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setup.go 6.12 KiB
package main

import (

	log ""

	loggerUtils ""

type _rootDBCredentials struct {
	User         string
	Password     string
	PasswordFile string

var rootDBCredentials _rootDBCredentials

func (cred _rootDBCredentials) ToDBConf() config.DBConf {
	return config.DBConf{
		Hosts:             config.Get().DB.Hosts,
		User:              cred.User,
		Password:          cred.Password,
		PasswordFile:      cred.PasswordFile,
		ReconnectInterval: config.Get().DB.ReconnectInterval,

var dbFlags = []cli.Flag{
		Name:        "user",
		Aliases:     []string{"u", "root-user", "db-user"},
		Usage:       "The username for the (root) user used for setting up the db",
		EnvVars:     []string{"DB_USER"},
		Value:       "root",
		Destination: &rootDBCredentials.User,
		Placeholder: "ROOT",
		Name:        "password",
		Aliases:     []string{"p", "pw", "db-password", "db-pw"},
		Usage:       "The password for the (root) user used for setting up the db",
		EnvVars:     []string{"DB_PW", "DB_PASSWORD"},
		Destination: &rootDBCredentials.Password,
		Placeholder: "PASSWORD",
		Name:        "password-file",
		Aliases:     []string{"pw-file"},
		Usage:       "Read the password for connecting to the database from this file",
		EnvVars:     []string{"DB_PASSWORD_FILE", "DB_PW_FILE"},
		Destination: &rootDBCredentials.PasswordFile,
		TakesFile:   true,
		Placeholder: "FILE",

var app = &cli.App{
	Name:     "mytoken-setup",
	Usage:    "Command line client for easily setting up a mytoken server",
	Version:  version.VERSION(),
	Compiled: time.Time{},
	Authors: []*cli.Author{{
		Name:  "Gabriel Zachmann",
		Email: "",
	Copyright:              "Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2020-2021",
	UseShortOptionHandling: true,
	Commands: cli.Commands{
			Name:        "signing-key",
			Aliases:     []string{"key"},
			Usage:       "Generates a new signing key",
			Description: "Generates a new signing key according to the properties specified in the config file and stores it.",
			Action:      createSigningKey,
			Name:  "install",
			Usage: "Installs needed dependencies",
			Subcommands: cli.Commands{
					Name:    "geoip-db",
					Aliases: []string{"geo-ip-db"},
					Usage:   "Installs the ip geolocation database.",
					Action:  installGEOIPDB,
			Name:  "db",
			Usage: "Setups for the database",
			Flags: append([]cli.Flag{}, dbFlags...),
			Subcommands: cli.Commands{
					Name:    "db",
					Aliases: []string{"database"},
					Usage:   "Creates the database in the database server",
					Action:  createDB,
					Flags:   append([]cli.Flag{}, dbFlags...),
					Name:   "user",
					Usage:  "Creates the normal database user",
					Action: createUser,
					Flags:  append([]cli.Flag{}, dbFlags...),

func main() {
	if err := app.Run(os.Args); err != nil {

func installGEOIPDB(_ *cli.Context) error {
	archive, err := zipdownload.DownloadZipped("")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	log.Debug("Downloaded zip file")
	err = ioutil.WriteFile(config.Get().GeoIPDBFile, archive["IP2LOCATION-LITE-DB1.IPV6.BIN"], 0644)
	if err == nil {
		log.WithField("file", config.Get().GeoIPDBFile).Debug("Installed geo ip database")
		fmt.Printf("Installed geo ip database file to '%s'.\n", config.Get().GeoIPDBFile)
	return err

func createSigningKey(_ *cli.Context) error {
	sk, _, err := jws.GenerateKeyPair()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	str := jws.ExportPrivateKeyAsPemStr(sk)
	filepath := config.Get().Signing.KeyFile
	if fileutil.FileExists(filepath) {
		log.WithField("filepath", filepath).Debug("File already exists")
		if !prompter.YesNo(fmt.Sprintf("File '%s' already exists. Do you  want to overwrite it?", filepath), false) {
	if err = ioutil.WriteFile(filepath, []byte(str), 0600); err != nil {
		return err
	log.WithField("filepath", filepath).Debug("Wrote key to file")
	fmt.Printf("Wrote key to file '%s'.\n", filepath)
	return nil

//go:embed scripts
var sqlScripts embed.FS

func readSQLFile(path string) (string, error) {
	data, err := sqlScripts.ReadFile(path)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	return string(data), nil

func _getSetVars() (string, error) {
	return readSQLFile("scripts/vars.sql")
func getSetVarsCommands(db, user, password string) (string, error) {
	cmds, err := _getSetVars()
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	if db != "" {
		cmds += fmt.Sprintf(`EXECUTE setDB USING '%s';\n`, db)
	if user != "" {
		cmds += fmt.Sprintf(`EXECUTE setUser USING '%s';\n`, user)
	if password != "" {
		cmds += fmt.Sprintf(`EXECUTE setPassword USING '%s';\n`, password)
	return cmds, nil
func getDBCmds() (string, error) {
	return readSQLFile("scripts/db.sql")
func getUserCmds() (string, error) {
	return readSQLFile("scripts/user.sql")

func createDB(_ *cli.Context) error {
	cmds, err := getSetVarsCommands(config.Get().DB.DB, config.Get().DB.User, config.Get().DB.GetPassword())
	if err != nil {
		return err
	dbCmds, err := getDBCmds()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	cmds += dbCmds
	return dbcl.RunDBCommands(cmds, rootDBCredentials.ToDBConf(), true)

func createUser(_ *cli.Context) error {
	cmds, err := getSetVarsCommands(config.Get().DB.DB, config.Get().DB.User, config.Get().DB.GetPassword())
	if err != nil {
		return err
	userCmds, err := getUserCmds()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	cmds += userCmds
	return dbcl.RunDBCommands(cmds, rootDBCredentials.ToDBConf(), true)