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Creating a pipeline for testing and linting

Tobias Schanz requested to merge Include_tests_in_pipeline into main

Now Gitlab CI is being used to run the unittests. The order is the following:

  1. Pre-commit runs and if changes are detected it makes a new commit
  2. If pre-commit succeeds 3 jobs are started in parallel:
      1. Gitlab code quality checks (is allowed to fail)
      1. Pylint: This is way stricter than pre-commit!
      1. Unittest: testing all our tests
  3. Only if Unittests are successful, and we are on the main branch, then we build the documentation
  4. Upload the documentation

Doing this, I had to revert to python 3.9 because pytorch-lightning does not provide a python 3.10 image. Also the version is now automatically managed using

Closes #23 (closed) #10 (closed) #9 (closed)

Merge request reports