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Gabriel Zachmann's avatar
Gabriel Zachmann committed
<!-- Template: -->
<!-- ### Features -->
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<!-- ### API -->
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<!-- ### Enhancements -->
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<!-- ### Bugfixes -->
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<!-- ### OpenID Provider -->
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<!-- ### Dependencies -->
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## mytoken 0.8.0

### Features

- Added support for RFC8707 for requesting audience restricted ATs

### Changes

- Default behavior for requesting audience restricted ATs is now according to RFC8707; the previous behavor can be
  configured with these options:
    use_rfc8707: false
    request_parameter: "audience"
    space_separate_auds: true
### API

- When creating a mytoken from a mytoken and it is returned as a transfer code the response now contains the
  `mom_id` of the created mytoken.

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Gabriel Zachmann committed
### Bugfixes

- Fixed a bug where wrong dates where returned if the database used a different timezone than UTC.
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Gabriel Zachmann committed
- Fixed a bug in `mytoken-migratedb` were empty databases could not be setup.

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Gabriel Zachmann committed
### Dependencies

- Bump from 0.5.0 to 0.6.0
- Bump from 1.44.0 to 1.45.0
- Bump from 0.6.0 to 0.7.0
- Bump from 0.6.0 to 0.7.0
- Bump from 0.5.0 to 0.6.0
- Bump from 0.8.0 to 0.9.0
- Bump from 2.2.24 to 2.2.25
- Bump from 1.7.5 to 1.8.0
- Bump from 2.42.0 to 2.43.0
- Bump from 0.6.2 to 0.7.0

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Gabriel Zachmann committed
## mytoken 0.7.2

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Gabriel Zachmann committed
### Bugfixes

- Fixed a bug in the webinterface where the metadata discovery was broken.

## mytoken 0.7.1

### Bugfixes

- Fixed a bug in the webinterface with the local storage that caused problems with outdated discovery information
- Fixed a bug in the webinterface where the `Expand` `Collapse` buttons (e.g. in the consent screen) got the wrong text.
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Gabriel Zachmann committed
## mytoken 0.7.0

### Features

- Webinterface has option to show event history for other mytokens in mytoken list.
- Webinterface has a new option in the tokeninfo pane to create a new mytoken with the same properties.
- Added server side `profiles` and `templates`
  - Can be used in the API, i.e. mytoken requests can include profiles, the capability, restrictions, and rotation
    claims can use templates
  - Can be used in the webinterface
### Enhancements

- Improved responsiveness of webinterface
- Expired mytokens are now greyed-out in webinterface mytoken list
- The database auto-cleanup now only removes mytokens expired more than a month ago.
  - This allows expired tokens to be shown in a mytoken list for extended periods.
  - This also allows to obtain history for expired tokens (by using a mytoken with the `manage_mytokens:list`
    capability) for a longer time.
  - Mytokens are still directly deleted when revoked.
- Requests from private IPs (e.g. from within the same entwork where the server is located) are now geolocated to
  the country where the server stands.
- The 'Create Mytoken' tab in the webitnerface now supports an `r` query parameter that takes a base64 encoded
  request from which the form is prefilled.
  - This allows 'create-a-mytoken-with-these-properties' links.
- Added profile endpoint:
  - Any user can get list of groups
  - Any user can get profiles, and templates (capabilities, restrictions, rotation) for all the groups
  - Groups credentials are defined in the config file
    - With Basic authentication profiles and templates for the authenticated group can be created, updated, and deleted.
- Renamed `revocation_id` to `mom_id`
- Restructured capabilities related to other mytokens
- Added possibility to obtain history information for children and other tokens (capability)
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Gabriel Zachmann committed
- Added a name for OPs in the `supported_providers` of the mytoken configuration endpoint
### Bugfixes

- Fixed a bug where transfer codes could be used just like a short token (but only while the transfer code did not

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Gabriel Zachmann committed
## mytoken 0.6.1
Gabriel Zachmann's avatar
Gabriel Zachmann committed

