources Fixed: - information about selected item in configuration tree sticks while scrolling
1.7.0 protected2d92609b · ·
Added: - extended display of definitions from the CV for contact roles, device types, manufacturers and platform types - more usage statistic values (pids, uploads, ...) - Activated B2INST support on UFZ instance (stage/production) Changed: - the ordering of the platforms & devices on the mounting-actions endpoint is now by short name - Combine entries for different roles of the same person when showing the contacts of devices/platforms/configurations/sites. - updated privacy policy for B2INST usage on UFZ
1.6.0 protected69c8833c · ·
Added: - description fields for device properties, attachments & custom fields - autocompletion for attachment labels - automatic selection of measured quantities and parameters for action data if there is only one element to select - QR Code functionality - button to use the set the current location for static locations of configurations - Activated B2INST support on GFZ instance (production) Changed: - removed the strong linkage of site usage and site type so that we can set any combination of both - ufz changed cv url for frontend stage image - use service desk of the orchestration repo instead of the separate service desk repo
1.5.1 protected3edac09f · ·
- set the default count for sites to zero - unset the pid env url for the frontend at GFZ (until B2INST allows productive use explicitly)
1.5.0 protected6f20313c · ·
- switch to central CV - description for sites & labs on landing page - sites & labs added to the list of recent acitivites - b2Inst interface functionality - improved error handling on problems on PID generation when creating devices, platforms, or configurations