Gabriel Zachmann authoredGabriel Zachmann authored
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
mytoken 0.3.3
- Added the name of a mytoken to the JWT.
- Don't redirect from
. Instead returning the same content on both endpoints.
- Removed buttons from webinterface in the tokeninfo tabs. The content now loads directly when switching the tab.
- Removed most need for CDNs; now self-hosting resources.
- Added setup of db database and db user to the setup utility.
- Made Link in the web interface on the create-mytoken page better visible.
- Fixed the error returned from the server if no capability for a mytoken was provided.
- Fixed PKCE code verifier length.
- Fixed Datetimepicker issues on consent page.
- Fixed response type if an (oidc) error occures on the redirect step of the authorization code flow.
mytoken 0.3.2
- Fixed password prompt for migratedb
mytoken 0.3.1
- Improved helper tools
mytoken 0.3.0
- Changes to the mytoken
- Added a version to the mytoken token
- Added token type 'mytoken'
- Now using a hash value as the subject
- Added Dockerfiles; mytoken can easily run with swarm
- Added OIDC-compatibility for requesting ATs
- ATs can be requested using the mytoken as the refresh token in a OIDC refresh flow
- Deployment Configuration
- Added option to set maximum lifetime of mytokens
- Added option to disable restriction keys
- Made request limits configurable
- Changed setup db to new db migration tool
- Added support for token rotation, incl. optional auto revocation
- Added option to set maximum token length when requesting a mytoken
- Added option to create mytoken in the web interface
- Reworked consent screen
- Added possibility to set scopes and audiences when requesting an AT
- Improvements
- Using better cryptographic functions
- Set cookie as secure if issuer uses https, indepent of a potential proxy
- Improved packaging
- Improved code base
- Improved error tracebility
- Fixed bugs in the webinterface
- Fixed other bugs
- Add PKCE support
- Bumped several dependencies