### API

- Changed the restriction `ip` key to `hosts`:
  - Backward compatibility is preserved. The legacy key `ip` is still accepted.
  - The `hosts` entry can contain:
    - Single ip address
    - Subnet address
    - Host name (with or without wildcard)
      - To compare against this, on request a reverse dns lookup is done for the request's ip address

### Enhancements

- Location restriction can now be done with host names, not only plain ip addresses, see above for more details.
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Gabriel Zachmann committed
- Webinterface: Added message to tokeninfo after MT creation and TC exchange to indicate that users must copy the
  mytoken to persist it.
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Gabriel Zachmann committed
- Improved code quality
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Gabriel Zachmann committed
### Bugfixes

- Fixed a bug in the web interface where the scope selection indicator for access tokens where not updated.

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Gabriel Zachmann committed
### Dependencies

- Bump go version to 1.19
- Bump from 0.5.1 to 0.7.0
- Bump to 0.2.0
- Bump to 0.2.0
- Bump from 2.37.1 to 2.39.0
- Bump from 2.2.16 to 2.2.18
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Gabriel Zachmann committed
## mytoken 0.6.0

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Gabriel Zachmann committed
### API

- Dropped `subtoken_capabilities`, since the benefit was minimal, but made things more complex
  - Removed `subtoken_capabilities` from all API requests and responses
  - Removed `subtoken_capabilities` from the mytoken

### Enhancements

- Added introduction text in the web interface
- Session mytoken in web interface no longer uses `subtoken_capabilities` due to the drop, moved subtoken
  capabilities to the session mytoken as capabilities; added rotation on AT requests, added auto revocation

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Gabriel Zachmann committed
### Bugfixes

- Fixed a bug where mytokens with the `revoke_any_token` capabilities could revoke mytokens of other users if they
  can get possesion of the `revocation_id`
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Gabriel Zachmann committed
- Fixed problems in the web interface with restrictions / issuer selection when not logged in.
Gabriel Zachmann's avatar
Gabriel Zachmann committed

Gabriel Zachmann's avatar
Gabriel Zachmann committed
### Dependencies

- Bump from 3.2.0 to 3.4.0
- Bump from 1.6.30 to 1.7.1
- Bump from 2.36.0 to 2.37.1
- Bump from 1.39.0 to 1.40.0
- Bump from 0.3.4 to 0.3.5
- Bump from 2.2.15 to 2.2.16

## mytoken 0.5.4

### Bugfixes

- Fixed a bug in the webinterface where scope restrictions did not update correctly when not logged in and issuer

## mytoken 0.5.3

### Bugfixes

- Fixed a bug in the webinterface where mytokens could not be created when not logged-in

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Gabriel Zachmann committed
## mytoken 0.5.2

### Bugfixes

- Fixed a bug with requesting a consent screen for mytoken requests

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Gabriel Zachmann committed
## mytoken 0.5.1

### Enhancements

- In the tokeninfo - subtokens pane of the webinterface now only show the subtokens of the token in question,
  leaving out the actual token as their parent

### Bugfixes

- Fixed two bugs in the tokeninfo webinterface when introspecting mytokens issued by another server
- Fixed CORS of jwks

## mytoken 0.5.0
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Gabriel Zachmann committed

### Features

- Trusted web applications can skip the consent screen
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Gabriel Zachmann committed
- Reworked and improved major parts of the web interface:
  - Consent Screen:
    - On default a more compressed view is shown, where sections can be expanded if needed.
    - Displays the content of the `application_name` parameter if given.
    - Added possibility for clients to create a consent screen for mytoken-from-mytoken requests
  - Home Screen:
    - Replaced the tokeninfo pane with a new one
      - Removed tokeninfo about the session's mytoken
      - Added a tokeninfo pane to display tokeninfo for arbitrary mytokens (incl. introspection, history, subtokens)
      - Added possibility to create a transfer code
      - Moved the list of mytokens to a separate pane
      - Improved displaying the tree structure of mytokens
      - Reversed the token history order
    - Added "Exchange transfercode" pane, where a transfercode can be exchanged into a mytoken
    - Some parts can be used without being logged-in
  - Token Revocation:
    - Added possibility to revoke a mytoken in the tokeninfo pane
    - Added possibility to revoke listed tokens in the "My Mytokens" pane and in the "Tokeninfo - Subtokens" pane.
  - Capabilities:
    - Simplified the checking of capabilities
    - Read/Write capabilities are now not split but can be toggled
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Gabriel Zachmann committed
  - Create Mytoken:
    - After creation the mytoken is displayed in the tokeninfo pane, where it can be copied and of course
      information about the token is displayed
  - Settings:
    - Grant Types:
      - Include pages of different grant types in this view.
      - Grant Types can be expanded (collapsed on default).
      - Link to grant type page that was not clear enough is no longer needed.
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Gabriel Zachmann committed
### API

