Epics base
- Version of EPICS :
- Version of Ubuntu :
This image puts EPICS base at /opt/epics/base This image tries to keep the image relatively by deleting EPICS source and keeping the cache clean.
Pipeline can be distinguished into two main branches: build and test.
The build can be triggered either by a new tag or merge to the main branch. The tests validate the image and store the outcome in a .log file as an artifact. If the image with tag latest doesn't exist it will be build and pushed to the registry.
- Use kaniko to build the image. (kaniko)
- Do just a basic test to validate the image (manifest).
docker login registry.hzdr.de
docker build -t registry.hzdr.de/hzb/epics/base/ubuntu_20_04:1.1.0 .
docker push registry.hzdr.de/hzb/epics/base/ubuntu_20_04