// APIError is an error object that is returned on the api when an error occurs
type APIError struct {
Error string `json:"error"`
ErrorDescription string `json:"error_description,omitempty"`
// ResponseNYI is the server response when something is not yet implemented
var ResponseNYI = Response{Status: fiber.StatusNotImplemented, Response: APIErrorNYI}
APIErrorUnknownIssuer = APIError{ErrorInvalidRequest, "The provided issuer is not supported"}
APIErrorStateMismatch = APIError{ErrorInvalidRequest, "State mismatched"}
APIErrorUnsupportedOIDCFlow = APIError{ErrorInvalidGrant, "Unsupported oidc_flow"}
APIErrorUnsupportedGrantType = APIError{ErrorInvalidGrant, "Unsupported grant_type"}
APIErrorBadPollingCode = APIError{ErrorAccessDenied, "Bad polling_code"}
APIErrorPollingCodeExpired = APIError{ErrorExpiredToken, "polling_code is expired"}
APIErrorAuthorizationPending = ErrorWithoutDescription(ErrorAuthorizationPending)
APIErrorNoRefreshToken = APIError{ErrorOIDC, "Did not receive a refresh token"}
APIErrorInsufficientCapabilities = APIError{ErrorInsufficientCapabilities, "The provided token does not have the required capability for this operation"}
APIErrorUsageRestricted = APIError{ErrorUsageRestricted, "The restrictions of this token does not allow this usage"}
APIErrorNYI = ErrorWithoutDescription(ErrorNYI)
// Predefined OAuth2/OIDC errors
const (
ErrorInvalidRequest = "invalid_request"
ErrorInvalidClient = "invalid_client"
ErrorInvalidGrant = "invalid_grant"
ErrorUnauthorizedClient = "unauthorized_client"
ErrorUnsupportedGrantType = "unsupported_grant_type"
ErrorInvalidScope = "invalid_scope"
ErrorInvalidToken = "invalid_token"
ErrorInsufficientScope = "insufficient_scope"
ErrorExpiredToken = "expired_token"
ErrorAccessDenied = "access_denied"
ErrorAuthorizationPending = "authorization_pending"
// Additional Mytoken errors
const (
ErrorInternal = "internal_server_error"
ErrorOIDC = "oidc_error"
ErrorNYI = "not_yet_implemented"
ErrorInsufficientCapabilities = "insufficient_capabilities"
ErrorUsageRestricted = "usage_restricted"
// InternalServerError creates an APIError for internal server errors
func InternalServerError(errorDescription string) APIError {
return APIError{
Error: ErrorInternal,
ErrorDescription: errorDescription,
// OIDCError creates an APIError for oidc related errors
func OIDCError(oidcError, oidcErrorDescription string) APIError {
err = fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", oidcError, oidcErrorDescription)
// OIDCErrorFromBody creates an APIError for oidc related errors from the response of an oidc provider
func OIDCErrorFromBody(body []byte) (error APIError, ok bool) {
bodyError := APIError{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &bodyError); err != nil {
error = OIDCError(bodyError.Error, bodyError.ErrorDescription)
ok = true
// BadRequestError creates an APIError for bad request errors
func BadRequestError(errorDescription string) APIError {
return APIError{
Error: ErrorInvalidRequest,
ErrorDescription: errorDescription,
// InvalidTokenError creates an APIError for invalid token errors
func InvalidTokenError(errorDescription string) APIError {
return APIError{
Error: ErrorInvalidToken,
ErrorDescription: errorDescription,
// ErrorWithoutDescription creates an APIError from an error string
func ErrorWithoutDescription(err string) APIError {
// ErrorWithErrorDescription creates an APIError from an error string and golang error
func ErrorWithErrorDescription(e string, err error) APIError {
ErrorDescription: err.Error(),