- Added `application_name` to mytoken requests.
- Added `token_type` to token introspection response.
- Added possibility to revoke tokens by `revocation_id`:
  - Added new `revoke_any_token` capability.
  - Added `revocation_id` parameter to responses that list tokens.

### Enhancements

- Admins can adapt the webinterface, i.e. for a custom style

### Bugfixes

- Fixed a bug in the mytoken webinterface where token introspection did not work on the settings page
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Gabriel Zachmann committed
- Fixed a bug in the mytoken webinterface restrictions editor, where audiences would always be set to zero when
  switching from the JSON editor to the GUI editor
- Fixed a bug where non-expiring mytokens would be revoked when database cleanup was enabled.
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Gabriel Zachmann committed
- Fixed a bug where the server could potentially crash
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Gabriel Zachmann committed
### Dependencies

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Gabriel Zachmann committed
- Bump from 1.37.0 to 1.39.0
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Gabriel Zachmann committed
- Bump from 2.34.0 to 2.35.0
- Bump from 1.8.1 to 1.9.0
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Gabriel Zachmann committed
- Bump from 1.6.28 to 1.6.30
- Bump from 2.2.13 to 2.2.15
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Gabriel Zachmann committed

Gabriel Zachmann's avatar
Gabriel Zachmann committed
## mytoken 0.4.3

### Bugfixes

- Fixed a bug where mytokens could not be used with x-www-form-urlencoding
- Fixed a bug where `x-www-form-urlencoding` was not accepted on token revocation endpoint
Gabriel Zachmann's avatar
Gabriel Zachmann committed
### Dependencies

- Bumped from 1.3.4 to 1.3.5
- Bumped from 1.2.18 to 1.2.23
- Bumped from 1.6.22 to 1.6.27
- Bumped from 2.2.6 to 2.2.12
- Bumped from 0.6.1 to 0.6.2
- Bumped from 2.26.0 to 2.32.0
- Bumped from 1.33.0 to 1.36.0

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Gabriel Zachmann committed
## mytoken 0.4.2

### Bugfixes

- Fixed a bug where the webinterface was not updated to use the renamed tokeninfo subtokens action

Gabriel Zachmann's avatar
Gabriel Zachmann committed
## mytoken 0.4.1

### API

- Changed tokeninfo subtokens action name
- Added the `tokeninfo` capability to the default capabilities of a mytoken

### Enhancements

- The `tokeninfo` capability is now checked by default when creating a mytoken
- Improved the output in the ssh protocol on bad requests

### Bugfixes

- Fixed tooltip text in webinterface on the book icon of read-only capabilities
- Fixed a bug where in the webinterface when creating a new mytoken the instructions to go to the consent screen, where
  still visible after the mytoken was obtained
- Fixed a bug where the consent screen stopped working after a timeout without displaying any error message
- Fixed a bug where 404 and other status codes where logged as errors

### Dependencies

- Bumped from 2.25.0 to 2.26.0
- Bumped from 1.6.21 to 1.6.22
- Bumped from 2.2.5 to 2.2.6
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Gabriel Zachmann committed

