@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ The Infrastructure Proxy is used to connect services that address cross-communit
## Checklist for connecting services to the Infrastructure Proxy
1. Technical Aspects
1.1 Make sure that the service supports and is able to consume the Community Attribute Profiles specified in the current version of the [Infrastructure Attribute Policy](policies.md#nfdi-policies)
1.2 The connection to the infra proxy is always established via OpenID Connect:
- The configuration URL of the Proxy's OP component: https://infraproxy.nfdi-aai.dfn.de/.well-known/openid-configuration
- We would need the **redirect_uri** to register the respective service, in exchange for a **client_id** and a **client_secret**.
-We carry out the final integration as part of an interactive session (video conference).
### Technical Aspects
- Make sure that the service supports and is able to consume the Community Attribute Profiles specified in the current version of the [Infrastructure Attribute Policy](policies.md#nfdi-policies)
- The connection to the infra proxy is always established via OpenID Connect:
- The configuration URL of the Proxy's OP component: https://infraproxy.nfdi-aai.dfn.de/.well-known/openid-configuration
- For registering a service, we'd need at least one **redirect_uri**, in exchange for a **client_id** and a **client_secret**.
-The final integration is usually done in an interactive session (video conference).