## mytoken 0.4.0
Gabriel Zachmann's avatar
Gabriel Zachmann committed

Gabriel Zachmann's avatar
Gabriel Zachmann committed
### Features

- Smart Logging: Only log up to a certain log level on default, but on error log everything
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Gabriel Zachmann committed
- Added User Settings endpoint
- Added possibility for user grants: grants that are not enabled on default, but can be enabled / disabled by a user
  and (might) require additional setup
- Added `ssh` user grant:
  - Can be enabled / disabled at the grants endpoint
  - SSH keys can be added, removed, listed at ssh grant endpoint
  - Added ssh keys can be used to obtain ATs, MTs, and other information (e.g. tokeninfo) through the ssh protocol at
    port `2222`
- Extended capabilities:
  - Some capabilities now have a "path" and "sub"-capabilities, e.g. (`tokeninfo` includes `tokeninfo:introspect`
    and more).
  - Some capabilities have a read only version, e.g. `read@settings`
  - Some capabilities have been renamed, e.g. (`tokeninfo_introspect` -> `tokeninfo:introspect`)

### API

- Changed default redirect type in auth code grant to `native`

### Mytoken

- Added `auth_time` to mytoken
### Enhancements

- Added request ids to response header and logging
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Gabriel Zachmann committed
- Refactored database; now using stored procedures which should ease database migration
- Moved automatic cleanup of expired database entries to the database
- Support symlinks when reading files
### Security Fixes

- Fixed a bug, where mytokens could be created from any mytoken not only from mytokens with the `create_mytoken`

### Bugfixes

- Fixed a bug where restrictions did not behave correctly when multiple subnets were used
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Gabriel Zachmann committed
- Fixed response type on oidc errors on redirect in the authorization code flow
- Fixed `404` on api paths returning `html` instead of `json`

### Dependencies

- Updated various dependencies to the newest version

### Other

- Dropped the `mytoken-dbgc` tool, now moved to the database
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Gabriel Zachmann committed
## mytoken 0.3.3

### Mytoken

- Added the name of a mytoken to the JWT.

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Gabriel Zachmann committed
### API

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Gabriel Zachmann committed
- Don't redirect from `/.well-known/openid-configuration` to `/.well-known/mytoken-configuration`. Instead,
  returning the same content on both endpoints.
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Gabriel Zachmann committed

### Enhancements

- Removed buttons from webinterface in the tokeninfo tabs. The content now loads directly when switching the tab.
- Removed most need for CDNs; now self-hosting resources.
- Added setup of db database and db user to the setup utility.
- Made Link in the web interface on the create-mytoken page better visible.
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Gabriel Zachmann committed

- Fixed the error returned from the server if no capability for a mytoken was provided.
- Fixed PKCE code verifier length.
- Fixed Datetimepicker issues on consent page.
- Fixed response type if an (oidc) error occures on the redirect step of the authorization code flow.
- Fixed a bug where mytokens that are not yet valid could not be created
## mytoken 0.3.2

- Fixed password prompt for migratedb

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Gabriel Zachmann committed
## mytoken 0.3.1

- Improved helper tools

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Gabriel Zachmann committed
## mytoken 0.3.0
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Gabriel Zachmann committed

Gabriel Zachmann's avatar
Gabriel Zachmann committed
### Features
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Gabriel Zachmann's avatar
Gabriel Zachmann committed
- Changes to the mytoken
  - Added a version to the mytoken token
  - Added token type 'mytoken'
  - Now using a hash value as the subject
- Added Dockerfiles; mytoken can easily run with swarm
- Added OIDC-compatibility for requesting ATs
  - ATs can be requested using the mytoken as the refresh token in a OIDC refresh flow
- Deployment Configuration
  - Added option to set maximum lifetime of mytokens
  - Added option to disable restriction keys 
  - Made request limits configurable
- Changed setup db to new db migration tool
- Added support for token rotation, incl. optional auto revocation
- Added option to set maximum token length when requesting a mytoken

### Webinterface
- Added option to create mytoken in the web interface
- Reworked consent screen
- Added possibility to set scopes and audiences when requesting an AT
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- Improvements

### Enhancements
- Using better cryptographic functions
- Set cookie as secure if issuer uses https, indepent of a potential proxy
- Improved packaging
- Improved code base
- Improved error tracebility

### Bugfixes
- Fixed bugs in the webinterface
- Fixed other bugs

### OIDC
- Add PKCE support

### Dependencies
- Bumped several dependencies